Eugénie Derouand

Eugénie Derouand


Eugénie Derouand


L'histoire d'Annette Zelman
Paris in 1942. Annette is 20 years old, Jean is barely older, they love each other and the future is bright for them. But the deportation of the Jews of France will change their destiny. Upset at the idea of their only son marrying a Jewish woman, Jean Jausion's parents decide to keep young Annette Zelman away from them... and denounce her to the Gestapo. The machine was launched, but it was too late. Annette was deported to Auschwitz on June 22, 1942.
Календарь дьявола
Бывшая танцовщица Ева теперь прикована к инвалидному креслу. Однажды подруга дарит ей на день рождения старинный деревянный календарь похожий на маленький комод. Оказывается, что за каждой дверцей календаря, которые нужно открывать в соответствующие числа месяца, лежит волшебная конфета — исполнение желания. Но каждое желание имеет свою цену, а приняв условия игры, отказаться от неё уже невозможно.
Si tu vois ma mère
Max is single, ophthalmologist, and a real mama's boy. Until she suddenly dies. Max should be devastated, yet he seems to be coping well. Too well. He actually still sees her, talks to her. She is not gone, still here, still close to her beloved baby boy. Max knows she is dead, yet he holds on to this impossible reality. Until he starts sharing his office with Ohiana, a shrink who he slowly falls in love with. Mom is not going to like it.
Là où on va
Louis has had mucoviscidosis since his childhood. When his doctor announces that a transplant is necessary, his sister Marie, whom he has not seen for months, arrives in his hospital room to keep an old promise: to offer him a beautiful journey for his twentieth birthday. He sets off with her and a friend on a transformative trip through Thailand.
Vannina, a young filmmaker, starts writing a screenplay about the life of Beatrice Virga, an Italian actress and cinema icon who died at the beginning of the 1960s when she was thirty-four years old. To be closer to her subject, Vannina goes to Corsica to write, in a hotel where the actress often stayed. It is winter and Vannina seems to be alone, sharing the place with the hotel pianist. As the days go by, deeply buried secrets rise to the surface.
Призрак смерти
Journaliste TV
Марк Ланье признается в убийстве своего любимого сына, но отказывается назвать мотив. Тристан Дельмас, амбициозный молодой адвокат, назначен защищать Марка против воли последнего. В поисках правды Тристан исследует прошлое семьи Ланье и перед ним встают вопросы: мог ли Марк убить сына, чтобы заставить того замолчать, или он берет на себя чью-то вину?...
On Edge
Adrien, Louis and Mathieu are three non-conformist youth, a bit hood and drop-out, living in a small french town. One day Adrien makes a surprise for Mathieu : he kidnaps the girl Mathieu loves secretly. Ill appreciated by his two friends who don't know if it's just a joke or if he intends to go trough with his plan, Adrien causes a clash wich could break their friendship.