Byron Quiros

Byron Quiros


Native Californian of Costa Rican decent, Byron Quiros has enjoyed success in all areas of the entertainment industry: film, TV, dance and theatre. At the age of seven, he had already a vision of working in front of the camera. Byron discovered a natural ability to move, which excelled him at sports and soon after found break dance leading him into performing. He trained in theatre and dance at the University of California, Irvine and performed extensively under Donald McKayle, Israel "El" Gabriel, Janice Plastino, Donald Bradburn, Robert Cohen, and the late Bernard Johnson. Byron was then discovered in the Mr. Latin of California Competition. This lead him to choreograph and dance for BMG Records, Fiesta Broadway, Puerto Rican Festival, Miss Panamerican Internacional, and two national commercial spots for Sears Roebuck as the lead dancer and model. Since, he's worked with Craig David, Disney, Grammy Winner Usher Raymond, and currently tours with Latin Grammy Nominee Ana Barbara. Upon graduating from UC Irvine, Byron continued his studies in drama by studying Meisner under John Ruskin (apprentice to Sandy Meisner in New York). He guest starred on JAG (1995 TV series), booked several national commercials and honed his craft on stage which he believes is the true stepping ground for an actor. His theatre credits include Dawgs, The Bullfight, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Short Eyes for which his portrayal of Paco, a gay Puerto Rican prisoner, earned him a Los Angeles Drama Critics' Circle Honorable Mention and Spoon River Anthology for which he won a LADCC Best Actor Award. He most recently appeared in the Tony Award Winning play, Take Me Out for the Geffen Playhouse at The Brentwood Theatre with Jeremy Sisto, Terrell Tilford, Jeffrey Nordling, and Carmen Argenziano; directed by Randall Arney, ensemble member & former Artistic Director of Chicago's Steppenwolf Theatre and current Artistic Director for The Geffen Playhouse. Byron's film credits include Set It Off (1996), The Legacy, King Rikki (2002), and Coronado (2003) with Kristin Dattilo, Clayton Rohner, and John Rhys-Davies. His latest film project, Hard Pill with Jonathan Slavin, will make its way into the film circuit.


Byron Quiros


Hot Seat
Jonny Ca$h
Teen Andrea uses a male stripper to gain the respect and admiration of cool girl Daphne. Hot Seat, which is based on a true story, explores coming-of-age sexuality and the complexities of relationships between teen girls.
Yes, And...
When an obsessive compulsive Asian-American actor meets the girl of his dreams on his way to therapy, he makes it his mission to convince her to stay when she tells him she's already planning on moving out of town for good. Meanwhile, he struggles to cope with uninvited guests who have overstayed their welcome in his one-bedroom apartment: his newly divorced and jaded best friend in need of a place to stay, and his aging but loving parents who are in town for dad's urgent operation (and who never fail to embarrass him). With seemingly the whole world giving him life advice after seeing him experience a series of disappointments with the girl and with his career, he suffers a nervous breakdown, forcing him to come to terms with what it means to truly live in the moment by reacting and acknowledging what's in front of him, rather than forcing what he wished were in front of him.
A teenager in Echo Park deals with the loss of his mother and his attraction to a girl not considered "cool" by his friends.
Hard Pill
A despondent gay man throws his life and relationships into turmoil when he volunteers for a controversial pharmaceutical study for a drug designed to make gay men straight.
General Rafael
Молодая американка Клер Уинслоу узнает, что ее жених Уилл Галлахер вовсе не с египетскими деловыми кругами ведет совместный бизнес, а занимается чем-то иным в латиноамериканской стране Коронадо. Девушка бросает весь свой налаженный и прочный американский быт и пускается на поиски жениха. Точнее, на поиски приключений, которых Клер хлебнет сполна. Для начала в Коронадо она останется без денег и без вещей. Затем в число ее знакомых попадет Арнет МакКлюр, который также спокойной жизни не ищет. И наконец, Клер окажется в самом центре революционной ситуации, когда найдет Уилла там, где скрываются партизанские отряды генерала Рафаэля, готовящиеся свергнуть президента-диктатора Рамоса.
LAPD Officer (uncredited)
Живут в негритянском квартале Лос-Анджелеса четыре подруги — одна теряет работу в банке, у второй убивают брата, третья лишается ребенка, а четвертая давно поставила крест на своей жизни. Несправедливость и нищета заставляют их бросить вызов системе, делающей из людей рабов. Они берутся за оружие и начинают грабить банки. Раз-другой у них все проходит гладко, но их подставляет их же «чернокожий брат», укравший награбленные ими деньги. И тогда они решают «сделать это в последний раз».