Старшеклассница Вероника внезапно беременеет. На кону экзамены и поступление в престижный колледж. Чтобы собраться с мыслями девушка берёт с собой лучшую подругу Бэйли и отправляется в соседний штат, чтобы всё обдумать. В дороге Веронике предстоит многое узнать о себе и принять непростое решение: оставить ребёнка или нет.
In this fresh take on Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Wrong Man,” Ellen Plainview, a sweet, caring, working wife and mother, answers the door one afternoon to learn that she is under arrest for attempted murder.
American-born Jayne Valseca, her husband Eduardo, the son of a legendary Mexican newspaper publisher, and their two children live an idyllic life on their 1,000 acre ranch outside of a peaceful Mexico town. But in the summer of 2007, their peaceful life is turned into a real-life nightmare when Eduardo is ambushed and kidnapped by strangers. With kidnapping becoming a pervasive and lucrative business in Mexico, Jayne is at the mercy of the kidnappers when they demand millions for the husband's safe release. She's pushed to the limit to do everything she possibly can to raise the money necessary to bring Eduardo back alive. As Eduardo is starved and tortured, he looses hope of ever seeing his family again but despite the dire and bleak times, Jayne refuses to give up and decides to turn the tables on the kidnappers and makes demands of her own. The film is based on a true story from the book, We Have Your Husband: One Woman's Terrifying Story of a Kidnapping in Mexico.
Журналист Стив Лопес встречает Натаниеля Айерса, бывшего виртуозного музыканта, вынужденного играть на виолончели на улицах Лос-Анджелеса. Лопес пытается помочь бездомному вернуться к нормальной жизни, и между ними возникает уникальная дружба, которая меняет судьбу обоих.
Young, beautiful and smart, Sienna Castle travels to Mexico to unwind and celebrate a fabulous job offer as a fashion designer. Once over the border, Sienna attempts to purchase a large amount of inexpensive prescription drugs for her ailing mother where her vacation quickly turns into a nightmare.