Ginette Petit


Птицы падали дождем
В глухом лесу, отрезанные от всего мира живут пожилые затворники. В сезон лесных пожаров умирает их старый товарищ по имени Бойчук, что навсегда меняет привычный жизненный уклад. Как и еще одно обстоятельство: явление восьмидесятилетней старушки, которую незаслуженно продержали всю жизнь в лечебницах. Затем их убежище обнаруживает фотограф, которой поручено сделать репортаж о стихийном бедствии. Две старушки найдут рисунки покойного Бойчука, в которых он ведёт повествование о своём трагическом прошлом, связанном с лесными пожарами.
Ça sent la coupe
Seven years ago, Max’s parents died in a car accident. Since then, the young man, now 35, has been treading water. He manages his father’s hockey memorabilia shop, lives in the apartment upstairs, and watches each and every Habs game with his friends. But he’s forced to take a hard look at his life when his girlfriend, Julie, leaves him, and his sister, Nathalie, comes back to town.
Hôtel La Louisiane
Hôtel La Louisiane is, at its core, a film about freedom and dignity. Freedom for those who wish to live in a place where they are able to feel inspired. Dignity for the hotel owner to stand by his promise to his father and keep their mission alive: to provide an affordable sanctuary for artists and students in search of fulfilling employment, which they certainly won’t find at other hotels. Freedom, too, to be in an environment of tolerance and rid of prejudice. This film is not just a story about a mythical setting in Paris; it portrays the microcosm of a lifestyle in which collective values reign supreme. A film where what’s real and true is placed above national borders or cultural barriers.