Silvana Petri


The Guy From the Stands
Makeup Artist
Nino establishes a club of supporters of Naples, fighting against the violence in the stadiums. But the Camorra hinders its project.
Bridge to Hell
Makeup Artist
When three prisoners of war escape from a prison camp in Yugoslavia they encounter partisans, who they agree to help fight in return for a safe passage to freedom. Their task is to blow up a strategic bridge which is heavily defended by German troops. Follow the action, frought with danger as our heroes complete their mission to destroy... the bridge to hell.
Дом с жёлтым ковром
Makeup Artist
Франка и её муж Антонио решают продать старый жёлтый ковёр — подарок отчима Франки, так как он постоянно вызывает ревность Антонио. Они дают объявление о продаже, и однажды, когда Антонио не было дома, позвонил какой-то странный человек, представился профессором и сказал, что хочет купить ковёр. Но придя в дом, он похищает Франку и заявляет, что убил свою жену на точно таком же жёлтом ковре. Франка убивает этого человека. Но что же произошло на самом деле, и что за тайну скрывает жёлтый ковёр?
Una vacanza del cactus
Makeup Artist
A group of five people is going to vacation on the island of Rhodes: among them is the good-natured Augusto, who intends to bring a cactus to the grave of his uncle Michael.
Hunted City
Makeup Artist
Commissario Paolo Ferro (Maurizio Merli) stars as a (typical) tough cop again. This time he returns to the city of Milan to go after a murder corporation. Acampora (Mario Merola) is believed to be the prime suspect although he later proves to be one of the mafia's targets. As if all that wasn't enough, Paolo has to face his own nephew who seems to be involved in all sorts of dirty business.
Когда тебе двадцать
Эта история двух подруг-феминисток Тины и Лиа, которые в свои двадцать путешествуют по Италии в поисках сексуальных приключений. Но они не знают, что их ждет в конце.
Day of Violence
Makeup Artist
Two thugs take 15 people hostage and demand a ransom from the authorities million dollars in gold, a car and a plane to get out of the country.
Площадь Сан-Бабила, 20 часов
Makeup Artist
Четверо неонацистов после похорон одного из своих лидеров решают устроить на улицах Милана жестокую «ночь мести».
Scandal In the Family
Makeup Artist
A rich older man dies during a massage (you see, uh--never mind). His young widow (Lucrezia Love) decides she needs some male help in managing her deceased husband's estate (for some reason she doesn't ask the family lawyer who she spends all her time rolling around in the hay with), so she summons her younger step-brother to come stay with her and her "little stepdaughter" (Gloria Guida). Of course, Guida's character ends up being attracted to her new "uncle" and plots to get "his bird in her bush" by, among other things, arranging for him to witness a steamy lesbian encounter between her and a friend in a, uh, steam room. To resist this temptation, the "uncle" marries Guida off to another guy while he in turn marries her friend, but they still can't resist each other.
A Virgin in the Family
Makeup Artist
The strand that opposes the bourgeois morality of the solar facade freedom of sexual behavior is an additional coarse exemplary in this film where the most excessive declarations of honesty of a family hiding intrigues and debauchery. Father, mother and son are all entangled. Only daughter, Anna, seems to be out. "He studied and preserved virgin" is the recommendation that the father, truffle hardened, the repeats. But when she discovers her father with his secretary, starts for her, more than a drama, a confused search morbid. Approaches, waste, leaks, adventurous experiences until, almost by breaking it with an equivocal situation, ask an occasional companion to deprive her of her virginity, as a cumbersome burden. Then haughtily refuses the marriage with a young friend, that his father would want to impose "the good name of the family" and flees with the father of his friend, to a free tomorrow.
La mafia mi fa un baffo
Makeup Artist
A two bit actor is a dead ringer for a mafia boss who has been killed by a rival gang. He's hired by the dead man's gang to take his place in public.
Камера пыток
Makeup Artist
Американский студент Питер Кляйст отправляется в Австрию, пытаясь узнать что-нибудь о судьбе своих далеких предков. Старинный пергамент, древнее колдовство и силы Зла возвращаются к жизни. Шестнадцатый век приходит на смену двадцатому, и нет спасения от зловещего барона-садиста…