Astrid Frank

Astrid Frank

Рождение : 1944-08-09, Berlin, Germany


Astrid Frank is a retired German film and television actress, as well as a director. She starred in number of sex comedies during the 1970s.


Astrid Frank


The Associate
Marie-Claude Hellzer
An unemployed investor creates a fictious business partner to attempt to improve business. Eventually, his creation gets out of control as his business becomes successful and his wife announces that she is in love with the partner and his son wishes the partner was his father -- although no one has ever seen him. To regain control, the man decides to "kill" his imaginary partner and is arrested for the murder.
Каждому свой ад
Счастливая семейная жизнь главной героини, жены преуспевающего бизнесмена и матери двоих детей (сын-старшеклассник от первого брака и маленькая дочка от второго), неожиданно оборвалась, когда неизвестный похитил девочку и потребовал за нее выкуп… Мать решается на сотрудничество с полицией.
Maria - Nur die Nacht war ihr Zeuge
Lucia, a young German married to Paolo, a Neapolitan emigrant, is raped. She tells a lie to her husband, but the day he discovers the truth a tragedy begins for the woman, leading her to suicide. Paul is destroyed: he seeks revenge. He takes his diving gun and enters the room where the man who raped his woman is having a toast with his friends.
Rêves pornos
"Porn Dreams" - A young woman reads through a dictionary. Each time a certain word - orgy, caress, peeping-tom, lesbos, trio, suicide - catches her eye, she fantasize of what would have happened if this word materialized and came to 'life'.
The Miner' Wife ... Takes Her Pick
Heiner works in a mine, drinks beer, and goes to bed with other women, except from his wife, because of his baby son and the neighbours downstairs. But she does not feel like giving up all the fun for so long.
Au Pair Girls
Anita Sector
Four sexy young foreign girls come to England as au pairs and quickly become quite intimate with their employers, host families, and just about everyone else they encounter.
Die dressierte Frau
An episodic battle of the sexes inspired by the best-selling book of the same name.
Мания величия
Court lady with infant
Луи Де Фюнес в роли жадного сборщика налогов, обворовывающего короля. Его слугу Рюи Блаза играет Ив Монтан. Разбитной веселый мошенник постоянно издевается над хозяином и строит ему козни. Так он использует неописуемую алчность и жажду лести человека, считающего, что «бедные должны быть бедными, а богатые должны стать еще богаче», и подбивает Де Фюнеса соблазнить испанскую королеву, на которую сам положил глаз…
The Resort Girls
Workers of a journey company state about guys and females who pass their vacation time just by sexual enjoyment, which is shown overly thorough and commented on.
In Trouble
This movie chronicles several pregnant women on their quest to have an abortion. Some got pregnant by accident, others were raped. Sure to offend anti-abortionists, pro-lifers, feminists and chauvinists alike. The portions of the movie that deal with European folk remedies to pregnancy are especially interesting.
Marlies Hamm
Swinging Wives
Irma Fricke
Sex comedy about lonely housewives and their activities while the husband is away. It’s a series of vignettes connected by documentary-style interviews with people on the street. The eroticism relies completely on nudity, not altogether different from British sex comedies of the era.
Das Freudenhaus
Her and She and Him
A stylish sensual sample of European erotica about an aspiring model in Paris who becomes a participant in a relationship with a lesbian.Her female lover becomes too possessive, the model takes a job with an homosexual painter.
Тайна фермы Мессе
L'amie de Hans
По роману Мишеля Ламбеска "Наркотик". Пожилой фермер (Габен), суровый и неприветливый дед, управляющий семьей железной рукой, находит героин, спрятанный внуком Анри. Дед любит внука, но тот ненавидит все, что связанно с землей, непутевый. Дедуля уничтожает героин стоимостью в 200 млн. франков, а потом убивает из двустволки гангстера, приехавшего за ним. Брат убитого приезжает с четырьмя бандитами, поджигает амбар, убивает несколько коров, насилует младшую дочь, а дед с зятьями, организовав засаду, убивает всех. Приезжает полиция, и начинается расследование...
All About Women
Pascal and Martine are married, have children, but are getting bored with each other. Pascal is tempted by a beautiful salesgirl with whom he finally has a date. But the bombshell promised more than she actually delivers. On the other hand, he is attracted to his precocious niece Sophie. But he only becomes her confidant, living vicariously her first sentimental experiences with boys of her age. On her part, Martine winds up responding to the advances of her office manager who has been trying to pick her up for months. She follows him to his apartment but the alleged Don Juan is nothing but a boor who prefers to watch a soccer match rather than to make love to her. In frustration, she leaves him sprawled before his set while she returns to Pascal. They realize their extramarital experiences have reinforced their couple and can now live happily ever after.
Zieh dich aus, Puppe
Marianne Wilsenhoff
Tragedies and romances in the nightclub "Moulin Rouge".
The Black Market of Love
The young women who board a liner in the port of Genoa have no idea that they are being watched, nor what actually awaits them. Harald, who had recruited them for the trip with false promises, watches unnoticed, but cannot enjoy his success, because there are many people interested in the lucrative business with the girls, who are to be forced into prostitution. After two gangsters shoot the shady Lemaire, who had previously blackmailed Harald, he can return unmolested to Berlin to his compagnon Rolf, but the competition remains on his heels and threatens to disrupt the business.
Christine Liddell
Die Herren
Heute kündigt mir mein Mann
Helen Paulsen
Der erste Frühlingstag
Das Paradies von Pont L'Eveque
Der wahre Jakob
Lotte Struwe