Julia Stemberger
Рождение : 1965-01-29, Vienna, Austria
Alexandra von Reuten
Under mysterious circumstances, the restorer Lukas Albrecht drowns in the Canale dei Marani in Venice. While the easy-going Commissario Santo sees no criminal offense, the victim's widow resents the details. Anna, who is traveling from Vienna with her eleven-year-old son, doesn't believe it was an accident: her husband didn't have any alcohol in his blood, he knew the lagoon and could swim
In the late 1960s, when the young Jewish businessman’s son Victor Dessauer fails to secure just punishment for the Nazi concentration camp commandant who tortured his parents, he resolves to take the law into his own hands.
Theresa Gasser
Karen Maiwald
One house, three apartments and three friendly couples, who have to put their relationships and life concepts to the test. After 20 years of marriage, Anne and Martin are close to separation. Eva and Thomas are freshly in love and want to do everything right. The relationship between Saskia and Kai gets into a crisis when she returns to work and takes care of the daughter.
Isabel Rivington
Penelope Moore
Susi Wagner
For months, the corrupt Viennese policeman Albert Schuh unsuccessfully investigates the murder case of his former friend and colleague. Then he gets a young, overambitious partner. The German colleague Thorsten Richter is a set of correctness and ambition, and thus the exact opposite of the Viennese, the "benefits" from the criminal scene is quite open. Since the two can not stand, the dispute does not stay out. The Austrian stops the German an unnecessary undercover job on an erotic chat line and determined alone on.
Dr. Lena Simmerauer
Kaiserin Caroline Auguste
A love story that became legend: Archduke Johann, the brother of the ruling Habsburg monarch and Anna Plochl, the fun-loving girl from the people - a love despite all odds.
Gabriela Hasak
Elena Gruber
Max Helmer, son of Paul Helmer, a great businessman, must now work for a while as domestic help to know better what is work and the value of money.He will help Elena and her children.
Frl. Gabriela
Julia Greiner
Nora Moor
Regina Steinberg, 40, considers herself a sacrificing wife and mother. Everyone else thinks she is an egocentric. Her husband loves her anyway - until there is a scandal. When Regina, the wealthy dentist, suspected that her husband, Dr. Julius Stemberger, has a relationship, she puts her friend Nora on him. While Regina is on a spa with her mother, Julius seeks Nora's closeness, and Nora does not permanently fend off his advances. Eventually Regina finds out what is going on behind her back and Nora feels that Regina is not a "fine lady" when it comes to her interests.
Mara Späth
Agnès Dormes
Она фехтует, ездит верхом и владеет искусством кулачного боя не хуже, чем храбрейшие кавалеры Франции. Она покоряет двор Людовика XIV красотой, очаровывает пением и восхищает своим темпераментом не хуже, чем самые искусные французские куртизанки. Спасенная таинственным незнакомцем за секунду до гибели, Жюли де Мопен воспитывалась вдали от Парижа. Но теперь она хочет узнать тайну своего рождения. Почему за ней все время следят, а близкие ей люди погибают? Поиски приводят ее в Версаль, где она лицом к лицу встречается с самим «Королем-солнцем». Как и с шефом королевской тайной полиции, чья душа еще чернее, чем его зловещие планы…
Sophie Zauner
Anna Seibert
Helene Schweighofer
In WWII Munich, Anna works for a Nazi family as a nanny but secretly steals food and cigarettes and bring those to a Jewish family, who hides from the Nazis. One day, the family is discovered and only by chance can Anna save the family's only daughter, Franziska. Together they escape to Anna's native village where Anna tells everybody that Franziska is her daughter...
Barbara Heiss
Vienna in 1931. Fanny, the daughter of a Vienna police trainer , meets the Chinese police officer Ma Yunlong , who is completing specialist training in Vienna . The shy acquaintance quickly turns into great love . Against the will of her parents , Fanny travels to Germany on her 18th birthday.Birthday to China to marry Yunlong . At his side , Fanny begins a new life in the Middle Kingdom , which is characterized by deprivation and painful turns due to the multiple political upheavals .
Anna Hofer
Lisa Elsner
Rena Kollitz
В Европе грохочет Первая Мировая война. Французская разведка поручает Индиане два очень важных и опасных задания. Инди будет сопровождать двух отпрысков королевской крови в столицу враждебной Австрии, где им предстоит тайно обсудить возможность подписания мирного договора с императором Карлом. Вена прямо-таки кишит зловещими агентами разведки, так что проникнуть во дворец императора будет весьма сложно… Ну а в революционном Петрограде Инди с риском для жизни выполнит еще одну ответственную миссию и познакомится с самим Лениным…
Marion Strohmayer
It all begins with a mistake, an error with serious consequences: in a hospital the new-born babies of an Austrian couple and a Turkish family of immigrant workers are mixed up and go home with the wrong parents. By the time the mistake comes to light, it emerges that the Turkish family, including the baby, has been deported. The despairing Austrian couple begins a confusing odyssey through Turkey in order to track down the unsuspecting family to their native village. But they are not at all convinced that the babies have been mixed up. It is decided that the only way to know for sure is to have a blood test done. It is decided that the blood work is done in Vienna due to the better medical resources, but that will be far from simple. It will involve an illegal smuggling of the Turks across the Austrian border.
Dr. Therese Fellner
Petra März
A thriller directed by Christian Görlitz.
Two residents of Vienna, both in their mid 30s, have successful careers, they are happily single and want to remain so. When Mina breaks through the roof of Jakob's apartment, havoc is the result.
German Comedy
weiße Frau
Frau Linge
Юные студенты Петер, Томас и Арвид без ума от музыки в стиле свинг. И это большая проблема, ведь герои живут в Гамбурге 1939 года, зажигательные ритмы свинга запрещены Гитлером как американская идеологическая зараза, так что их увлечение может стоить им не только свободы, но и головы.
Увы, ребята слишком молоды, чтобы оценить весь риск своей игры в бунтарей: днём — члены гитлерюгенда, вечером они самозабвенно свингуют и с презрением говорят о фюрере. Игре конец, когда гестапо хватает отца Петера за сочувствие к евреям, а сами герои попадают в поле зрения офицера СС. Для свингеров пришла пора суровых испытаний — как и для всего мира, на глазах падающего в ад глобальной войны.
Lotte Heid
Rosalie Schäuflein
On the Schiermoser farm tense expectation prevails. The 'Urban', the Schaubleins, surprisingly announced their arrival. In the past, they were welcome as generous summer visitors. But now the shortage years of the First World War prevail. And the farmer's wife suspects lazy parasites in the townsfolk. The city family is indeed facing ruin. Especially since the defiant daughter Rosalie has just knocked out a promising money marriage without regard to scandal. The Rosalie is attracted to the Schiermoser heir Franz. His mother already drives the thought of a 'Madame Bäurin' to madness. Everyone experiences a turbulent time of upheaval. The end of the First World War will shake the social fronts as well as the new machine age.
A man wakes up and doesn't know what has happened.
Moments of memory and traces, which seem to fall in place, lead him to believe that he has murdered a woman.
Iris Sommer
Film by Lukas Stepanik.