Mischa Bakaleinikoff

Рождение : 1890-11-10, Moscow, Russian Empire [now Russia]

Смерть : 1960-08-10


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Mikhail Romanovich "Mischa" Bakaleinikov (also spelled Bakaleynikov and Bakaleinikoff; Russian: Михаил Романович Бакалейников; November 10, 1890 – August 10, 1960) was a noted musical director, film composer and conductor.


The Enemy General
OSS agent, working with the French underground, ambushes Nazi convoy with high-ranking general, who escapes. Later they take him from a Nazi prison and smuggle him to England.
The Enemy General
OSS agent, working with the French underground, ambushes Nazi convoy with high-ranking general, who escapes. Later they take him from a Nazi prison and smuggle him to England.
Станция Команч
Original Music Composer
Ненси Лоу похитило племя индейцев Команчи. Джефферсон Коуди, ковбой-одиночка, освобождает женщину и везет обратно к мужу. Но на обратном пути они встречают трех бандитов, которые хотят вернуть Ненси за вознаграждение. Теперь Джефферсону придется защитить женщину не только от Команчей, которые преследуют его, но и от кровожадных преступников.
Apache Territory
Logan Cates sets out to rescue a white woman captured by Apache Indians and prevent a war. On the way he is joined by a few civilians and a small band of soldiers at a water hole. They are ambushed and laid siege to by Apache. As their food and water supplies dwindle a storm arrives which enables Cates to put an escape plan into action.
Crash Landing
Airplane passengers prepare for a crash landing in the ocean.
Original Music Composer
В Сан-Франциско гангстер-психопат и его наставник возвращают себе пакеты с героином, которые оказываются у непримечательных туристов.
The Hard Man
Original Music Composer
A Texas Ranger turns deputy sheriff; a woman wants him to kill her cattle-baron husband.
Случай в Тихуане
Американский фильм, действие которого происходит на границе Мексики, - разоблачает продажность и коррупцию, царящие в маленьком городке, превращённом при поддержке местных властей в центр торговли наркотиками и женщинами.
Domino Kid
A rancher vows revenge on the five men responsible for his father's death.
No Time to Be Young
Original Music Composer
A melodrama about young adults growing up and facing the pressures of life.
The Giant Claw
Global panic ensues when it is revealed that a mysterious UFO is actually a giant turkey-like bird that flies at supersonic speed and has no regard for life or architecture.
The Guns of Fort Petticoat
Opposing his commanding officer's decision to attack a group of innocent Indians and wipe them out, Lt. Frank Hewitt leaves his post and heads home to Texas. He knows that the attack will send all of the tribes on the warpath and he wants to forewarn everyone. He gets a chilly reception back home however. With most of the men away having enlisted in the Confederate army Frank, a Union officer, is seen by the local women as a traitor. He convinces them of the danger that lies ahead and trains them to repel the attack that will eventually come.
Zombies of Mora Tau
Original Music Composer
American tycoon George Harrison, his beautiful wife, Mona, and deep-sea diver Jeff Clark are off the coast of Africa hoping to salvage a fortune in diamonds at the bottom of the sea near the voodoo-haunted island of Mora Tau, and are joined by an English girl named Jan. The treasure is reported to be guarded by Zombies, walking dead-men doomed to roam the earth until men stop trying to find the sacred treasure. Here, they are walking the sea-bottom, and there is a large conflict of interest between them and the treasure-seekers.
20 миллионов миль от Земли
Original Music Composer
Первый полёт землян на Венеру заканчивается тем, что по возвращении домой космический корабль терпит аварию и падает в Средиземном море. Жителям прибрежной рыбацкой деревушки удаётся спасти одного из астронавтов, а также одну интересную инопланетную особь, которая начинает резко увеличиваться в размерах и становится прямой угрозой для населения итальянской столицы.
The 27th Day
Original Music Composer
Five individuals from five nations, including the USA, USSR, and China, suddenly find themselves on an alien saucer, where an alien gives each a container holding three capsules. The alien explains that no power on earth can open a given container except a mental command from the person to whom it is given, then anyone may take a capsule and, by speaking a latitude and longitude at it, cause instant death to all within a given radius: thus each of the five has been provided with the power of life and death. Then, they are given 27 days to decide whether to use the capsules, and returned to the places from which each one came...
7th Cavalry
An officer accused of cowardice volunteers to bring back General Custers's body after Little Big Horn.
Полукровка Фрэнк Мэдден утверждает, что он белый, чтобы владеть землей, но жестокие расовые столкновения в городе вынуждают его отказаться от своего нейтралитета и выбрать сторону.
The White Squaw
A Swedish settler (David Brian) starts a war when he tries to drive Dakotas off their Wyoming reservation.
Miami Exposé
A police detective baits killer gamblers with a mob witness (Patricia Medina) in the Everglades.
После прибытия в маленький горный городок потерявшего память незнакомца происходит серия убийств, совершенных каким-то диким животным. Пока городской доктор и его дочь пытаются помочь незнакомцу, шериф расследует убийства. Вместе они приходят к выводу, что причиной происходящего является зловещий эксперимент: жертве автомобильной аварии ввели сыворотку, которая заставляет человека превращаться в свирепого оборотня.
После прибытия в маленький горный городок потерявшего память незнакомца происходит серия убийств, совершенных каким-то диким животным. Пока городской доктор и его дочь пытаются помочь незнакомцу, шериф расследует убийства. Вместе они приходят к выводу, что причиной происходящего является зловещий эксперимент: жертве автомобильной аварии ввели сыворотку, которая заставляет человека превращаться в свирепого оборотня.
Blackjack Ketchum Desperado
A former gunslinger comes to the aid of ranchers battling a murderous land baron.
Fury at Gunsight Pass
An outlaw terrorizes the citizens of Gunsight Pass while he searches for stolen bank money that mysteriously disappeared after a robbery.
Inside Detroit
Gus Linden, former racketeer head of a Detroit local of the United Automobile Workers of America, A.F.L, attempts to destroy his successor, Blair Vicker, so he can put his old rackets back into the auto factories. Vickers fights him off, ultimately winning help from Linden's attractive daughter Barbara and from Joni Calvin, Vickers' moll.
Существо с атомным мозгом
Усилиями полиции и конкурентов гангстера Фрэнка Бьюкенена депортировали из США в родную Италию. В Европе он встретил учёного Уильяма Штайга, который к тому времени уже научился оживлять покойников и превращать их в своих слуг. Бьюкенен мгновенно смекнул, что научные изыскания Штайга можно успешно применять против своих врагов.
Это прибыло со дна моря
Атомная субмарина замечает в океане огромный неизвестный движущийся объект. Тем временем с судов, которые занимаются в этом районе ловом рыбы, начинают поступать сообщения о таинственных исчезновениях людей. Ученые начинают расследование и обнаруживают гигантского осьминога, ставшего таким в результате ядерных испытаний в океане...
Cell 2455 Death Row
A Death Row inmate uses his prison law studies to fight for his life. Based on a true story.
New Orleans Uncensored
Original Music Composer
William Castle directed this Sam Katzman production, a gritty crime thriller about a newly-discharged sailor who gets a job as a longshoreman in The Big Easy. He swiftly discovers mob corruption throughout the docks, and when a friend is killed by the gangsters, he convinces the police to let him go undercover and take matters into his own hands. Filmed on location on the docks and in the French Quarter.
Riding with Buffalo Bill
Music Director
Columbia Pictures elevated a run-of-the-mill B-western supporting player, Marshall Reed, to the title role in this equally run-of-the-mill western serial released in 15 chapters. Like most serials in the '50s, Riding with Buffalo Bill consisted of quite a bit of budget-stretching stock footage telling a highly fictionalized account of Buffalo Bill Cody aiding a group of ranchers in their defeat of a local crime lord. The serial's assistant director, Leonard Katzman, later produced the long-running television series Gunsmoke and Dallas.
Cannibal Attack
Music Director
Jungle Jim fights enemy agents who are trying to steal cobalt while disguised as crocodiles.
The Law vs. Billy the Kid
Music Supervisor
Billy the Kid is forced to kill for the woman he loves, and is ultimately brought to justice by his old friend Pat Garrett.
Battle of Rogue River
Music Director
In 1850 Oregon is trying to gain statehood, but a truce is needed with the Indians before it can be accomplished. A new Army commander, Major Archer, is dispatched to bring order and peace to the territory.
The Bamboo Prison
A communist POW sides with his North Korean guards against his fellow prisoners.
The Miami Story
Music Director
Fed up with the raising crime in Miami, the police chief and the leading members of the city council hire a former Miami gangster, gone straight, to help eliminate the biggest crime syndicate in the city.
Massacre Canyon
Music Director
A band of renegade Apaches attempts to steal a shipment of rifles being transported to Fort Collins.
Wyoming Renegades
Brady Sutton returns from three years in prison and tries to go straight. One a member of the Butch Cassidy gang, he is still suspected of being cahoots with them. When Cassidy and his men rob the bank, he is blamed. Escaping from the townspeople, he once again joins up with Cassidy to wait for a chance to help bring him in.
Prisoners of the Casbah
Music Director
A low-born thief loves a Moroccan Princess. She must marry to escape death at the hands of her enemies. The groom is able to wed or cast away his bride simply by saying "I Marry You" or "I Divorce You" three times.
Сильная жара
Music Director
Детектив Дэйв Бэннион из отдела по расследованию убийств начинает непримиримую борьбу с преступным синдикатом и в короткие сроки обрезает все связи бандитов с городом и администрацией. Результат не заставляет себя ждать…
Gun Fury
Original Music Composer
After a stagecoach holdup, Frank Slayton's notorious gang leave Ben Warren for dead and head off with his fiancée. Warren follows, and although none of the townspeople he comes across are prepared to help, he recruits two others who have sworn revenge on the ruthless Slayton.
Незнакомец с револьвером
Music Director
Во время Гражданской войны Джеф Тревис воевал на стороне конфедератов. Но мирная жизнь заставила его пересмотреть свои взгляды и он выступает против своих бывших товарищей на стороне своих бывших врагов.
Serpent of the Nile
Music Director
Cleopatra toys with Mark Antony who wants to merge his Rome with her Egypt.
Prince of Pirates
In a 16th century kingdom in the Netherlands, the newly crowned King Stephan concludes a secret treaty with the Spanish. This puts him at odds with his younger brother, Prince Roland, who favors a treaty with the French. Stephan orders Roland imprisoned but Roland escapes and leads a revolt.
Music Director
Следопыт и Чингачгук берутся совершить невозможное: обеспечить победу малочисленных англичан над многочисленным войском французов. План действий включает шпионаж, диверсии и женские чары. За последние отвечает благородная Уэлком Элисон, готовая положить жизнь за родную Англию. Познакомившись с ней поближе, Следопыт понимает, что она исключительная женщина.
Blue Canadian Rockies
Montana ranch owner Cyrus Bigbee sends his foreman, Gene Autry, and Rawhide Buttram to his Canadian timber land to stop the marriage of his daughter Sandy to Todd Markey, whom he dislikes. Sandy wants to turn the property into a dude ranch, with Carolina Cotton and the Cass County Boys (Fred S. Martin, Jerry Scoggins and Bert Dodson) among the entertainers, and runs up against local timbermen who want it for cutting timber. When a Mountie is murdered, with suspicion pointing to Todd, Gene finds the real culprit and brings peace to the area.
Hangman's Knot
Music Director
In 1865, a troop of Confederate soldiers led by Major Matt Stewart attack the wagon of gold escorted by Union cavalry and the soldiers are killed. The only wounded survivor tells that the war ended one month ago, and the group decides to take the gold and meet their liaison that knew that the war ended but did not inform the troop. The harsh Rolph Bainter kills the greedy man and the soldiers flee in his wagon driven by Major Stewart. When they meet a posse chasing them, Stewart gives wrong information to misguide the group; however, they have an accident with the wagon and lose the horses. They decide to stop a stagecoach and force the driver to transport them, but the posse returns and they are trapped in the station with the passenger. They realize that the men are not deputies and have no intention to bring them to justice but take the stolen gold.
Золотой Ястреб
Music Director
Конец XVII века. Под гром абордажных крючьев бороздит Карибское море корабль Золотого Ястреба — французского капера Кристобаля «Кита» Жирардо. На этот путь его толкнуло желание отомстить заклятому врагу, знатному испанскому гранду. Однажды он спасает капитана пиратов Ружа от испанцев, который оказался неистовой красоткой Джейн Гольфин. Она пострадала от французских властей и потеряла все свое состояние, поэтому стала пираткой. Кит жаждет покоя и любви, но обретя ее, сталкивается с соперником. Им оказывается его давний, заклятый обидчик. Испанский губернатор Картахены Луис дель Торо захватывает Кита, Руж требует казни, но только один человек знает о том, что Кит «Ястреб" — это сын губернатора…
Barbed Wire
Music Director
A cattle buyer (Gene Autry), a federal agent (Pat Buttram) and a newswoman (Anne James) snip a railroad plot.
California Conquest
Music Director
The period is the 1840s and California is part of Mexico. Many of the citizens wish to become part of the United States. Other countries are also interested and the Russians have established bases in the northern part of the state. To further their hold they have stolen guns and Don Arturo Bordega, a leader of those wanting statehood, is out to recover them.
The Rough, Tough West
Music Director
Charles Starrett returns as the Durango Kid in Columbia's Rough, Tough, West. For most of the film, however, Starrett is known as "Steve Holden," a former Texas Ranger who comes to a wide-open mining town to visit an old friend (Jack -- later Jock -- Mahoney). Alas, said friend has turned bad, and is busy arranging a major land grab when Steve arrives on the scene. With deep regret, our hero dons his Durango disguise to thwart his ex-friend's criminal activities.
Brave Warrior
Music Director
In Indiana of the early 1800s, conflict once again arises between the United States and Great Britain over territory and boundaries. Each side endeavors to gain the support of the Shawnee Indian tribes in the area. Governor William Henry Harrison enlists the aid of Steve Rubbell, whose friendship with the Shawnee chief Tecumseh goes back to childhood. Tecumseh's leadership of the Shawnee is contested by his brother, known as The Prophet, who sides with the British. Tecumseh, who grew up as a childhood playmate of Steve and of Laura McGregor, loves Steve as a brother and hopes to marry Laura. But Laura is in love with Steve. Laura's father, Shayne McGregor, secretly leads local support of the British against the Americans, even though it risks the life and love of his daughter. Everything comes to a head at the battle of Tippecanoe.
Mysterious Island
Music Director
It is 1865 and Union prisoners use a military balloon to escape a Southern prison camp near the end of the Civil War. The balloon drifts for days and finally lands on a mysterious volcanic island with very unusual inhabitants. Also landing, in a better aircraft, is Rulu, a visitor from Mercury. She seeks a radio-active material that will enable her to manufacture an explosive that will destroy the world or, at least, the portion known as Earth in this 15 Chapter Serial from the 1950s.
Beware of Blondie
After 12 years and 28 films, Columbia's Blondie series came to a close with 1950's Beware of Blondie. Mr. Dithers leaving Dagwood (Arthur Lake) in charge of the office for a short period. Poor old Dagwood manages to gum things up when he falls for a confidence scam engineered by the duplicitous Toby Clifton (Adele Jergens). He even finds himself in a compromising position that seriously endangers his future connubial happiness with wife Blondie (Penny Singleton). Once again, it's up to Blondie to straighten out the mess. Mr. Dithers is played by an uncredited Edward Earle, who is seen only from the back; Earle's voice is dubbed over with an old recording of Jonathan Hale, the series' original Dithers.
Blondie's Hero
Dagwood enters the Army Reserve and Blondie visits only to discover that he has caused all sorts of problems which lead to numerous conflicts.
Blondie Hits the Jackpot
The "Blondie" series reaches Number 26 with Blondie Hits the Jackpot. Fired for messing up an important contract, Dagwood (Arthur Lake) takes a job as a manual laborer for a construction firm. Of interest is the fact that Dagwood and Blondie's son Alexander (Larry Simms), is now shaving and going out with girls--a far cry from his "Baby Dumpling" days in the series' earliest entries.
The Big Sombrero
Original Music Composer
Gene is hired to be foreman of the Big Sombrero ranch by Jim Garland, who is handling all the business affairs of the owner, Estrellita Estrada, who is more interested in going to America than taking care of her Mexican holdings. Gene, discovering Garland's plan to run all the Mexican rancheros off the ranch, turns against his boss and shortly finds himself in the middle of cattle stampedes and an avalanche started by Garland's men.
Blondie's Big Deal
Original Music Composer
In this, the 25th Blondie film, Dagwood accidentally discovers a non-flammable paint. Bad guys Dillon and Stack steal it before he can give it to his boss Radcliffe. To show off his invention, Dagwood paints Radcliffe's house with it and disgraced when the house burns down!
Леди из кордебалета
Music Director
Мюзикл Леди из кордебалета — это романтическая лента о любви юной принцессы бурлеска Пегги Мартин, которая выступает в шоу вместе со своей матерью. Восходящая звезда шоу приобретает фантастическую популярность и завоевывает сердца зрителей.
Blondie's Secret
The 24th entry in the "Blondie" film series begins as Dagwood prepares for a long-delayed vacation with the family. His boss Mr. Radcliffe (Jerome Cowan) has promised the Bumsteads that there'll be no more postponements for their holiday. But when something comes up that requires Dagwood's presence, Radcliffe hires a couple of thugs to steal Blondie and Dagwood's luggage so that they'll have to stay in town. And that's only the beginning of the frantic fun.
Trapped by Boston Blackie
Music Director
Blackie is the natural suspect when an expensive pearl necklace is stolen while he is supposed to be guarding it.
Adventures in Silverado
Music Director
Author Robert Louis Stevenson takes a trip to Napa Valley, California, in 1880 and gets involved in the exploits of a stagecoach driver who captures a hooded highwayman called The Monk. Supposedly inspired by a true incident, this offbeat Western based on Stevenson's The Silverado Squatters is a dandy, high-spirited adventure yarn.
The Last Round-up
Original Music Composer
A rancher tries to convince an Indian tribe to relocate so their land can be used to provide water for Kansas City.
Blondie in the Dough
Original Music Composer
Blondie #21: Blondie opens a bakery in her home to help fill the family cookie jar in this entry in the long-running domestic comedy series based on the popular comic strip. Her tasty cookies become so popular that a cookie magnate makes her an offer that is difficult to refuse. Unfortunately, this creates all kinds of problems for the Bumsteads.
Key Witness
Music Director
A man takes over the identity of a dead man while on the lam from a crime he didn't commit.
Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back
Music Director
Captain Hugh 'Bulldog' Drummond investigates the murder of the C.I.D. man who had been tracing validity of rival claims to a large estate.
Last of the Redmen
Music Director
A family-oriented adaption of James Fenimore Cooper's "The Last of the Mohicans." As the French-Indian War rages across the untamed territory of the Great Northwest, the embattled wilderness gives birth to a legend -- the proud legend of "The Last of the Red Men." August, 1757, General Montcalm and his Iroquois alalies are on the war path -- and General Munro fears for the lives of his children as they travel to join him at Fort William Henry. Although Munro dispatches a letter urging them to take refuge at Fort Edward until the road is safe, an Iroquois scout intercepts the warning. So Major Duncan Hayward, handsomely portrayed by Jon Hall, is unaware of the danger as he escorts Alice Munro (Evelyn Ankers), her sister Cora (Julie Bishop), and her young brother Davy (Buzz Henry) from the sanctuary of the fort. When their guide Magua, a vengeful Iroquois played by Buster Crabbe, betrays them, only one man can save the travelers from his savage trap. Starring Jon Hall and Michael O'Shea.
Blondie's Holiday
Original Music Composer
Dagwood gets a raise due to a new contract with a bank manager. Blondie misunderstanding the amount of the raise pledges more than they can afford to Dagwood's high school reunion organizer who was also Dagwood's high school sweetheart. To make matters worse Dagwood becomes involved with a gang running a gambling establishment.
The Thirteenth Hour
Music Director
In this drama, a trucker's business is nearly destroyed after he is wrongfully accused of killing a policeman with whom he recently quarreled.
Blondie's Big Moment
Blondie decides she wants to be a star and nearly turns her household upside down in this entry in the long-running domestic comedy series. Dagwood has mixed emotions about his wife's theatrical aspirations and eventually he decides to get her to quit. As usual - disaster ensues.
Boston Blackie and the Law
Music Director
Blackie performs in a magic show at a women's prison, which gives an inmate an opportunity to escape.
The Unknown
Music Director
"The Unknown" was the final entry in Columbia’s I Love A Mystery series. A woman hires two detectives to keep her alive long enough to claim her inheritance.
The Devil's Mask
Music Director
A San Francisco airplane bound for South America crashes, and among the scorched debris is found a shrunken native human head, neatly packaged. The perplexed police contact a local anthropology museum about this unclaimed piece of grisly baggage, where they intersect with Jack and Doc, two private eyes, called there to meet a mysterious woman who had a case for them and wanted to meet in private.
The Phantom Thief
Music Director
Boston Blackie, in the 11th film of the Columbia series, indulges in some wit-trading with a squirmy spiritualist who deals in blackmail, murder and the occult. "Blackie" out to help his pal, "Runt," recover some jewels, finds himself involved in the homicides, and also finds himself as the prime suspect, and now has to find the real culprit in order to clear himself. So "Blackie,", a man of many talents and already a proved magician from cases past, shows he knows a little bit about dancing skeletons, walking phantoms and spiritualism himself, and holds a séance to unmask the murderer.
Таинственная гостья
Music Director
Эдвард Стилвел - престарелый владелец музыкального магазина, нанимает частного детектива Дона Гейла, чтобы найти Элору Лунд, которая, будучи в возрасте 14-ти лет, исчезла семь лет назад после смерти её матери. Стилвел признаётся, что может заплатить только 100 долларов, но намекает, что, найдя Лунд, загадочным образом Гейл может стать очень богатым человеком.
Blondie's Lucky Day
Original Music Composer
Blondie's Lucky Day is the 17th entry in the long-running Blondie film series based on the comic strip by Chic Young. Blondie's Lucky Day, indeed! Not only must Blondie Bumstead (Penny Singleton) put on a brave face when her husband Dagwood (Arthur Lake) is fired for the umpteenth time by Mr. Dithers (Jonathan Hale), but she must also tolerate the attentions paid to Dagwood by pretty WAC Mary Jane McDermott (Angelyn Orr). A whiz in business matters, Mary Jane sets up Dag in his own business, which replenishes the Bumstead coffers but which drives Blondie into a jealous frenzy. The film's highlight occurs early on, when Dagwood assumes Dithers' responsibilities for a single day--and makes a proper mess of things within five minutes.[
Night Editor
Music Director
A daily news editor recalls a married detective and the deadly woman behind his downfall.
Throw a Saddle on a Star
The "star" in the title of this low-budget singing Western was Dynamite, a wild stallion captured by cowboy Curt Walker to ride in the Big Rodeo. Unscrupulous John Burton has bet against Curt and does his best to sabotage the event. When lovely Barbara Allen, Curt's new girlfriend, leaves town because of Burton's schemes, Curt loses the first couple of events. The big Bronco Busting contest is coming up, and Pop Walker stalls the proceedings with a series of singing acts while the girl's brothers attempt to locate her. Barbara arrives just in time to spur Curt on to victory.
Life with Blondie
Daisy, the Bumstead's mischievous mutt, makes the family a little extra cash when she wins a contest to become a model for the Navy. From there she becomes the favorite calendar gal. All the attention to the dog, makes Dagwood feel that his position as master of the house is jeopardized. Meanwhile all the attention catches the greedy eyes of gangsters who try and abduct Daisy!
Меня зовут Джулия Росс
Переехав в Лондон и пытаясь найти работу, Джулия Росс обращается в агентство по трудоустройству, где ей предлагают поработать личной "надомной" секретаршей богатой вдовы миссис Хьюз, и в тот же вечер Джулия отправляется в дом своего новоиспеченного работодателя. Два дня спустя она просыпается в другом доме, в другой одежде, и все зовут ее другим именем...
Leave It to Blondie
Original Music Composer
Older but no wiser, Blondie and Dagwood Bumstead enter a songwriting contest. It's all part of a plan to cover charity checks that they've signed separately but can't cover. Along the way, Blondie's blood boils when Dagwood gets innocently mixed up with beautiful music teacher Rita Rogers.
I Love a Mystery
Additional Music
In San Francisco, detective partners Jack Packard and Doc Long are hired by socialite Jefferson Monk who believes someone is following him with the aim to kill him.
The Missing Juror
Music Director
A newsman tracks down a phantom killer of murder-trial jurors.
One Mysterious Night
Music Director
After a rare gem is stolen from an exhibition at a posh hotel, Inspector Farraday decides to recruit former thief Boston Blackie to find the stone. Along with his assistant, "The Runt", Blackie focuses his investigation on the hotel manager, George Daley, and his sister, Eileen. Through disguises and ruses, Blackie and the Runt try to trick their way to discovering the thieves.
Cry of the Werewolf
Music Director
A young gypsy girl turns into a wolf to destroy her enemies.
The Black Parachute
Music Director
A paratrooper drops behind enemy lines to rescue the deposed king of a mythical Balkan nation.
The Man with Nine Lives
Dr. Leon Kravaal develops a potential cure for cancer, which involves freezing the patient. But an experiment goes awry when authorities believe Kravaal has killed a patient. Kravaal freezes the officials, along with himself. Years later, they are discovered and revived in hopes that Kravaal can indeed complete his cure. But human greed and weakness compound to disrupt the project.
Ужасная правда
Необоснованные подозрения заставляют супружескую пару начать бракоразводный процесс, после чего они начинают разрушать попытки друг друга завести новый роман.
Where Trails Divide
Tom Allen comes to Rawhide to open a law office. But he becomes the Sheriff instead and goes after Wilson and his outlaw gang hoping his brother Billy is not one of them.
The Mystery Man
Original Music Composer
Hard-boiled newspaper reporter Larry Doyle (Robert Armstrong) goes a bit too far in celebrating a work bonus and wakes up on a train bound for St. Louis with only a buck on his person. To remedy the problem, Doyle pawns the revolver he's carrying. When the gun is subsequently used in a murder, Doyle's problems only multiply. In the meantime, he's also fallen in love with a comely stranger (Maxine Doyle) he convinced to impersonate his wife.
The Mysterious Mr. Wong
Mr. Wong is a "harmless" Chinatown shopkeeper by day and relentless blood-thirsty pursuer of the Twelve Coins of Confucius by night. With possession of the coins, Mr. Wong will be supreme ruler of the Chinese province of Keelat, and his evil destiny will be fulfilled. A killing spree follows in dark and dangerous Chinatown as Wong gets control of 11 of the 12 coins. Reporter Jason Barton and his girl Peg are hot on his trail, but soon find themselves in serious trouble when they stumble onto Wong's headquarters.
Летучая мышь - вампир
Жители маленького немецкого городка один за другим умирают от потери крови, и местный ученый безуспешно пытается пасти пострадавших. Городские старейшины подозревают вампиров, но инспектор полиции настроен скептически. Подозрение падает на городского сумасшедшего, питающего странную любовь к летучим мышам. Преследуемый кровожадной толпой, Герман погибает, но нападения вампиров не прекращаются.
Forbidden Trail
Original Music Composer
Karger is behind all the cattle rustling. After Tom Devlin catches his man Burke in the act, Burke hides evidence against Karger in his jail cell. Later when Tom is jailed he accidentally finds the evidence, but the Karger encited mob has jailed the Sheriff and is already on the loose.
American Madness
Original Music Composer
Socially-conscious banker Thomas Dickson faces a crisis when his protégé is wrongly accused of robbing the bank, gossip of the robbery starts a bank run, and evidence suggests Dickson's wife had an affair... all in the same day.