Jeffrey Coulter


Цирк уродов
Ультраконсервативная и насквозь элитарная школа для богачей встает на уши с появлением нового студента — эпатажного и свободолюбивого подростка Билли Блума. Он потрясает «приличное общество», одеваясь и красясь, как девушка. В ответ на жестокую массовую травлю Билли решает участвовать в конкурсе «Королева школы».
The film revolves around Claire, a kind soul who resents having to enforce the law at all times, and Jay, an angry Traffic Officer who loves his job, being the perfect outlet for his anger and frustrations. Coming both from a place of despair and loneliness, Jay and Claire meet and engage in a tumultuous relationship which will eventually teach them that love can spread redemption.
The film revolves around Claire, a kind soul who resents having to enforce the law at all times, and Jay, an angry Traffic Officer who loves his job, being the perfect outlet for his anger and frustrations. Coming both from a place of despair and loneliness, Jay and Claire meet and engage in a tumultuous relationship which will eventually teach them that love can spread redemption.
Apocalypse: Caught in the Eye of the Storm
Orthodox Leader Zack Probert
Two news broadcasters, through investigation, find that they were left behind after the biblical rapture. Bronson Pearl and Helen Hannah are two news broadcasters who are covering the impending war in Israel. Yet, suddenly millions of people disappear, then a new leader performs an incredible miracle. These are astounding media events. Helen soon comes to the realization that these times are fulfilling biblical prophesy... and she was left behind.