Gavin FitzGerald


Million Dollar Pigeons
Pigeon masters from across the globe compete in the highest-stakes bird races on the planet. Fame, fortune and livelihoods rest on the wings of these feathered athletes in this hilarious and charming story.
Liam Gallagher: As It Was
From the dizzying heights of his “champagne supernova” years, Oasis frontman Liam Gallagher falls into a wilderness of booze and legal battles, before making an attempt to stage the greatest comeback in rock history.
Конор МакГрегор: Печально известный
Лента повествует о громком восхождении на Олимп ирландского бойца смешанных единоборств — Конора МакГрегора. Начинал паренёк в полнейшей бедноте. Он жил в мамином доме в гостевой комнате со своей девушкой. У него не было ни денег, ни влиятельных друзей — лишь талант и целеустремленность. Теперь Конор получает огромные гонорары и живет на полную катушку. Однако головокружительные результаты пришли не сразу. Долгих четыре года он шел к заветной цели, творя историю собственными руками — без страха и сомнений.
The Truth About Irish Hip Hop
Could Ireland follow in the steps of UK hip hop, producing world-class rappers that top the charts? Ireland is renowned for its writers and poets, so why hasn’t hip hop entered the cultural mainstream here? This short documentary explores the issues surrounding rap music in Ireland and shows the wonderfully eclectic mix of artists carrying the genre forward. This film is a testament to the rise of Irish hip hop and the changing attitudes towards the once-foreign artform that is finding increasing popularity amongst a new multicultural generation.
The Fighting Irish
Ireland has gone MMA mad. The new wave of fighters will be better than ever.
The Notorious
Director of Photography
In the world's fastest growing sport, an Irishman from Crumlin stands on the threshold of becoming its next global superstar. This special documentary enters the high-stakes world of the UFC as it follows 'The Notorious' Conor McGregor over the most important six months of his fighting career.