Stefan Matyjaszkiewicz


Director of Photography
The White Mazurka
Director of Photography
A film about the life and activities of the Polish revolutionary Ludwik Waryński. In his memoirs, Ludwik returns to his student years in St. Petersburg, to Warsaw, to Krakow, where he was arrested and put on trial. After the end of the process in Krakow, Waryński leaves for Geneva, where he meets with Russian revolutionaries. In 1881, he returned to his homeland and created the first party of workers in Poland...
Director of Photography
Poland's submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1973
Lokis, a Manuscript of Professor Wittembach
Director of Photography
A pastor studying folklore in remote parts of 19th century Lithuania is invited to stay with a young nobleman. His mother is sequestered and mad. It seems she has been attacked by a bear as a young wife and local peasants whisper the young man may be the son of a bear. A doctor, who treats the mother with old-fashioned remedies, reveals this to the pastor. Young nobleman's wife is found with a bite and the man has disappeared into the woods.
The Structure of Crystal
Director of Photography
Two talented physicists used to work together in the frontline of academy in scientific discovery. One of them, Jan, gave everything up and went to a small, snowy village, to become a metereologist. The other one, Marek, who had a famous scientific career, doesn't understand why Jan is wasting his potential living a simple life, and tries to get him back to the big city. Clash of two attitudes, characters, ideas about the meaning of existence.
Venus of Ille
Director of Photography
In 1969’s WENUS Z ILLE (VENUS D’ILLE) Majewski returned to the work of Prosper Merimee, specifically his 1835 story “Venus d’Ille,” about an accursed statue (a story that was subsequently filmed by Mario and Lamberto Bava in 1979). Said statue, fashioned in the guise of an anguished woman, is seen in a remote inn, having been recently interred from the ground. The occasion is a wedding attended by the protagonist, an unassuming man who becomes caught up in a bizarre nightmare when the groom unthinkingly sticks his wedding ring on a finger of the statue--and can’t get it off!
Director of Photography
Экранизация одного из самых известных и любимых в нашей стране романов Болеслава Пруса. Душещипательная мелодрама о жизни и любви Станислава Вокульского. Сын нищего, он начинает с малого, работает официантом. Железная воля и трудолюбие позволяют ему получить университетское образование и стать одним из богатейших промышленников Польши. Но для высшего света он остается нахальным выскочкой... Как удар молнии, приходит к нему любовь к гордой и недоступной графине Изабелле Ленцкой (идеал женской красоты, несравненная Беата Тышкевич). Мощный, несгибаемый человек огромной энергии, он теряет волю при мысли об этой женщине. Не все продается, и любовь может оказаться гибельной для бизнесмена...
Our Folks
Director of Photography
Two quarreling peasant families, who were forced to leave their lands after the war, are settled by accident on two neighboring farms.
Nad Odrą
The former owner, a German, shows up on a farm belonging to the Poles settled there.
Director of Photography
Pearls and Ducats
Director of Photography
A famous Polish conductor meets a young Polish student in Czechoslovakia and pretends to be Czech to impress her.
Christmas Eve
Director of Photography
A man's surreal search for a woman named Eva on Christmas Eve.
Markiza de Pompadour
Director of Photography
A daughter of a furniture seller helps her father’s business by promising a marriage to the customers.
Деревянные четки
Director of Photography
По одноименной повести Наталии Роллечек о безрадостной жизни воспитанниц маленького польского монастыря. Действие фильма происходит в 1936 году.
Как быть любимой
Director of Photography
В самолете, следовавшем рейсом Варшава — Париж, актриса Фелиция вспоминает прошедшую войну. В годы оккупации она ушла со сцены и устроилась работать в кафе. Пять лет героиня прятала у себя в комнате коллегу — актера Виктора, которого по ошибке посчитали подпольщиком и приговорили к смерти.
Gold Dreams
Director of Photography
The inability of a truck driver to relate to normal life after an accident for which he feels himself responsible.
Дорога на запад
Director of Photography
Последние дни войны. Отставной машинист Вальчак и его случайный помощник ведут поезд с амуницией на фронт. Едут через местности, на которых рыскают недобитки немецкой армии, гитлеровские диверсанты и мародеры. Погибает парень и все солдаты, конвоирующие транспорт, но машинист приводит поезд к месту назначения.
Goodbye to the Past
Director of Photography
An actress visits her hometown to attend the funeral of her grandfather. She realizes that the places and people from her past differ from her cherished memories.
One Room Tenants
Director of Photography
A subjective adaptation of a well-known autobiographical novel by Zbigniew Unilowski (screenplay by Wojciech Jerzy Has with dialogues by Stanislaw Dygat). The adventures of the tenants of a sublet room in a Warsaw townhouse inhabited mostly by students and novice writers, presented against the social context of the 1930s.
Polar Bear
Director of Photography
A Jewish man who escapes a Nazi transport hides in a Polish ski resort town by posing for photos with tourists dressed as a polar bear.
Polar Bear
A Jewish man who escapes a Nazi transport hides in a Polish ski resort town by posing for photos with tourists dressed as a polar bear.
Двое с большой реки
Director of Photography
По новелле Казимежа Благия о судьбе старого шкипера Куявы, который всю жизнь водил баржи по Висле.
Ewa Wants to Sleep
Director of Photography
Ewa Bonecka, a young student about to start school in a new place finds herself without a place to sleep after she is declined a room in a women-only hotel. Helped by a pleasant policeman, Piotr, she tries to find a lodging in the strange town full of thieves and petty troublemakers.
Camera Operator
Вторая мировая война. Главный герой Стах, простой варшавский парень, живущий за счёт воровства. Наконец он находит легальную работу в столярной мастерской. Там знакомится с коммунистами и вступает а Народную гвардию. Вместе с поколением других молодых патриотов борется с оккупантами...
Три повести
Director of Photography
В новеллах раскрываются конфликты, с которыми сталкивается молодёжь из бригад организации "Служба Польше"...
Когда ты спишь
Camera Operator
Документальный фильм, снятый режиссёром в то время, когда он был ещё студентом Лодзинской киношколы. О буднях двух ночных сменщиков.