Fyodor Letunovsky


Волшебный кубок Роррима Бо
Long ago, the inhabitants of the fairyland drove the evil witch Vergilda into our world and imprisoned her in the Magic Cup, where she languished for 500 years, until the workers of the children's camp, preparing for the New Year, found it and accidentally opened it. Weakened by centuries of bondage, the Witch took over the body of an unsuspecting Senior Pioneer Leader, and now, in order to regain her strength and return to a magical land, she needs other people's fears. And children come to the camp, among whom is the boy Vasya, a great lover of telling horror stories and scaring others. But he does not yet know that everything that he will tell will become reality and will help the Witch in her insidious plans. Then Rorrim Bo, a resident of a fairy land, the son of a hero who defeated the Witch many years ago, comes to the aid of the children. The only trouble is that Rorrie himself is not at all as brave as his father, but is afraid of everything in the world...
Ехали два шофера
Случилась эта история в радостные послепобедные дни. Ездил по уральским дорогам лихой водитель Колька Снегирев, и была у него подруга — старенькая машина «Амо». И любил ее Колька больше всего на свете, а на женщин смотрел он снисходительно, как на вещь глупую, но для культурного отдыха полезную. Так бы и жил он, пока не повстречалась на его дороге Райка — девушка гордая и неприступная, хозяйка шикарного, доставшегося по ленд-лизу «Форда».