Stephen Schioppo


Location Assistant
Его изобретениями пользуются все каждый день, даже не подозревая, что в их основе лежат его гениальные провидческие идеи. Никола Тесла. Невероятная жизнь, полная озарений, побед и разочарований. Захватывающая история человека, который изобрел ХХ век.
A Safe House
A young man named Bill Solino who discovers not only that his deceased father was a mobster but also that his uncle, who raised him, may have had a hand in his fathers murder twenty years earlier.
A Safe House
A young man named Bill Solino who discovers not only that his deceased father was a mobster but also that his uncle, who raised him, may have had a hand in his fathers murder twenty years earlier.
A Safe House
A young man named Bill Solino who discovers not only that his deceased father was a mobster but also that his uncle, who raised him, may have had a hand in his fathers murder twenty years earlier.
A Safe House
A young man named Bill Solino who discovers not only that his deceased father was a mobster but also that his uncle, who raised him, may have had a hand in his fathers murder twenty years earlier.