Travis Cook


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Director of Photography
История игрока NBA Леброна Джеймса и четверых его товарищей по команде. Их путь от средней школы в Огайо до статуса суперзвёзд, игроков в премьер-лиге. Честный рассказ об испытаниях и сложностях профессиональной игры в баскетбол.
5 Telephone Conversations
Meeting through an Internet dating website, John and Korey find a unique connection through a series of telephone conversations. Despite never meeting face to face, each person affects change in the other in an unconventional yet touching love story about finding your counterpart in a technologically isolated world.
5 Telephone Conversations
Meeting through an Internet dating website, John and Korey find a unique connection through a series of telephone conversations. Despite never meeting face to face, each person affects change in the other in an unconventional yet touching love story about finding your counterpart in a technologically isolated world.
5 Telephone Conversations
Meeting through an Internet dating website, John and Korey find a unique connection through a series of telephone conversations. Despite never meeting face to face, each person affects change in the other in an unconventional yet touching love story about finding your counterpart in a technologically isolated world.