Igor Kovalsky


Одним утром жители многоэтажки просыпаются и обнаруживают, что все окна и двери наружу окутаны черной пеленой. Мгла пожирает все и каждого, кто пытается пройти сквозь нее. Разбившись на группы, им теперь придется выживать. Сколько они продержатся, пока не начнется полный хаос?
À travers Irène
Le soldat
Spare Keys
Nancy, East of France. Summertime. Seeking to escape her troublesome family environment, Sophie, 15, jumps at the chance to get the spare keys to her wealthy friend Jade's house. While enjoying the spacious home she thought deserted for summer, she bumps into her friend's older brother Stéphane, who, as fate would have it, was also planning on staying. But instead of chasing her out, Stéphane will choose to leave the door open as an invitation to a summer Sophie never expected.
Gare au Fenwick
Alan, a withdrawn and solitary young man, usually finds solace in his inner world. Today is the big day: he’s leaving the family home to enter working life.
Третья война
Молодой новобранец отправлен патрулировать улицы города. Когда ему поручают обеспечивать безопасность во время большого митинга, он оказывается среди разгневанной толпы. Это становится триггером для выхода всех накопившихся негативных эмоций.
The Hunt of the Unicorn
Elias is not connecting with any of the other millennials he’s on vacation with. After witnessing them perform a shocking display of cruelty toward a defenseless creature, he becomes even more alienated from the group. But dealing with the aftermath of the incident will prove pivotal in his struggle with his own inner demons.
And Then, the Silence
The Brittany coast. The storm season has begun. Twenty-year-old Matthias is hard at work on the small family farm, waiting for his father to acknowledge his efforts. As the annual procession of the Virgin is about to be celebrated in the village, Hugo, his brother, returns for the weekend.
Tender Age
Sixteen-year-old Diane exists exclusively through her mother's gaze. But this intensely close bond between Diane and her mother, Sophie, is becoming increasingly problematic for the teenager. At high school, she would like to be loved like she is at home and expresses it in an awkward way like when she exchanges a favor for a look, in the toilets. A loudmouth, provocative, and seeking attention, Diane tries to stand apart from her mother and wishes, during a weekend, to live like an adult.
Сабина и Наташа – две подруги-оторвы, живущие по соседству в обычном провинциальном захолустье. Однажды Наташа решает, что пришло время уезжать, неважно куда, главное – без закадычной подруги. Это решение оказывается фатальным.
Лоре 23 года. Она в поисках себя. Именно на флоте она найдет свои ориентиры в жизни.
La bête
A village far away in time and land. Nearby, in a forest thought to be haunted, a child falls into a pit. His grandfather, an old and nearly blind shepherd, tries to convince the villagers to go rescue him, facing the darkness of the night and their fears…