The famous Swedish Karoliner army has suffered its biggest defeat ever at Poltava in 1709. The Swedish king Karl XII is waiting in the small village of Bender for the Turkish sulton to help him defeat his arch enemy, the czar of Russia, Peter the Great. But the Turks think he's an expensive guest and want him out of Turkey. However, he refuses. The sultan then decides to send Karl XII a princess to marry him, to get him out of the country (a bride for a bribe). The two Swedish soldiers Lagercrona and Kruus are to escort the princess. They experience many different adventures on their way to Bender, namely because other Swedish soldiers and agents try to stop them from ever reaching the village, because they don't want Karl XII to leave Turkey. After their long adventure to get there and a few misunderstandings, the famous "kalabalik" of Bender, where the Turks decide to drive Karl XII out of Turkey by force, begins.
The film is set in Budapest, 1924. Laundryman Ede Minarik's only passion is football. His dream is to see his team, Csabagyöngye, qualify for the first division. For this goal he would be willing to sacrifice everything he has. But he has nothing, even footballers just barely. The team is just like the times. But still, "we need a team!"
Эсэсовский врач во время войны работал над сывороткой против рака, но выделил страшный яд -одной ампулы хватит, чтобы уничтожить 100 000 человек. Спустя 20 лет после войны старый нацист выходит из тюрьмы, за ним и его открытием начинается охота. Мафия жаждет получить это страшное оружие. Сам он также не прочь воспользоваться смертельными микробами для завоевания мира. Головоломные погони, сражения в воздухе и под водой, прыжки с вертолета без парашюта, пуговицы — гранаты, отравленные сигары, убийства по телефону…