Ken Feinberg


Santa's Boot Camp
When kids become so bratty and self-centered that Santa's elves go on strike, Santa, in desperation, must bring six unscrupulous youths to his boot camp to help save Christmas.
Love  Transcends
Story of a Leprechaun
Coming Clean
A group of friends throw an engagement party for one of their friends, a banking executive, whose fiancée has some dark secrets of his past that come to light at the party which soon goes wrong.
Expert Weapon
While on death row for killing a policeman, small-time criminal Adam (Ian Jacklin) is sprung from his cell and asked to join a covert government organization that will shape him into a killing machine. He is trained by the group's ruthless leader Janson (Sam J. Jones), and is aided by the group's martial arts master Miller (Mel Novak)) and the group's weapons freak expert Magnet (Joe Estevez). Together they turn out Adam code named the 'Expert Weapon'. But when Adam decides to leave his life of crime, he learns that leaving the group is his real death sentence.
Жестокая охота
Pentagon Guard
В районе Гавайских островов, в проливе Пайлоло, миллиардер Кэйн на собственной яхте разрабатывает очередной зловещий план.