Makeup Artist
Драматическая реконструкция событий, произошедших в 2007 году в нидерландском городе Гронинген, когда на секс-вечеринках гостям, накачанным наркотиками, вкалывали кровь ВИЧ-инфицированных.
News that the school is supposed to suddenly close causes great agitation among the students. They decide to take direct action by occupying their school... The siege commands hard-action from the friends to protect their school and identities. Will they convince the board to keep the school open?
Makeup Artist
News that the school is supposed to suddenly close causes great agitation among the students. They decide to take direct action by occupying their school... The siege commands hard-action from the friends to protect their school and identities. Will they convince the board to keep the school open?