Aisling Chin-Yee


No Ordinary Man
The legacy of Billy Tipton, a 20th-century American jazz musician and trans icon, is brought to life by a diverse group of contemporary trans artists.
No Ordinary Man
The legacy of Billy Tipton, a 20th-century American jazz musician and trans icon, is brought to life by a diverse group of contemporary trans artists.
No Ordinary Man
The legacy of Billy Tipton, a 20th-century American jazz musician and trans icon, is brought to life by a diverse group of contemporary trans artists.
После смерти мужа Рэйчел с дочерью переживают не лучшие времена. Помощь приходит с неожиданной стороны — от его бывшей жены. Две матери и две дочери, до сих пор терзаемые ревностью, должны преодолеть горе утраты и справиться со сложными отношениями друг с другом.
После смерти мужа Рэйчел с дочерью переживают не лучшие времена. Помощь приходит с неожиданной стороны — от его бывшей жены. Две матери и две дочери, до сих пор терзаемые ревностью, должны преодолеть горе утраты и справиться со сложными отношениями друг с другом.
The Saver
When teenaged Fern is orphaned in the middle of a harsh Montreal winter, she is determined to avoid her mother’s tragic fate, and take care of herself. With Youth Protection nipping at her heels, she lies about her name and age, to get a job as a janitor another as a cook. Juggling life and work and the discovery of the book, ‘50 Ways to become a Millionaire: All you need to do is save,’ Fern decides to do just that, replacing her grief with the quest to become a millionaire. Written, directed and edited by award-winning filmmaker Wiebke von Carolsfeld (Marion Bridge, Stay), The Saver stars the newly discovered Imajyn Cardinal and is based on the young adult novel by Edeet Ravel.
Sound Asleep
On Declan's sixth birthday, his baby brother Michael dies in his crib from sudden infant death syndrome. His birthday forgotten, and not understanding what "dead" is, Declan experience's the death of his brother only through his parents' grief, frozen in their pain. Declan seeks refuge in his baby brother's room. His birthday now intrinsically linked with Michael's death, he tries to understand what has happened to his family, and if he too will stop breathing in the night. Based on a true story, SOUND ASLEEP is an intimate drama about death from the perspective of six-year-old boy.
Sound Asleep
On Declan's sixth birthday, his baby brother Michael dies in his crib from sudden infant death syndrome. His birthday forgotten, and not understanding what "dead" is, Declan experience's the death of his brother only through his parents' grief, frozen in their pain. Declan seeks refuge in his baby brother's room. His birthday now intrinsically linked with Michael's death, he tries to understand what has happened to his family, and if he too will stop breathing in the night. Based on a true story, SOUND ASLEEP is an intimate drama about death from the perspective of six-year-old boy.