Michael O'Hara


Умереть первым
Детектив Линдси Боксер — единственная женщина в убойном отделе полиции Сан-Франциско, один из лучших специалистов по раскрытию убийств. Но даже она оказалась не готова к делу, которое ей поручено расследовать. Неизвестный маньяк зверски убивает молодоженов в их первую брачную ночь. Обычные процедуры, принятые при расследовании подобных преступлений, ни на шаг не приблизили ее к разгадке. Решимость поймать маньяка, совершающего все новые убийства, натолкнула Линдси на мысль о создании своеобразного «Женского клуба» — команды по расследованию этого дела с участием патологоанатома Клэр, журналистки Синди и сотрудницы прокуратуры Джилл. Вместе они идут по следам убийцы, потрясшего своими преступлениями весь город.
In His Life: The John Lennon Story
A film about the early life of the rock musician and his burgeoning career as a member of the Beatles.
In His Life: The John Lennon Story
A film about the early life of the rock musician and his burgeoning career as a member of the Beatles.
Одним жарким днем
Одной жарким днем в своем собственном доме найден убитым Абель Ганц. Бизнесмен, заработавший немалое состояние на разведении лошадей, погиб от выстрела неизвестного хладнокровного убийцы. В результате полицейского расследования подозрение падает на его молодую жену Келли и ее любовника. Девушка признается, что действительно замышляла убийство мужа, который отказывался давать развод. Однако, через некоторое время передумала и отказалась от услуг наемного убийцы. Несостоявшийся киллер упорно настаивает на том, что это убийство — дело рук неверной жены. В чью пользу вынесут решение судья и присяжные?
Playing to Win: A Moment of Truth Movie
Executive Producer
A young girl is taken with a boy that she meets, but he leads her into gambling where she begins losing money, becomes desperate, and starts to steal.
I Know What You Did
Executive Producer
A female lawyer who specialises in defending suspected rapists is left traumatised after she herself is assaulted in her own home.
A Champion's Fight
Executive Producer
Julie Ellis is deeply involved with her high school sweetheart, Luke, even though her parents object that she has made a commitment at such a young age. That commitment only deepens when Luke becomes ill. Wanting to stay close to Luke and offer him comfort, Julie defies her parents' wishes to go away to a prominent school.
Moment of Truth: Into the Arms of Danger
Executive Producer
A teenage girl runs away from home after her mother's fiance attempts to molest her. On her own in the city, she is taken in by a man who convinces her to work as an exotic dancer. After discovering what led her daughter to run away, her mother begins a frantic mission to save her daughter.
Abduction of Innocence
Executive Producer
Teenager, Clare Steves, is kidnapped by an old boyfriend, Eddie Spencer, who demands $250,000. The ransom is paid and Clare is released, but when the kidnapers are caught, they claim that the whole scheme was Clare's idea as a way to punish her father. She denies it and is put on trial.
She Woke Up Pregnant
Executive Producer
A sleazy dentist sexually assaults his patients while they are under heavy sedatives after he performs dental surgery on them. One woman gets impregnated from such an incident and decides to fight back.
She Woke Up Pregnant
A sleazy dentist sexually assaults his patients while they are under heavy sedatives after he performs dental surgery on them. One woman gets impregnated from such an incident and decides to fight back.
Когда дружба убивает
Executive Producer
Две подруги отчаянно стараются похудеть, но их состояние лишь ухудшается. Одна из них пытается исправить ситуацию и обращается в специальный центр, после чего пробует уговорить свою подругу последовать ее примеру.
Justice for Annie
Executive Producer
A woman discovers that the accidental death of her daughter was tied to an insurance scam in this fact-based movie.
Eye of the Stalker
Executive Producer
A judge finds that the law is no help when her daughter becomes the object of a college professor's dangerous and terrifying obsession. Inspired by actual events.
Deceived by Trust: A Moment of Truth Movie
Executive Producer
When a student confides to her guidance counselor that the high school principal has been sexually harassing her, the guidance counselor attempts to have the principal fired. The student recants her story and transfers to another school. Just when everything seems to be lost, the counselor discovers the principal has a history of such activity. Can she prove the principals guilt before he does it again?
Twilight Zone: Rod Serling's Lost Classics
Executive Producer
James Earl Jones hosts this film based on two stories by the late Rod Serling, who wrote the stories of the original 'The Twilight Zone' (1959) series. In "The Theater," a young woman attends a movie theater only to find that her life story is being revealed on the screen. In "Where the Dead Are," a Boston surgeon in 1868 searches for a scientist who may have the answer to a medical mystery.
Switched at Birth
This is the story of the two babies who were switched at birth. A few years later when one of the girls gets sick and tests revealed that she was not the daughter of the couple who raised her. Eventually she dies. And the couple most especially the mother, search for their real daughter. Eventually they suspect that it's a widower who has their child. Now while they try to find out if she is their daughter, the widower is advised by his attorney not to be so hasty to cooperate, cause if she is their daughter, he might lose her, and she is all he has.