Director of Photography
A woman brings her son and husband to a tropical vacation spot for a little rest and relaxation. The only problem is that the husband has been dead for quite some time, and his wife had him stuffed and carries him everywhere with her. Complications ensue.
Director of Photography
Grace Caldwell, a young Pennsylvania newspaper heiress living with her widowed mother, has trouble restraining herself when it comes to the amorous attentions of young men. As word starts to spread about her behavior, Grace becomes a major source of heartache for her mother and a big source of concern to her brother.
Director of Photography
An unknown Kentucky writer (James Franciscus) comes to New York and pursues fame and women (Suzanne Pleshette, Genevieve Page).
Director of Photography
1945, on an old cargo ship somewhere deep in the Pacific ocean: Captain Morton strives to become commander, so he demands the maximum quality of work from his crew, without granting them any freedom or favors - ignoring that they're thousand of miles away from the front. In one word: he drives his crew crazy. They are near mutiny, but no-one dares to do the first step. Until Ensign Pulver plays a prank on the captain that triggers fatal consequences...
Director of Photography
Жизнь в уединённой долине в равной мере полна и тягот и прекрасных моментов. Но в судьбе каждого человека наступает день, когда ему следует принять решение, готов ли он к новым свершениям. И тогда самым неисчерпаемым источником жизненных сил оказывается семья.
Director of Photography
Prudence resigns from her teaching position after being criticized for giving a student her copy of a romance novel. She sails for Italy, takes a job at a small bookstore in Rome, and meets Don, who has just broken up with his girlfriend. Prudence and Don tour Italy together, and romance naturally follows.
Director of Photography
Гатри Маккейб служит шерифом в небольшом городке, за что получает 10% дохода местного салуна. Однажды здесь появляется лейтенант Джим Гэри со своим кавалерийским отрядом, чтобы предложить Маккейбу следующую работу: разыскать на индейских территориях белых людей, похищенных во время недавней войны с команчами
Director of Photography
Walter Lee Younger is a young man struggling with his station in life. Sharing a tiny apartment with his wife, son, sister and mother, he seems like an imprisoned man. Until, that is, the family gets an unexpected financial windfall.
Director of Photography
Бывший яхтсмен, а ныне лейтенант американской армии, поверив радужным обещаниям, отправляется командовать «Самым дурацким кораблем в армии» — грудой металлолома с командой матросов-недотеп. И уж конечно, ни капитан, ни команда не знают, что на их корабль возложена сверхсекретная миссия по спасению союзников, оказавшихся на японской территории…
Director of Photography
U.S. spies catch a Moscow-born U.S. citizen (Ernest Borgnine) helping spies, and they force him to counterspy.
Director of Photography
Ненси Лоу похитило племя индейцев Команчи. Джефферсон Коуди, ковбой-одиночка, освобождает женщину и везет обратно к мужу. Но на обратном пути они встречают трех бандитов, которые хотят вернуть Ненси за вознаграждение. Теперь Джефферсону придется защитить женщину не только от Команчей, которые преследуют его, но и от кровожадных преступников.
Director of Photography
The story of legendary jazz drummer, Gene Krupa. Since his youth, all Gene ever wanted to do is play the drums and make music. This is something his parents would not approve of- they want him to be a priest. When Gene's father dies he promises to enter the priesthood. He soon realizes that he doesn't belong there and leaves to join his friend, Eddie's band. Ethel, Eddie's girlfriend, convinces Gene to go to New York and make it big. The 3 of them head to New York. Here Ethel and Gene soon fall in love and Gene makes a name for himself. Gene starts to live in the fast lane, with drugs, alcohol, women and parties. Ethel, unhappy with Gene's lifestyle, leaves him. Gene soon "hits rock bottom" where he has to face reality and choose where to take his life.
Director of Photography
Джейн Осгуд, хозяйка фирмы по рассылке живых омаров, волею случая оказывается втянутой в неравную борьбу с владельцем железнодорожной компании Гарри Мэлоуном. Неизвестно, чем бы закончилось дело, если бы не помощь друга детства Джорджа Денэма…
Director of Photography
Бен Бригэйд - охотник за головами, захватывает убийцу - Билли Джона. Бригэйд собирается отвезти его на виселицу в Санта-Круз. По пути Бригэйд останавливается на станции для дилижансов, где спасает жену станционного смотрителя от индейцев, и заручается поддержкой двух преступников. Но чем дальше, тем опаснее становится путешествие. Индейцы продолжают преследование, преступники планируют отбить Билли у Бригэйта, соблазнившись предложением об амнистии за поимку малыша Билли, а брат Билли Фрэнк отправляется в погоню, чтобы спасти его. Но у Бригэйда есть свои собственные планы.
Director of Photography
In a changing world where television has become the main source of information, Adam Caulfield, a young sports journalist, witnesses how his uncle, Frank Skeffington, a veteran and honest politician, mayor of a New England town, tries to be reelected while bankers and captains of industry conspire in the shadows to place a weak and manageable candidate in the city hall.
Director of Photography
A powerful rancher always protects his wild adult son by paying for damages and bribing witnesses, until his crimes become too serious to rectify.
Director of Photography
Это история Фрэнка Харриса, чьи романтические мечты об образе жизни ковбоя развеяны, когда он сопровождает своего партнера, Тома Риса, при перегоне рогатого скота. Однако во время пути, Харрис обнаруживает, что трагедия, насилие и смерть — это часть жизни ковбоя. Если ты не стал ковбоем — ты не стал мужчиной.
Director of Photography
Известный грабитель Бен Вейд и его банда нападают на перевозивший золото дилижанс. Захватив добычу, Вейд велит переходить границу поодиночке; банда разъезжается, но сам он задерживается в городе и его арестовывают. Необходимо срочно перевезти Вейда в более надежное место. Доставить его до поезда, отходящего в 3:10 на Юму, вызывается обыкновенный фермер Дэн Эванс. У него есть несколько часов форы, прежде чем банда соберется вновь и попытается отбить своего главаря.
Director of Photography
Having lost his horse in a bet, Pat Brennan hitches a ride with a stagecoach carrying newlyweds, Willard and Doretta Mims. At the next station the coach and its passengers fall into the hands of a trio of outlaws headed by a man named Usher. When Usher learns that Doretta is the daughter of a rich copper-mine owner, he decides to hold her for ransom. Tension builds over the next 24 hours as Usher awaits a response to his demands and as a romantic attachment grows between Brennan and Doretta.
Camera Operator
История из жизни армейского госпиталя США разворачивается в освобожденной Франции вскоре после окончания Второй мировой войны. Рядовой медицинской службы Хоган устраивает вечеринку для солдат под носом у злобного и недалекого командира.
A father-in-law's visit makes life even more complicated for a struggling writer and his pregnant wife. Director Richard Quine's 1956 film stars Judy Holliday, Richard Conte and Salvatore Baccaloni.
Director of Photography
A reporter stumbles on a runaway heiress whose story could salvage his career.
Director of Photography
Семи лет отроду Джубал Труп сбежал от родной матери, скитаясь, соглашался на любую работу, пока не подобрал его Шип Хоген, крупный скотовод, весельчак, да и просто славный малый. Джубал понравился Хогену спокойным характером и любовью к работе, Хоген стал вторым (после отца) человеком, кто поверил Джубалу. Они сошлись. Хоген приблизил Джубала, он сделал его управляющим. Такое быстрое подвижение не могло понравиться Пинки, давно работающего на босса, который сам метил на это место. Вредный, злой на язык Пинки затаил обиду, стал наговаривать на Джубала, всячески чернить его в глазах хозяина. А тут, как на беду, еще и жена Хогена положила на Джубала глаз. Скучно ей, красивой женщине, было в этих диких местах, с этим простоватым мужем, среди коров и лошадей.
Director of Photography
Nancy Willows (Constance Towers), pretty blonde high school teacher, writes song lyrics which spark the careers of struggling young pianist-composer Martin Adams (Keefe Brasselle')and would-be singer Jerry Dennis (Frankie Laine). When Nancy and Martin fall in love but quarrel over her old flame, David Parker (William Leslie), Nancy returns to her teaching job. Jerry reunites Nancy and Martin and, in turn, succumbs to the charms of his new secretary Marge Stevenson (Lucy Marlow).
Director of Photography
The life story of a salt-of-the-earth Irish immigrant, who becomes an Army Noncommissioned Officer and spends his 50 year career at the United States Military Academy at West Point. This includes his job-related experiences as well as his family life and the relationships he develops with young cadets with whom he befriends. Based on the life of a real person.
Director of Photography
Dr. Allen Seward is assigned to a western cavalry post where his predecessors had been drunks and slackers. The post doesn't take kindly to him either, especially after he disregards regulations and tends to sick Indians on the malaria-infested reservation. The Indians break away from the reservation to move to a healthier higher ground, and when they join with the Comanches to besiege the fort, Seward is branded as a "woodhawk", the bird that turns against its own. Donna Reed is present as the niece of the post commander; Phil Carey is a cavalry captain that believes the only good Indian is a dead Indian, and May Wynn is the white girl raised by the Indians and married to the chief's son.
Director of Photography
A mechanic gets caught up with the mob when he falls for a gangster's girlfriend.
Director of Photography
Жизнь уныла для команды морских пехотинцев, размещенных на сонном Тихоокеанском острове, но их рутинная служба переворачивается вверх тормашками с прибытием на островок Сэди Томпсон, девчонки, которая не прочь развлечься! Милашка остановилась на Гавайях на недельку, в ожидании судна, которое возьмет ее на свой борт в качестве певицы ночного клуба корабля. Шумные забавы Сэди и её поклонников, привлекают внимание Альфреда Дэвидсона, набожного миссионера, который заподозрил, что девушка имеет темное прошлое. Дэвидсон использует свое влияние в муниципалитете, чтобы выслать эксцентричную девицу с острова. Сержант Фил О`Хара серьезно влюбляется в беспечную Сэди и его любовь превращает эту «павшую» в добропорядочную женщину.
Director of Photography
Composer Gary Stuart (Ray Milland) and his wife, Connie (Jane Wyman), have an argument over her alleged affair with Courtney Craig (Tom Helmore). The Stuarts agree to get divorced, and each tries to move on to a new love: Gary with socialite Deborah Randolph (Karin Booth) and Connie with businessman Frank McGraw (Aldo Ray). However, they start to realize that they still have strong feelings for each other. The Stuarts must make a decision before their divorce is final.
Director of Photography
Рейд команчей на Драй-Бьют под управлением Черного Облака позволил сохранить жизнь шестерым молодым солдатам. Для борьбы с усталостью они отправляются в ближний форт. Проходя через пустыню, группа солдат встречает пассажиров дилижанса. Прыткий парень, ранее взятый в плен команчами, помогает своим захватчикам добыть воды, чтобы не погибнуть от жажды. Они невыносимо страдают от жажды и нехватки провианта, но их отвага и мужество позволят остаться достойными людьми даже в сложившейся ситуации. Впереди их ждет новый виток сражений. Это война. И боевые действия каждого из этой группы путников испытают на прочность.
Director of Photography
In 1865, a troop of Confederate soldiers led by Major Matt Stewart attack the wagon of gold escorted by Union cavalry and the soldiers are killed. The only wounded survivor tells that the war ended one month ago, and the group decides to take the gold and meet their liaison that knew that the war ended but did not inform the troop. The harsh Rolph Bainter kills the greedy man and the soldiers flee in his wagon driven by Major Stewart. When they meet a posse chasing them, Stewart gives wrong information to misguide the group; however, they have an accident with the wagon and lose the horses. They decide to stop a stagecoach and force the driver to transport them, but the posse returns and they are trapped in the station with the passenger. They realize that the men are not deputies and have no intention to bring them to justice but take the stolen gold.
Director of Photography
A violinist and his brother guide one's son through his crush on the family maid in 1920s Ottawa.
Director of Photography
A woman, distraught because of her recent miscarriage, accidentally injures a child in a hit-and-run accident, but she keeps the incident a secret. Overcome with guilt and remorse, she seeks out the child in the hospital and attempts to help him regain his speech, even though, if successful, it might mean he will implicate her for the crime.
Director of Photography
A small rancher is being harassed by his mighty and powerful neighbor. When the neighbor even hires gunmen to intimidate him he has to defend himself and his property by means of violence.
Director of Photography
Costume swashbuckler with heroic John Derek battling evil Anthony Quinn.
Director of Photography
After their service in the Civil War, four brothers go their separate ways, but later find themselves on opposite sides of a final showdown.
Director of Photography
A group of outlaws posing as Southern sympathizers and led secretly by freight-line owner Jim Maroon are raiding stagecoaches, and this is a threat to the Union communications. Grif Holbrook, a trouble-shooter for the Butterfield Stage Line, and Union man Barney Broderick team up to try and put a stop to the activity, when they aren't fighting over the charms of Kate Crocker.
Director of Photography
A daffy door-to-door saleswoman blunders into a murder investigation.
Director of Photography
A sailor and his captain fight over a beautiful girl.
Director of Photography
A mysterious stranger crosses paths with an outlaw bank robber and a greedy rancher.
Director of Photography
В надежде наладить прежнюю жизнь после Второй мировой войны, полковник Джо Баррет возвращается в Токио — здесь в довоенное время он управлял кабаре «Токийский Джо» и был женат на русской эмигрантке Трине. Будучи полностью уверенным в её гибели, Джо внезапно узнаёт, что на самом деле она жива, и более того — состоит в браке с американским дипломатом. Решительно вознамерившись вернуть Трину себе, он оказывается крепко втянут в шантаж и мятежный заговор.
Director of Photography
A bookie uses a phony real estate business as a front for his betting parlor. To further keep up the sham, he hires dim-witted Ellen Grant as his secretary figuring she won't suspect any criminal goings-on. When Ellen learns of some friends who are about to lose their homes, she unwittingly drafts her boss into developing a new low-cost housing development.
Director of Photography
When he learns that a gangster has taken over his nightclub and murdered his partner, returning WWII hero Joe Miracle steals the money from the club's safe and hides in a settlement home, while the mob is on his tail.
Director of Photography
When the Daltons are killed at Coffeyville, gang member Bill Doolin, arriving late, escapes but kills a man. Now wanted for murder, he becomes the leader of the Doolin gang. He eventually leaves the gang and tries to start a new life under a new name, but the old gang members appear and his true identity becomes known. Once again he becomes an outlaw trying to escape from the law.
Director of Photography
A study in greed in which treasure hunters seek a shipment of gold buried in Death Valley.
Director of Photography
A film director, in bad standing with his studio, tries to turn a local carnival dancer into a "French" movie star and pass her off as his big new discovery
Director of Photography
Jenny Marsh is a hard-luck dame who's just finished five years in the slammer for killing a man. Jenny's not exactly the murdering type -- she did the deed while defending her jailbird lover, Harry, which is probably one reason she's attracted the attention of her parole officer, Griff Marat. In fact, Griff is so taken with Jenny that he gets her a job caring for his ailing mother, but although Jenny tries to fly right, she's not yet over Harry.
Director of Photography
A cowboy sets out to capture an escaped Brahma bull that is terrorizing local ranchers. Based on a story by Eli Colter that appeared in The Saturday Evening Post.
Director of Photography
A young British nobleman comes back from fighting in the War of the Roses to discover that his father has been murdered by an old family friend who is now an outlaw. However, he becomes suspicious about the exact circumstances of his father's death and determines to find out exactly what happened.
Director of Photography
A wealthy man hires a detective to investigate his wife's mysterious past.
Director of Photography
На пустынной ночной аллее нью-йоркского Сентрал Парка Майкл О`Хара расшвыривает бандитов, напавших на Розали Баннистер. Гигант с лицом ребёнка, безработный моряк, он привлекает её своей первобытной мощью, и она предлагает Майклу работу на яхте мужа, преуспевающего адвоката, искалеченного полиомелитом калеки. Сражённый наповал роковой блондинкой, О’Хара отправляется в плавание. В пути Гризби, деловой партнер Баннистера, обращается к Майклу с весьма загадочным предложением — помочь инсценировать его убийство, для того чтобы тот мог исчезнуть и получить огромную страховку. Гризби обещает заплатить $5000, с такими деньгами Майкл и Розали смогут бежать и начать новую жизнь. Майкл соглашается и… практически подписывает себе смертный приговор.
Director of Photography
Внук графа Монте-Кристо ложно обвинён в преступлении и заключён в тюрьму на острове Дьявола. Он сбегает и пытается отомстить тем, кто виновен в его заключении.
Director of Photography
Dagwood Bumstead (Arthur Lake) poses as his boss Mr. Dithers (Jonathan Hale) so that a big business deal can be consummated while Dithers avoids nearsighted process server Jim Gray (Shemp Howard). The upshot of all this is that Dagwood ends up in a lunatic asylum, forcing Blondie (Penny Singleton) to come to the rescue. Number 18 in the long running Blondie series. Blondie Knows Best was writer/director Edward Bernds' first entry in the long-running "Blondie" series, and arguably his funniest. Bernds was a big fan of comedian Shemp Howard (whom he'd directed in several Columbia 2-reelers) and accordingly he gives Shemp free reign in his scenes, resulting in some hystericially funny moments. Blondie Knows Best represented Jonathan Hale's farewell to the series; in the next entry, Blondie's Big Moment, he would be replaced by Jerome Cowan as Mr. Radcliffe
Director of Photography
Steve, revue producer in Rio de Janeiro, is still in love with his ex-wife Vicki, his star Linda is in love with Steve and Tito is in love with Linda. Because of this they all get small problems.
Director of Photography
A PI investigates a priest's murder.
Director of Photography
Dennis O'Keefe, newly married to lovely Sheila Ryan, is in a jam. O'Keefe's former girl friend, exotic dancer Marie McDonald, has in her possession an expensive, jeweled garter given to her by O'Keefe in his bachelor days. McDonald intends to show the garter to O'Keefe's suspicious wife, so Our Hero must retrieve the embarrassing accouterment without tipping off the missus.
Director of Photography
Film adaptation of the Broadway hit, about the comic mayhem that erupts in a small town when a 15-year old high-schooler (Shirley Temple) is wrongly suspected of being pregnant.
Director of Photography
Monty Brewster is a pennyless, former U.S. Army soldier back from World War II Europe who learns that he has inherited $8 million from a distant relative. But there's a catch: he must spend $1 million of that money in less than two months before his 30th birthday in order to inherit the rest.
Director of Photography
Based on a play by Phoebe and Henry Ephron, "3 Is a Family" is a 1940s farce. Charlie Ruggles plays a hubby whose bungled business schemes force his wife, Fay Bainter, to enter the workplace. The couple's daughter, Marjorie Reynolds, shows up with her twin babies in tow. Son Arthur Lake arrives with his pregnant wife (Jeff Donnell). And overbearing maiden aunt Helen Broderick also decides to move in. Because his wife is away at work, poor old Charlie Ruggles is not only housekeeper, but nursemaid and servant as well.
Director of Photography
Newly-married Gary Ainsworth (Dennis O'Keefe) once gave his former sweetheart Mabel (Gail Patrick) a sexy negligee with his initials embroidered in the lacework. It is Gary's unenviable task to retrieve the incriminating undergarment from Mabel's room before his wife Geraldine (Marjorie Reynolds) gets wise.
Director of Photography
Biff and Jeff, two American G.I.'s on furlough in Australia during The Second World War, are enjoying their time the way most soldiers on leave do. When they meet the beautiful Joyce, however, they both fall head over heels for her, and start competing for her attentions. As their R&R time begins to run out, the schemes they each come up with to win her affection and foil the other's plans to do the same become more and more outrageous.
Director of Photography
Journalist Marion Hargrove enters the Army intending to supplement his income by writing about his training experiences. He muddles through basic training at Fort Bragg with the self-serving help of a couple of buddies intent on cutting themselves in on that extra income.
Director of Photography
A widow's grown children try to break up her romance with a college professor.
Director of Photography
This Passing Parade series entry looks at three instances of people who either caused or were the victims of errors.
Director of Photography
Blind detective Duncan Maclain gets mixed up with enemy agents and murder when he tries to help an old friend with a rebellious stepdaughter.
Director of Photography
Members of a well-to-do small community become worried when it is revealed that one of their maids is writing a telling exposé.
Director of Photography
This short film applies the prophecies of Nostradamus to events of World War II.
Director of Photography
In Chicago, an unemployed actor aims to solve the mystery concerning a string of ax murders, apparently committed by a lunatic.
Director of Photography
A young newlywed (Robert Sterling) finds working for his nasty father-in-law difficult.
Director of Photography
Joe Smith is an ordinary American family man who works in an aircraft factory. Shortly after being a promoted to a much higher position, Joe is kidnapped by enemy agents who are determined to get military secrets out of him by any means possible. Will Joe keep quiet or betray his country...
Director of Photography
The perineal District Attorney and conservative southern patriarch cherishes the old ways and does his best to adjust to change.
Director of Photography
Young undefeated boxer Terry Dolan, who's been lying to his invalid mother about his career, confides to Maisie that he hates and is terrified by boxing and wants out. Not wanting to let down his best friend and manager Skeets Maguire, who has hopes of him becoming the next champion, he is reluctant to bring up the subject with him. Maisie convinces Terry to tell Skeets, whose unexpected reaction induces him to step into the ring again.
Director of Photography
A detective is hired to protect the life of a singer, who has recently inherited a department store, from the store's crooked manager.
Director of Photography
This short film portrays Nostradamus as having predicted the horrors of WWI and Hitler's rise to power, as well as the eventual triumph of "the daughter of the English Isles" against these forces. The film was nominated for an Oscar for Best Short Subject, One-Reel.
Director of Photography
Showgirl Maisie Ravier finds herself once again out of work. She meets a wealthy playboy who hires her to be his family's new maid. Maisie soon finds herself trying to mend the family's many problems.
Director of Photography
A dizzy young woman aranges to turn her inventor-boyfriend's vacation into a chance meeting with a possible investor who happens to be her brother's future father-in-law. And Wacky stuff happens.
Director of Photography
This final Carter film is a lot of fun, with Nick (unwillingly, at first) taking on a ring of Fifth Columnists (since this was filmed before the US entered the war, we're not told the villains are Nazis, but it's pretty clear anyway). Of course, the helpful and persistent Bartholomew is at his side--much to Nick's irritation. To further complicate things--and to make them still funnier--Joyce Compton is along for the ride too, as a delightfully brainless "detective" named Christine Cross.
Director of Photography
Maisie becomes attached to a dirt-poor farmer and his family as they try to make ends meet joining hundreds of others digging for gold in a previously panned-out ghost town.
Judge Hardy takes his family to New York City, where Andy quickly falls in love with a socialite. He finds the high society life too expensive, and eventually decides that he liked it better back home.
Director of Photography
Maisie gets lost in a jungle in Africa and the jungle of romance. The African jungle has snakes, crocodiles and witch doctors. The romantic jungle has a dedicated doctor with an un-dedicated wife and an embittered doctor who is dedicated to no one.
Director of Photography
Detective Nick Carter is brought in to foil spies at the Radex Airplane Factory, where a new fighter plane is under manufacture.
Director of Photography
A maker of illusions for magicians protects an ingenue likely to be murdered.
Director of Photography
This short tells the story of Norwegian explorer and diplomat Fridtjof Nansen (1861-1930). After a life of adventure, he was instrumental in resettling tens of thousands of refugees and displaced persons resulting from World War I. He continued this work in 1922 after the war between Greece and Turkey. The film ends by reminding moviegoers to think of the plight of contemporary refugees caused by the fighting in Europe.
Director of Photography
To stop Pinkie's widowed, struggling mother Dottie from marrying a well-off older man they know she doesn't love, teenager Pinkie and her best friend Buzz kidnap her in the family travel trailer to live a carefree life on the open road. They then get the idea to find Dottie a financially secure husband whom both she and Pinkie would like.
Director of Photography
This short film looks at the life of Michel Ney, who fought at Napoleon's side and was made a Marshall of France.
Director of Photography
A sleazy lawyer gains clients by showing up at terrible accidents. His boss, determined to stop him, hires a pretty girl to cozy up and coerce the truth out of the ambulance-chaser. Unfortunately, the boss doesn't count on the romance factor and sure enough, love blossoms between the girl and the shyster.
Director of Photography
This short explores the possibility that Louis XVII, son of King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, escaped death during the French Revolution and was raised by Indians in America.
Director of Photography
A young woman inherits a newspaper whose editor refuses to hire lady reporters.