Nicholas Khan


National Theatre Live: Life of Pi
Pi's Father
Puppetry, magic and storytelling combine in a unique, Olivier Award-winning stage adaptation of the best-selling novel. After a cargo ship sinks in the middle of the vast Pacific Ocean, a 16-year-old boy named Pi is stranded on a lifeboat with four other survivors – a hyena, a zebra, an orangutan and a Royal Bengal tiger. Filmed live in London’s West End and featuring state-of-the-art visuals, the epic journey of endurance and hope is bought to life in a breath-taking new way for cinemas screens.
Ответственный ребенок
Рэй, двенадцатилетний мальчик, вынужден столкнуться с британской правовой системой, когда его обвиняют в убийстве.
National Theatre Live: Dara
Imad / Mian Mir’s Second Disciple / Mir Khalil
1659 Mughal, India. Two brothers, Dara and Aurangzeb, are both heirs to the Muslim empire. Dara, the crown prince, has the love of the people – and of his emperor father – but younger brother Aurangzeb holds a different vision for India’s future. Now they fight ferociously for succession.
Трансформеры: Последний рыцарь
Оптимус Прайм исчез. Люди ведут войну с Трансформерами. Ключ к нашему будущему погребен в тайнах прошлого, в скрытой истории Трансформеров на Земле… Миссия по спасению мира ложится на плечи разношерстной компании, состоящей из Кейда Йегера, Бамблби, английского лорда и профессора из Оксфорда. Пришла пора действовать! Жертвы станут героями. Герои станут злодеями. Выстоит только один мир: их или наш.
National Theatre Live: The Beaux Stratagem
Sir Charles Freeman
The ‘Beaux’: Mr Aimwell and Mr Archer, two charming, dissolute young men who have blown their fortunes in giddy London. Shamed and debt-ridden, they flee to provincial Lichfield. Their ‘Stratagem’: to marry for money. Lodged at the local inn, posing as master and servant, they encounter a teeming variety of human obstacles: a crooked landlord, a fearsome highwayman, a fervent French Count, a maid on the make, a drunken husband, a furious butler, a natural healer and a strange, turbulent priest. But their greatest obstacle is love. When the Beaux meet their match in Dorinda and Mrs Sullen they are most at risk, for in love they might be truly discovered.
Исход: Цари и боги
Firepit Guard
Ветхозаветная история о великом пророке Моисее и освобождении еврейского народа из египетского плена. Моисей появился на свет в те времена, когда фараон приказал убивать всех новорожденных мальчиков еврейского происхождения. Чтобы спасти его, мать положила малыша в корзину из тростника и отправила вниз по Нилу. Ребенка нашла дочь фараона, которая усыновила его и растила рядом с Рамзесом — будущим фараоном. Много лет спустя, став мужчиной, Моисей бежит из Египта, а затем возвращается туда по велению Господа, чтобы избавить свой народ от оков рабства…
1001 Inventions and the Library of Secrets
In the movie, Sir Ben Kingsley plays the role of a mysterious and cantankerous librarian who takes a group of school children on an enlightening journey to meet pioneering scientists and engineers from the history of Muslim civilisation. The librarian is then revealed to be 12th century engineering genius Al-Jazari.
The Blue Tower
Dark thriller about a young British man of Indian origin who finds himself trapped in a loveless marriage. Unemployed, he spends his days driving his car, hanging out with a motley crew of listless friends and visiting his wealthy old aunt's house - where he eventually starts an illicit affair with the aunt's young care worker. As hopes of a job and of improvement in his personal circumstances recede further, he resolves to take drastic measures to change the course of his life.