Simone Coppo

Simone Coppo


Simone Coppo


The Other Way
Russian front, January, 1943. It's hell: the flurries of sleet take the breath away and Sergeant Bisi can make out nothing in the landscape in front of him.
Haunted by memories of her broken marriage and a fight with her daughter, a woman joins an intense self-help retreat when her vacation goes awry.
Game of Love
Follows Vivien and Roy as their love story continues and leads them to Roy’s childhood home in Sicily to prepare for the sale of the family estate. During the visit, a mysterious woman arrives and befriends Vivien, much to Roy’s displeasure. Tensions build and lines are crossed as secrets from Roy’s past force the couple to face aspects of their relationship they did not know existed.
Fellini Forward
Investigating the last years of the famous filmmaker in Rome, combining the history of Italian cinema with new production techniques and going behind the scenes on the filmmaking process.
История моей жены
Капитан Якоб Штэрр заключает пари с приятелем, что женится на первой женщине, которая переступит порог кафе, в котором они коротают время. Избранницей становится ветреная француженка Лиззи. Восхитительная, очаровательная, но отнюдь не верная.
Истина в небесах
prelato assistente di Paul Marcinkus
Английский журналист приезжает в Италию для расследования тайнcтвенного исчезновения молодой ватиканской девушки, произошедшего в 1983 году.
Io rom romantica
Gioia has just turned 18 and according to her Romani parents it's time for them to marry her off to a suitable boy. But as an independent young woman, Gioia's more attracted to the gadjos (non-Romani) life on offer in contemporary Italy.