Everal Walsh

Everal Walsh


Everal Walsh


National Theatre: Rockets and Blue Lights
Clarke / Pearson / Benjamin
On the set of a new film about Victorian artist JMW Turner, young actress Lou is haunted by an unresolved history. Meanwhile, in 1840 Londoners Lucy and Thomas try to come to terms with the meaning of freedom. Moving between London past and present, we embark on a powerfully personal voyage through time.
Servant, Upstairs
Начало XVIII века. Идет война Англии с Францией. Тем не менее, жизнь в королевстве продолжается. Трон занимает болезненная королева Анна, и страной фактически руководит её близкая подруга леди Сара Мальборо. Когда во дворце появляется девушка Эбигейл, родственница леди Сары, та сначала определяет её работать на кухне. Но вскоре новенькая удачно находит лекарство для больной подагрой королевы, тогда Сара решает сделать её своей служанкой. Для Эбигейл это — шанс вернуться к своим аристократическим корням, и лучше не вставать у неё на пути.
Doctor Who: The Woman Who Fell to Earth
In a South Yorkshire city, Ryan Sinclair, Yasmin Khan and Graham O'Brien are about to have their lives changed forever, as a mysterious woman, unable to remember her own name, falls from the night sky. Can they believe a word she says? And can she help solve the strange events taking place across the city?
National Theatre Live: Amadeus
Major-Domo and Citizen of Vienna
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, a rowdy young prodigy, arrives in Vienna, the music capital of the world – and he’s determined to make a splash. Awestruck by his genius, court composer Antonio Salieri has the power to promote his talent or destroy his name. Seized by obsessive jealousy he begins a war with Mozart, with music, and ultimately, with God.
It Wouldn't Change Me
Homeless Guy
If life is about change, a bored, single and seemingly friendless office worker needs a big one. But will a big material change alter the fabric of who he is or what he sees in the world? Does living always mean changing?