Brian Huckeba

Brian Huckeba


Brian Huckeba


There's No Such Thing as Vampires
A group of teenagers encounter vampires in a remote outpost.
Tell Me No Lies
Alex Sheppard, a college student who hosts a late-night talk show on the campus radio station, finds herself in dire straits when she enrolls in the school her recently murdered sister attended in order to track down the killer. Little does Alex know the killer, a listener of her talk show, soon discovers her relationship to her murdered sister. Soon, Alex finds herself in the middle of a campus murder spree, and the killer's next potential victim.
Криминальные сцены
A homicide detective investigating a series of sex murders in L.A receives help on the case from a well-known sex therapist with a dark secret.
Star Struck
A man thinks he's found a cheap thrill, but discovers it's thrown him into a world of danger in this steamy drama. A filmmaker (Nero Campbell) who has moved into a new home discovers to his pleasant surprise that his next door neighbor is a beautiful woman (Amber Smith) who isn't inclined to keep her shades drawn. However, one night while watching her, he unwittingly becomes a witness to a murder, and soon the police have named the director as the prime suspect.
Broken and Bleeding
Indie thriller with Boti Bliss.
Steel Frontier
Мир, каким мы его знали, был уничтожен. Колония выживших выстраивают новую жизнь. Их колония называется Новая Надежда, место где отчаяние превратилось в надежду. Группа бывших солдат, возглавляемая генералом Куантрелом, пересекает пустыню и захватывает Новую Надежду силой. Они убьют любого, кто не присоединится к ним, и возьмут всех женщин в рабство. И тут в городе появляется одинокий воин. По имени Юма…
It's a Digital World
Big Brad Wolf
Tiny Town, the place where all nursery rhymes happened, is in BIG trouble in the here and now. They have all the communication devices but no one can communicate. They need a super-hero. Enter Digi Digital, who is only programmed to play and have fun.