Karl Löb

Рождение : 1910-03-15, Teplitz-Schönau, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary [now Teplice, Czech Republic]

Смерть : 1983-01-20


Willi Manages the Whole Thing
Director of Photography
Our Willi Is the Best
Director of Photography
Мертвец из Темзы
Director of Photography
Экс-балерина Мирна Фергюссон убита в отеле, однако её труп бесследно исчезает до приезда полиции. А на следующий день из Австралии прибывает её сестра Дэнни, которая с первых же часов своего пребывания в Лондоне чувствует, что находится под пристальным наблюдением людей, возможно причастных к убийству Мирны. Пока полиция пытается выйти на их след, в деле появляется ещё несколько трупов, и кольцо вокруг Дэнни сужается.
Was ist denn bloß mit Willi los?
Director of Photography
Gentlemen in White Vests
Director of Photography
Bruno Stiegler, a boxing promoter with a disreputable past, returns from America to Berlin to make some big things again with his friends. Fatally, he is always preceded by some gentlemen from better circles who are developing amazing criminal activity in their old days. They are led by Oberlandesgerichtsrat a. D. Herbert Zänker, whom it still hisses, that he could bring in his term Bruno never behind bars.
Unter den Dächern von St. Pauli
Director of Photography
Dr. med. Fabian - Lachen ist die beste Medizin
Camera Operator
The Man with the Glass Eye
A man is found dead in a London hotel. The knife is still firmly stuck in the victim's chest, and Inspector Perkins strangely finds a glass eye in his jacket pocket. Kurt after that a second, mysterious murder happens: A city-famous dancer of the Las Vegas Girls, who perform at the London Odeon Theater, is poisoned. Is there a connection between the pretty dancer and the hotel guest? Inspector Perkins and his colleagues are pressed for time. The "man with the glass eye" strikes deadly again and again. A first clue leads Scotland Yard to a billiard club, where one has to show a glass eye as an admission ticket.
Gorilla Gang
Director of Photography
In this German detective thriller, swindlers using a false charity as a front send a hit man around London to murder wealthy people whose deaths can benefit the organization. This film is one of a very large number of German Scotland-Yard thrillers based on the novels of Edgar Wallace.
The Monster of Blackwood Castle
Director of Photography
Scotland Yard must discover why people are being murdered by a monstrous dog at Blackwood Castle.
Монах с хлыстом
Director of Photography
Во время церковной службы одна из воспитанниц пансиона Фостерс погибает. Инспектор Хиггинс подозревает учителя химии и брата миссис Фостерс Марка Денвера, в саду которого девушки устраивают вечеринки. Однажды ночью там появляется монах в красном, и еще одну девушку находят мертвой. И Хиггинс догадывается, кто станет следующей жертвой.
Inn of the Gruesome Dolls
Director of Photography
Betty is in jail after a failed raid on a jewelry store while her accomplice Bob escaped. But by chance she finds Bob's hiding place and towers with four other girls.
Громовержец и Виннету
Director of Photography
Комендант приграничного городка Мирамонте захватил и посадил в тюрьму брата главаря банды Сайлера. Узнав об этом, Сайлер грозит сравнять город с землей, если его брат не будет выпущен на свободу. Знаменитый охотник Громовержец и вождь апачей Виннету помогают защитить город и отбить нападение бандитов.
Das Spukschloß im Salzkammergut
Director of Photography
Горбун из Сохо
Ванда Мервилль едет в Лондон, чтобы вступить в права наследства. Но вместо этого ее похищают и отвозят в замок Блэквуд, где расположен женский пансион, связанный с лондонскими наркоторговцами. После того, как одна из воспитанниц пансиона была задушена таинственным Горбуном, инспектор Хопкинс принимается за поиски убийцы. Расследование преступления обретает иную окраску, когда выясняется, что глава Скотланд-Ярда сэр Джон является близким другом хозяйки пансиона…
Long Legs, Long Fingers
Director of Photography
Baron Holberg, who looks back with pride on a long family tradition as hotel thieves, is horrified when his daughter Doris falls in love with the lawyer Robert Hammond, of all people, rather than choosing the art thief Sammy, as he would wish. Under the pretext that they are being pursued by the police, he lures his daughter away from the lawyer, but when he confesses the deception to her, Doris immediately sets off for Hammond's country estate near London. However, Hammond's father is not too fond of the connection either...
Верная Рука - друг индейцев
Director of Photography
Благородный герой Джонни Гарден, прозванный Верная Рука за виртуозную стрельбу, странствует по Дикому Западу в поисках убийц своей матери. Вместе со своими друзьями - индейцами и белыми — ему приходится вступить в противоборство с многочисленной бандой, возглавляемой изобретательным и безжалостным злодеем, известным как Генерал; он-то и оказывается личным врагом Верной Руки.
Again the Ringer
Director of Photography
Arthur Milton aka Der Hexer (The Magician/Ringer) must return to London after his calling card was left at the scene of a murder he did not commit.
Среди коршунов
Director of Photography
Совершено жестокое нападение на ферму Бауманна, убиты жена и дочь фермера. Все улики говорят о том, что это были индейцы. Как нельзя кстати на ферме объявляется никому неизвестный проповедник, утверждающий, что на ферму действительно напали индейцы одного из племён. Виннету и Шаттерхэнд сомневаются в словах проповедника. Но удастся ли нашим героям доказать свою правоту?
The Ringer
Director of Photography
The sister of a famous, but as yet uncaught, criminal named The Hexer is murdered. Inspector Higgins of Scotland Yard believes that The Hexer will surface to take his revenge on his sister's killers, and plans to set a trap to finally capture him. However, soon bodies start piling up, and it looks as if The Hexer may get away yet again.
The Last Ride to Santa Cruz
Director of Photography
A former sheriff begins to persecute the gang led by Pedro Ortiz, after his wife is taken away.
Unsere tollen Tanten in der Südsee
Director of Photography
The five guys of the band "Sunny Boys" go to Polynesia, where they are forced by external circumstances to throw themselves back into women clothes.
Die Nacht am See
The Indian Scarf
Director of Photography
When a wealthy man dies, his avaricious relatives look forward to inheriting all his money. However, he leaves a provision in his will that they all must spend a week together in his castle before they will be able to inherit anything. At the castle (which is cut off from the outside world), the relatives soon begin to be killed off one by one, each strangled with an Indian scarf.
The Squeaker
Scotland Yard investigates a series of murders where the victims have died by snake venom poisoning.
Unsere tollen Nichten
Director of Photography
Out of necessity, Gunther Philipp and his male colleagues put on women's clothes again and cause a commotion in the noble ski resort of Davos as the Jolly Sisters. Their girlfriends don't take kindly to this and counterattack in men's costumes.
The Inn on the River
Director of Photography
A serial killer named The Shark is terrorizing London by killing his victims with a speargun and then, dressed in a scruba-diver's wetsuit, using the city's sewer tunnels to make his getaway.
Дверь на семи замках
Двое мужчин убиты. На каждом теле полиция обнаруживает одинаковые ключи. Расследование приводит инспектора Мартина в поместье лорда Селфордса. Перед смертью лорд Селфордс дал семерым друзьям ключи, которые отпирают дверь в фамильную сокровищницу...
The Forger of London
Director of Photography
A ring of counterfeiters is flooding the country with phony money, and suspicion falls upon a wealthy playboy who may--or may not--have amnesia.
Dead Eyes of London
Director of Photography
A disfigured killer with glazed-over white eyes is doing the dirty work so that an insurance agent-doctor can get the victims' insurance money.
Возвращение доктора Мабузе
Director of Photography
Злой вдохновитель доктор Мабузе использует заключенных с промытыми мозгами для совершения преступлений, но немецкая полиция с помощью агента ФБР идет по его следу.
Sabine und die hundert Männer
Director of Photography
1000 глаз доктора Мабузе
Director of Photography
В течение нескольких лет в ряде европейских стран происходят загадочные преступления: убийства, похищения людей, террористические акты, крупные финансовые кражи. Все они остаются нераскрытыми, но их объединяет одна общая черта — все жертвы бывали постояльцами берлинского отеля «Луксор». К комиссару полиции Крассу, ведущему дело об убийстве известного тележурналиста, обещавшего выступить с сенсационными разоблачениями, в добровольные помощники настойчиво набивается слепой ясновидящий Корнелиус…
Kein Engel ist so rein
The Day the Rains Came
Director of Photography
A motorcycle gang in post-war Germany wreaks havok on a town, until one of their members begins to have second thoughts after a run-in with the police.
Melody and Rhythms
Director of Photography
Утром в понедельник
Director of Photography
Intended as a light farce this comedy by Luigi Commencini is a little plodding in its story about a bank manager who has had it with his buttoned-down, boring job. One Monday he can no longer face the tedium of both his work and his life and so he stays home and rebels by playing with toys and joining in on a radio concert with his own instruments. His erratic behavior does not go unnoticed and soon a winsome psychiatrist whom he knows and secretly admires, is right there trying to help him. The newly liberated bank manager logically grasps this opportunity to press forward his innermost feelings.
Notes from a Gynecologist's Diary
Director of Photography
After a carnival celebration, young Erika Hansen is offered a lift by two young men in a car. The men become abusive. Erika rushes out of the car and is seriously injured. She is brought to a gynecoligal clinic for an acute operation.
Was eine Frau im Frühling träumt
Der Stern von Santa Clara
Camera Operator
Münchhausen in Afrika
Director of Photography
The adventures of Baron Münchhausen jr. in Africa.
Die Frühreifen
Director of Photography
Der erste Frühlingstag
Director of Photography
Love, Dance, and 1000 Songs
Director of Photography
The Plot to Assassinate Hitler
A disillusioned Wehrmacht officer named Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg and his co-conspirators attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler on 20 July 1944.
Der treue Husar
Director of Photography
Die tolle Lola
Director of Photography
Der Vetter aus Dingsda
Director of Photography
Die Rose von Stambul
Director of Photography
April 1, 2000
Director of Photography
It is the year 2000 and the World Global Union is in charge, although other countries are allowed to elect their own government leaders, as long as they support the Union. When Austria's newly-elected president, played by Josef Meinrad, makes his inauguration speech he declares Austria independence and issues an edict ending Austria's financial support for the Global Union.
Ich bin Sebastian Ott
Camera Operator
After a shady collector of paintings has been murdered, adept Dr. Sebastian Ott discovers a big organised fraud with fake paintings. His twin brother Ludwig is responsible for it, kidnaps him and locks him away in his house. He uses Otts ID and 'replaces' him...
The Leghorn Hat
Director of Photography
Der Florentiner Hut (The Leghorn Hat), a 1939 German film directed by Wolfgang Liebeneiner
Ab Mitternacht