Cynthia Lea Clark

Cynthia Lea Clark

Рождение : 1964-11-26, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA


Cynthia Lea Clark


Punchcard Player
Bar Waitress
Materialistic 20-something Tim Perroni (Brian Napolitan) tries to find a high-paying career while juggling six part-time jobs in this dark comedy. Addicted to his decadent lifestyle, Tim finally lands a full-time dream job but loses it in a day -- and ends up with 10 part-time jobs far worse than his previous punch-card positions. As pressure mounts to maintain his extravagant manner of living, Tim realizes he's headed for a miserable existence.
Игра слов
Photographer (uncredited)
Элиза Науманн обладает редким умением безошибочно произносить по буквам даже самые сложные и длинные слова. И делает она это без особых усилий, что удивляет всех, включая ее учителей, одноклассников и особенно родителей и брата. Но когда Элиза начинает готовиться к самому важному событию в ее жизни – Национальному конкурсу по орфографии в Вашингтоне, ее семья вдруг распадается прямо на глазах. Ее отец Сол, профессор, занимающийся вопросами религии, видит нечто трансцендентальное в волшебном даре Элизы и решает посвятить ее в тайны Каббалы. А вот для ее мамы Мириам общие интересы Элизы и Сола служат лишь болезненным напоминанием о ее давних отношениях с мужем и родителями, которые трагически погибли, когда она была маленькой. Тем временем старший брат Элизы Аарон, лишившийся вдруг внимания отца, в отместку ему начинает экспериментировать с другими религиями и находит понимание со стороны красавицы кришнаитки Чали.
Последнее развлечение
Law Office Secretary
За неделю до свадьбы жених отправляется с друзьями в Лос-Анжелес «погулять напоследок». Невеста — Марша — в отместку тоже решает «погулять напоследок» и знакомится с Филом — очаровательным молодым человеком, который устал от многочисленных любовных похождений. Марша предлагает уикенд в Акапулько. После бурно проведенной ночи Фил понимает, что это женщина его мечты, и свадьбу надо расстроить во что бы то ни стало…
Sister Margaret and the Saturday Night Ladies
Social Services Clerk
A catholic nun tries hard to protect and integrate in society a number of young women with a past in reform schools or even prisons. Lack of funds, troublemakers in the group, outside incomprehension for her aim make her task hard, but eventually she achieves due to her faith in God, and the human person.
Something In Common
Dr. Black
A young man and a nice woman in her forties fall in love. His mother goes berserk when he tells her about it and when the girlfriend comes to meet the mother, she wants to jump out of her skin. Accepting her son's choice won't be easy.
Hollywood Harry
Bar Patron (uncredited)
Tongue-in-cheek account of a private eye hired to find a young porn actress.
Under the Influence
Nurse (uncredited)
A hard-drinking family man has been successful in his business despite his alcoholism. His daughter, a professional, struggles to meet her father's high expectations while she becomes addicted to prescription drugs; his son, who works for him and who serves as both his whipping boy and his drinking buddy, is becoming an alcoholic like his dad. Then the father's drinking finally takes its toll on his health, and he demands that his son bring him liquor in the hospital as his son's life, and his daughter's, fall apart at home.
From Here to Maternity
PG Lamaze Lady
Three women are on a quest to become mothers.
Дамский клуб
Nurse (uncredited)
История о том как изнасилованная женщина-полицейская формирует группу из таких же женщин-жертв насилия. Они ловят и усыпляют безнаказанных насильников, затем их кастрируют и отпускают. Но как и в любой мести, есть и обратная сторона содеянного.
Just Between Friends
Mom in Park (uncredited)
Holly and Sandy strike up an instant friendship; they don't know however that they have more in common than they'd like. When tragedy strikes, their relationship is tested.
Between Two Women
ICU Nurse (uncredited)
When shy school teacher Val and Harry, the son of an aged opera singer, get married, Val quickly discovers that Harry's mother, Barbara, is not very happy with their union. In fact, Barbara tries to separate the couple. But, when Barbara suffers a debilitating stroke, Val's compassion and empathy mend the rift between two women, giving Barbara the will to survive. But will Barbara learn to love her daughter-in-law?
Rainy Day Friends
A tough street kid from the L.A. barrios is discovered during an examination to have stomach tumors. During his hospitalization, he must learn to cope with not only his medical condition, but with people such as other patients, social workers and hospital personnel who come from a totally different world than he does--and they have to learn to cope with him.
Do You Remember Love
Lady at Table (uncredited)
Barbara Wyatt-Hollis is an English professor who begins to experience the effects of Alzheimer's. The film documents her decline and the emotional turmoil it causes for her. It also shows how the changes impact her husband, George, and their children. The film also looks at the process by which families can be educated and supported to deal with the impact of the disease, as well as what is done for those afflicted.
Love Lives On
Ear Piercer (uncredited)
A 15-year-old girl must choose between continuing her pregnancy and undergoing treatment for her fast-growing cancer.
В ночи
Dancer (uncredited)
Когда два незнакомца оказываются впутанными в международную интригу в самом сердце ночи в Лос-Анджелесе, может произойти все что угодно…. И происходит. Эд Оркин страдает от бессонницы, его обманывает жена, и у него скучная работа. Его шансы на что-нибудь веселенькое выглядели безнадежными, пока загадочная блондинка по имени Дайяна не свалилась на капот его автомобиля. И в этот момент пришла очередь Эдда пережить приключение и любовный роман, потому что Дайна вовлекает его в веселую и убийственную охоту, добычей в которой станут или доллары, или смерть.
Lots of Luck
Referee (uncredited)
A middle-aged Annette Funicello stars in this made-for-Disney film about a blue-collar family whose lives are forever transformed when they win the lottery.
The Execution
The members of a San Diego Wednesday night womens' mah jongg club are five survivors of a Nazi concentration camp. They recognize the owner of a local restaurant, Walter Grossman, as a doctor from the camp who performed experiments on them as young girls. To their horror they learn that he has already been tried as a war criminal and has served but a few years for his crimes. They decide that they will "execute" him, drawing lots to determine which one will perform the act, without letting the others know who it is.
Scrub Nurse
A man with a wife and daughter also has a son with another woman. When he dies this little secret is revealed to the wife. She then sets out to make her and her son suffer by trying to throw them out of the house he bought for them but now it legally belongs to his wife. And at the same time, wanting to ensure her son's future, she sues his estate for her son's education fund. While they are butting heads, they both discover that they were both deceived by him.
Горный хрусталь
Hooker (uncredited)
Певица из ночного клуба заключает пари с владельцем заведения. Она говорит, что сделать из водителя такси звезду — проще простого. «Горный хрусталь» — это еще одна современная вариация «Пигмалиона» Бернарда Шоу, своего рода пародия на классический сюжет, только в качестве Галатеи выступает не «прекрасная леди», а шофер.
Dancer (uncredited)
Вторая Мировая Война. Перл-Харбор. Пятнадцать миллионов американских парней записались добровольцами на войну. Так же поступил и Джек Уолш. А его жена Кэй, как и многие американки, чтобы свести концы с концами, отправилась работать на авиационный завод. Там она заводит интрижку с бригадиром по прозвищу – «Счастливчик», который начинает проявлять знаки внимания и всячески ухаживать за героиней Голди Хоун. Кэй отчаянно разрывается между одиночеством и долгом перед мужем с одной стороны и влечением к своему новому объекту страсти.
Listen to Your Heart
Secretary (uncredited)
This romantic melodrama features a book editor falling in love with his art director.
Chicago Story
A pair of cops, a pair of doctors, and a pair of lawyers examine a crime — the wounding of a ten-year-old girl by a sniper — from three different angles in this pilot to the short-lived series.