Jenifer Westphal


Story & Pictures By
Executive Producer
Takes audiences behind the scenes of the new golden age of children’s picture books —a time when all children can see characters who look like them on the page; a time when creators come from diverse communities and backgrounds; and a time when instead of keeping the hard stuff out of stories for children, we put it in and provide context and counternarrative.
Thank You Very Much
Executive Producer
In his short, enigmatic life, Andy Kaufman entertained and transfixed audiences while simultaneously driving them away. His work dissolved the boundaries separating reality from fiction, and his commitment to performance, both on stage and off, rendered any distinctions between his characters and his real life useless. Was he a comic, an affable sit-com star, a washed-up lounge singer, a bus boy, a professional wrestler, a hoaxer, a provocateur or a pest? Nearly 40 years after his supposed death, one question still puzzles fans and haters alike: “was that for real?” Thank You Very Much is the definitive documentary look at how a shy, oddball kid from Long Island, New York, became the most polarizing performance artist of the 20th century.
Executive Producer
Aisha, a young Nigerian woman seeking asylum in Ireland, is floundering in a maze of social services and bureaucracy. As her situation becomes increasingly dire, Aisha struggles to maintain hope and dignity against the looming threat of deportation.
Werner Herzog: Radical Dreamer
Executive Producer
“Nothing is typical for Werner, only the atypical is typical for him.” This is just one of many attempts to characterize Werner Herzog. Documentary filmmaker Thomas von Steinaecker spoke to actors, directors, directors of photography and producers who have worked with Herzog over his long career—including directors Chloé Zhao, Joshua Oppenheimer and Wim Wenders, singer Patti Smith and actors Nicole Kidman, Christian Bale and Robert Pattinson. We also hear from Herzog himself, with extraordinary anecdotes about film locations and shoots, his admiration for Lotte Eisner, and his eternal search for beauty. The interviews are carefully punctuated by archive footage of Herzog never seen before, iconic excerpts from his feature films and documentaries, and his cameos in cartoon series such as The Simpsons. Together they create a kaleidoscopic image of a radical visionary and dreamer, and of his very own “Werner World.”
Executive Producer
In remote Idaho, Colie and Hollyn embark on a long summer season working as range riders herding cattle. We follow them closely through the immensity of the landscapes and intimate moments of friendship. Emelie Mahdavian masterfully revisits the genre of the western and invites us to rethink the challenge of nomadism from the perspective of two young women.
Chop & Steele
Executive Producer
From the award-winning filmmakers behind Winnebago Man, Chop and Steele is a feature length comedy documentary about childhood friends turned professional comedians, Nick Prueher and Joe Pickett, the founders of the Found Footage Festival. When Nick and Joe book their gag strongman routine on unsuspecting morning news shows, their pranks go viral and land them in federal court with a vengeful media conglomerate. The stress of the lawsuit and pressure to continue their pranks threatens their livelihood and tests their lifelong friendship.
The Cave of Adullam
Executive Producer
Living by the mantra 'it's easier to raise boys than to repair broken men', martial arts sensei Jason Wilson tenderly guides his often-troubled young Detroit students with a beautifully effective blend of compassion and tough love.
You and Me This summer
Executive Producer
Set in the backwoods of rural Iowa, this is Regan and Addisyn's last summer after high school. Growing up next door to each other, the girls are as close as sisters. The two of them spend their summer detasseling corn at a local farm. Addisyn can't wait to leave their small hometown for college, while Regan has second thoughts. In between work, Addisyn is forced to manage her mother's recovery from opioid addiction while taking care of her little sister. Regan's feelings about leaving home are only made more complicated when she connects with Addisyn's attractive older brother, Ryder. As summer draws to a close, the girls must face their paths forward-for the first time--on their own.
Marian Anderson: The Whole World in Her Hands
Executive Producer
A documentary exploring the life, career, art and legacy of Marian Anderson.
Executive Producer
In a Texas military town, three teenage girls confront the dark corners of adolescence at the end of a fever dream summer.
Пылающий мир
Executive Producer
С тех пор, как Маргарет исполнилось шесть лет, ее преследуют воспоминания о том, как ее сестра тонет во время ссоры между их родителями. Став молодой женщиной, она все глубже погружается в свою извращенную внутреннюю жизнь и в конечном итоге оказывается на грани самоубийства. Пройдя эпическое путешествие по самым дымным и страшным коридорам своего воображения, она пытается изгнать своих внутренних демонов, что подталкивают ее все ближе и ближе к краю.
Love & Stuff
Co-Executive Producer
Seven months after helping her terminally ill mother during the end of her life in home-hospice, filmmaker Judith Helfand becomes a "new old" single mother at 50. Overnight, she's pushed to deal with her stuff: 63 boxes of her parent's heirlooms overwhelming her office-turned-future-baby's room, the weight her mother had begged her to lose, and the reality of being a half century older than her daughter.
Ништяк, браток
Executive Producer
Лягушонок Пепе — один из самых известных интернет-мемов. Он появился на свет на страницах комик-стрипов, созданный художником Мэттом Фьюри, но со временем вышел из-под контроля и захватил мир. Его изображения можно встретить по всей сети. Его используют для изображения радости и грусти. В 2016-м изображение Пепе было присвоено движением альт-правых. Документалка «Ништяк, браток» рассказывает о пути Пепе от героя мемов до символа ненависти, а также о том, как всё это сказалось на самом Фьюри.
Атлет А
Executive Producer
Следите за репортажами из Индианаполис Стар, которые рассказали историю о насилии над доктором США по спортивной гимнастике Ларри Нассаром и узнали о нём от гимнасток.
Maybe Next Year
Maybe Next Year is the story of the Philadelphia Eagles football team and their improbable and incredible Super Bowl winning 2017 season - as seen from the perspective of some of their most die-hard fans.
Где мой Рой Кон?
Executive Producer
Рой Кон олицетворял тёмную сторону американской политики, превращая неизвестных людей в опасных демагогов - начиная с Джозефа МакКарти и заканчивая Дональдом Трампом.
Executive Producer
Тридцать пять лет своей жизни Элеанора Панковски посвятила работе в почтовом отделении городка Коулуэлл. После того, как представители Почтовой службы США сообщают ей о том, что её отделение закрывается, ей предстоит нелёгкий выбор - перевестись работать в другое отеделение или же выйти на пенсию.
Села и Пики
Executive Producer
В закрытой частной школе Холдуэлл царят свои порядки. Подростки разделились на пять группировок, борющихся за влияние и право быть самыми крутыми. Самой многочисленной и авторитетной группой «Пики» руководит семнадцатилетняя Села Саммерс. Именно её участники снабжают всю школу наркотиками и алкоголем. Но когда лучшая подруга и правая рука Селы Макси увлекается новым парнем, авторитет Селы оказывается под угрозой.
Co-Executive Producer
Группа молодых людей без американского гражданства, называющих себя «Мечтателями», занимается помощью нелегальным иммигрантам. Чтобы изучить всю подноготную Центра содержания нелегальных иммигрантов во Флориде, они сами идут на риск, намеренно добиваясь задержания и отправки в этот центр.
Приходит ночь
Executive Producer
Энджел выходит из тюрьмы для несовершеннолетних в канун собственного 18-летия. Преследуемая прошлым, со своей 10-летней сестрой она направляется в путешествие, которое сможет уничтожить их будущее.
Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood
Executive Producer
A deliciously scandalous portrait of unsung Hollywood legend Scotty Bowers, whose bestselling memoir chronicled his decades spent as sexual procurer to the stars.
Будешь моим соседом?
Executive Producer
Фред Роджерс — педагог и известный ведущий детской телепередачи «Наш сосед мистер Роджерс», выходившей в Америке с 1961 по 2001 год. Роджерс умел говорить с детьми о доброте, переживании разных эмоций, внимании к тем, кому оно требуется, открытости к людям, которые отличаются от нас. Фильм состоит из архивных записей и рассказов коллег о важных и часто революционных для своего времени выпусках программы Роджерса.
Executive Producer
Meet Ousmane Sembene, the African freedom fighter who used stories as his weapon.
On Swift Horses
Executive Producer
Newlyweds Muriel and Lee are beginning a bright new life after his return from the Korean War. However, this newfound stability is upended by the arrival of Lee’s charismatic younger brother, Julius, a wayward gambler with a secret
The Empire of Ebony
Executive Producer
A documentary film following the rise of Ebony and Jet and their growth into a brand with a readership base in the millions which has had an undeniable effect on American culture.