Sarah Hunt


One Deadly Weekend in America
A look at the people affected by seven shootings which occurred during the same July weekend.
Superstorm USA: Caught on Camera
How young people took to social media sites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to record Superstorm Sandy, from first dark warnings to devastating reality and chaotic aftermath. The first great natural disaster documented and shared on the social network, we speak to those who captured history with mobile phones and mini-cameras.
Одна последняя вещь
Документальный фильм о Стиве Джобсе, выпущенный в 2011 году. В фильм включено до этого нигде не публиковавшееся интервью Стива Джобса, данное в 1994 году, а также интервью со Стивом Возняком, Рональдом Уэйном, Дином Хови, Россом Перо.
Best Ever Bond
Roger Moore presents the ten best sequences ever to have appeared in the James Bond series, and cast members recall their favourite moments.