Todd Duckworth

Todd Duckworth


Todd Duckworth


My Family's Secret
Dr. Mickelson
Grady suffers from multiple personality disorder. Lara doesn't know she just angered the most dangerous one.
The List
After being arrested for solicitation, a high-class prostitute threatens to make public a list of her best clients and someone resorts to murder to keep the list a secret. Meanwhile, the judge on the case struggles with his dilemma and one cop aims to find the killer.
Giant Mine
CBC's dramatic account of the tragedy of Yellowknife's Giant Mine, in which 9 miners were killed during a bitter labour dispute.
Reporter #2
The true story of a love affair between mob boss Sam Giancana and singer Phyllis McGuire.
Утро славы
Elroy Moody
Отсидев срок за убийство, Уилл Паркер выходит на свободу в разгар Великой Депрессии. В маленьком городке ему попадается на глаза объявление одинокой Элли Динсмор, которой «требуется работник на должность мужа». Многое повидавшая на своем веку Элли не ждет от жизни романтических чудес, но постепенно деловитый и обходительный странник становится для нее родной душой и надежной опорой. Ей плевать на скверное прошлое Уилла, и когда его снова обвинят в убийстве, Элли придется сделать все, чтобы защитить честь своего мужа и свою непростую любовь.
Оставайтесь с нами
Man in "3 Men and Rosemary's Baby"
Лежебока Рой Нэйбл попадает в иное измерение и оказывается по ту сторону экрана. Если он сможет выжить, то вернется домой. Если же нет, то его закроют, как и любое шоу с низким рейтингом… причем закроют навсегда! Недавно установленная спутниковая тарелка затянула нашего героя и его жену в странный и причудливый телемир. Чету Нэйблсов ждёт вынужденное «гостевое участие» в многочисленных кошмарных шоу, среди которых «Переехать мисс Дэйзи», «Вскрытие богатых и знаменитых», «Адское Эм-Ти-Ви», «Колесо пыток», «Северное обнажение до костей», а также встреча с персонажем, по имени «Робо-кот» (созданным гением анимации Чаком Джонсом). Заправляет всем этим дьявольским телевизионным безобразием продюсер из ада.
The Comrades of Summer
To teach a team of Russian wanna-be baseball players the finer points of the all-American game is no easy task, but for a grudgingly resentful, recently fired baseball manager from the States, the task is formidable. In fact, there are many times when he considers chucking the whole thing and going back home and forgetting baseball entirely. But he perseveres... to the point where he finally believes that his players may be good enough to represent the Soviet Union in the upcoming Olympics in America. However, performing in this Country under such pressures not only shows these Russian players something about themselves, it also makes their American manager aware of something rather special about himself, as well.
Таинственное свидание
Motorcycle Cop
Tom McHugh quickly learns that his perfect big brother Craig isn't all he's cracked up to be while on a night on the town with the girl next door, during which Tom is harassed by unpleasant strangers, threatened by mobsters, pursued by police, attacked by an irate florist, accused of murder, and has his date kidnapped—all because everyone thinks he's Craig...and the classic 1959 DeSoto Firesweep he borrowed off his brother has two dead bodies in the trunk.
Месть на колёсах
Vic Doyle
Водитель грузовика строит специальный восьмитонный автомобиль-монстр, чтобы отомстить банде негодяев, которые лишили его семьи и ушли от правосудия.
Nobody's Child
Fact-based drama about the life of Marie Balter, who spent most of her young life in mental institutions. At age 16, she first attempted suicide and the next 20 years she spent in and out of the institutions. At last, a caring doctor started treating her for extreme depression and panic disorder. Weened from strong medications she had taken all her life, at age 36, she emerged for the last time and started a rehabilitation program in the home of a volunteer married couple. There she met a fellow patient with whom she developed a romantic relationship. She also started a college degree. This followed with a long-term professional success in the field of mental health.
Love, Mary
Dr. Grovner
A teen, who is always in trouble in school and has been sent to reform school, turns her life around when a counselor discovers she is dyslexic.