Markus Knüfken
Рождение : 1965-08-18, Essen, Germany
Markus Knüfken wuchs in Essen auf. Knüfken machte 1985 in Essen-Kettwig sein Abitur und zog dann nach München, um seinen Zivildienst anzutreten. 1987 arbeitete er für sechs Monate im Paketpostamt München, um sich eine halbjährige Reise nach Australien zu finanzieren.
Im April 1988 kam er aus Australien zurück. Er machte den Taxischein und arbeitete als Dauerstatist bei der Bavaria Film für die ARD Reihe Rote Erde. Im Sommer 1990 begann er seine Ausbildung als Schauspieler bei der Schauspielschule Schauspiel München.
Nach drei Jahren schloss er die Ausbildung ab. Sein Anfänger-Engagement hatte er im Februar 1994 beim Stadttheater Herford. Zuvor drehte er jedoch bereits seine ersten Fernsehproduktionen. Seine erste große Rolle spielt Knüfken im November/Dezember 1993 als rechtsradikaler Skinhead in der Polizeiruf-110-Folge Samstags wenn Krieg ist unter der Regie von Roland Suso Richter. Es folgten Hauptrollen in Krimi-Reihen wie Tatort und Notruf Hafenkante.
Im Jahr 1995 etablierte sich Markus Knüfken mit der Hauptrolle des Eddie Velten in der Serie Auf Achse. Seitdem hat er in vielen Fernsehfilmen, Serien aber auch Kinoproduktionen mitgespielt. Als seine persönlichen Lieblingsprojekte nennt Knüfken Bang Boom Bang und Doppelpack. Weitere bekannte Produktionen, an denen Knüfken mitwirkte, waren unter anderem Das merkwürdige Verhalten geschlechtsreifer Großstädter zur Paarungszeit und Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door.
Markus Knüfken war mit der niederländischen Schauspielerin Ellen ten Damme verheiratet. Er lebt seit 2003 in Hamburg und ist mit Andrea Lion verheiratet, mit der er ein Kind und eine Stieftochter hat.
В мрачном мире, где царят насилие и ложь, взятый в плен осман освобождает приговоренную к смерти ведьму, чтобы начать с ней новую жизнь.
Roland Ross
11-летняя девочка Рокка - необычный ребёнок. Её мама умерла во время родов, и всю свою жизнь девочка провела на Международной Космической Станции вместо со своим отцом. К 11 годам Рокка научилась управлять самолётом, лодкой и отвечать за себя. Впервые пойдя в школу, девочка разочаровалась в современном мире. Подростки не знают, что такое космос, сидят, уткнувшись в телефоны, и издеваются над одноклассниками. Сможет ли Рокка изменить этот мир к лучшему?
After her fiancee cancels the wedding, Merlin's life changes drastically when she moves in with one of her brother's best friends.
Ulf Baumann
The peat farmer Hannes Gerhards wants his girlfriend Helen Dahms from the city to pull him to the countryside. As in peat cutting work the skull of a bog body is found. Police commissioner Lorenz Keller, who is about to retire, has already completed his career. But with the bone find Keller finally sees his chance to bring an old case to an end.
A comedy directed by Daniel Krauss.
Short german horror comedy.
Doc Rock
Ведущий пиратской радиостанции в прямом эфире обличает безумного серийного убийцу. Но весь ужас, который витает среди радио-волн, это всего лишь начало жестокой игры на выживание, цена в которой не только его жизнь, но и жизнь всех его близких. Остросюжетный и динамичный триллер ужасов в лучших традициях "Пилы" и "Молчания Ягнят".
Georg Schmidt
Edgar Strack
The ambitious business consultant and single father Edgar Strack is desperately trying to reconcile family and work needs. Alone: He does not succeed. His three adolescent children are frustrated, his new girlfriend Barbara complains, in the company he is betrayed by a competitor. In his distress, Edgar hired the spirited interpreter Ana, whom he had just fired as a colleague, as a new nanny. And lo and behold: Suddenly everything runs like clockwork again.
Jonas Tjersland
The construction of the new community center for a town on the Sognefjord could inspire Agnes' career. Shortly after arriving, the architect meets unexpectedly her long-time childhood sweetheart Kristian again. Although he is now married to the mayor Luisa, flare up between the two old feelings. Why only Luisa selected among many architects just Agnes for this job? It all looks like Luisa has threaded the clash together from a long way. But what is she aiming for?
Sebastian Berling aka Hermann Zeitler
Fabian Lehner
Felix von Bondy
Luisa Wagner is a successful event manager. At the same time she also manages to look after her two children, Krista and Jakob, the housework, her husband Michael and her father. When Luisa's twin sister Jenny also turns up and hardly lifts a finger to help, Luisa sees red. On an impulse, she takes over her sister's role and goes on tour with her theatre troupe in Italy. Meanwhile, Jenny assumes Luisa's chores in the home and her job, thereby experiencing not only the hurdles a mother is confronted with, but also falls madly in love with her sister's boss, Felix. Everyone is relieved when Luisa returns home after hearing of her father's breakdown. Especially Michael, who has learned to appreciate his wife anew.
Benedict Bordin
Thomas Behrens
Erik Krapp
The firefighter Erik wants to make a proposal to his girlfriend Sofie, but at the crucial moment sparkles the attractive Melissa in between. When Sofie learns that Erik had a fleeting affair with Melissa on Carnival, a world collapses for her. But the two gather again, as Erik promises high and holy that such a thing will never happen again. To underline the seriousness of his intentions, he makes her an unconventional offer: he "gives" her an infidelity. He should not have done that, because suddenly he threatens to lose Sofie to his best friend.
Bobby Kustermann is a young man with Down syndrome who lives in a loving family until his mother dies unexpectedly, leaving a hefty heritage. There is a dispute between Bobby's two siblings, Nanni and Johannes, as to whom could give Bobby a better home. Nanni and her husband Klaus would offer a “normal” family environment, but Klaus is only after the money. Johannes really wants to take care of Bobby and give him a home for the future. The problem is he is gay and lives with his partner Marc. The responsible offices don't like that at all. Only when the matter goes to court, do the parties to the dispute realize that this is mainly about Bobby's will and that he can actually best decide who he would like to live with in the future.
Produced and directed by seven Munich Film School students, Honolulu takes place not in Hawaii, but inside of a rural town just outside of Munich, Germany. Several vignettes, lasting approximately 10 to 15 minutes each, are connected by one of the town’s public bus routes, outside of which two men booze the night away while waiting for the bus to make its rounds.
An {explosive} love story, directed by Lutz Lemke.
The last three weeks of school life have begun: After the Abitur, Germany's leaving certificate, the friends and schoolmates of Gymnasium Kerkheim (Kerkheim High) will not see each other again so soon. It is a hard time for Markus and his girl Sandra from a lower grade, as he wants to hang out with his old friends, whereas she wants him to be there for her. It's an even harder time for Dirk, who is to be expelled from school if he fails the math exam that is coming up around midday, and it is the hardest time for Michael, who is a perfect pupil, but has no fun in life at all - and doesn't even know it yet. When Steven calls out a party to celebrate his letter of exemption from the army, they all get together for one of the last real cool events ever.
Joy can not accept the fact that her career as a model is over at 24. The star photographer Tom Kurz shows no interest in her. Joy meets the broke and unemployed Andrea.
Caspar 'Kid'
Dieter Rogalla
by joseph sargent
Andreas 'Andy' Fink
Грабителю банков Кику жизнь кажется просто прекрасной. После их последнего совместного дела его дружок Калле отправился в тюрьму, где будет мотать срок еще два года. Тем временем Кик проматывает награбленные деньги и не очень беспокоится, спустив большую их часть на лошадиных бегах. Но жизнь богата на сюрпризы: узнав, что все это время его подружка вела себя совсем не так, как подобает верной спутнице жизни, Калле бежит из тюрьмы. Он планирует безжалостно покарать изменницу, взять у Кика свою долю и уехать за границу. Теперь Кику срочно нужны деньги, и для того, чтобы их достать, годятся любые, даже самые невероятные средства…
Follows a divorced couple and their separate, cyclonic sexual escapades, and all of the spin offs.
Christoph Tattinger
Судьба сводит героев картины в больнице, где врачи выносят им смертный приговор. Счет времени их жизней идет на часы. Дальнейшие события в фильме разворачиваются в стремительном темпе. Украв машину с миллионом немецких марок в багажнике, они сбегают из больницы. Их преследуют наемные убийцы, они становятся грабителями поневоле, за ними гонится полиция, они попадают в бордель. Но тем не менее продолжают мчаться вперед, навстречу своей Судьбе.