Paul Barge

Paul Barge

Рождение : 1890-06-06, Paris, France

Смерть : 1960-01-25


Paul Barge


Until the Last One
The hotel concierge (uncredited)
Just released from prison after serving a six-month sentence, Fernand Bastia goes into hiding. He has indeed double-crossed his gang by keeping part of the product of a robbery for himself. Thanks to his sister Marcella, Fernand has taken refuge in a small circus where she works. There, he falls in love with Gina but also arouses the jealousy of Quedchi, a fairground stall-holder who has seen him hiding the stolen money. After a while, Fredo Riccioni, the boss of the gang and his men, manage to trace him...
Банда отца
L'inspecteur Malabouis
Фернан Джером — обычный банковский служащий, друзья которого рассматривают его как объект насмешки, из-за его неуклюжести и наивности. Все это изменяется однажды, когда он случайно мешает грабежу банка. Теперь он герой, на него по-другому смотрят. Также меняется отношение к нему его девушки Ренэ. Грабежом руководил известный и неуловимый бандит «Великий J». Удивительно, то что он является отцом Фернана, который не видел его 25 лет и для которого было сюрпризом, что «Великий J» и есть его отец. Мало того, выясняется, что отец Рене, Виктор — инспектор полиции разыскивает того самого «Великого J».
Люди в белом
Le bistrot
В парижской клинике, в её палатах и операционной, на трудной практике в глухой провинции видим мы героев фильма — врачей, молодых, которые ещё учатся, проходят практику, и старых, у которых за плечами годы непрестанной борьбы с человеческими страданиями. Жан Нерак заканчивает свое медицинское образование, уверенный в успешной карьере и уезжает в провинциальный городок Овернь, где он должен пройти практику у пожилого врача. Простота и поддержка последнего гарантируют, что молодой доктор получит большое уважение к нему.
Не тронь добычу
Макс и Ритон — легендарные личности в уголовном мире. В их карьере множество блестяще проведенных операций, в том числе дерзкое ограбление в аэропорту Орли, где их добычей становятся 50 миллионов франков в золотых слитках. А главное, что никто не знает об их участии в ограблении. Можно уходить на покой, наслаждаясь радостями безбедной жизни в обществе юных прелестниц. Но Ритон совершает ошибку, похваставшись проститутке Жози, которая, недолго думая, делится его секретом со своим новым дружком Анджело. Тот решает пощипать «старичков», похищает Ритона и требует у Макса золото в обмен на друга…
Она и я
L'homme de la péniche
Фильм снят по роману Жана Дюше «Она и он». Безмятежный медовый месяц в Шаранте пролетел быстро, и молодожёны Жюльетта и Жан Монтегю возвращаются обустраивать домашний очаг в Париж. Ввиду отсутствия доступного для молодых семей жилья первое семейное гнёздышко им приходится вить на воде – на борту пришвартованного на Сене кораблика, пока счастливый случай не сводит их с чудаковатым месье Бельомом, соглашающимся сдать супругам Монтегю пару комнат в своем особняке. Но оказывается, не так сложно найти крышу над головой, как ужиться под этой крышей двум людям с разными вкусами, привычками, воспитанием. Помочь Жану и Жюльетте может только любовь.
Holiday for Henrietta
The concierge (uncredited)
Two scriptwriters argue about the fate of Henrietta, a charming and gamine shopgirl. One favors a comical path for their heroine, who is overcome with sentimental love for a young photographer on Bastille Day. The other has a more thrilling and dastardly fate in mind for her. Among the film's irresistible conceits is Hildegarde Neff as an oversexed circus bareback rider.
Crimson Curtain
The bistro
Bertal, a despotic and hated theater director, is assassinated before a performance of Macbeth in which he was to play with Aurélia Nobli, his companion and Ludovic Arn, her lover. The police arrive on the scene and the investigation begins. Suspicion first falls on Sigurd, an old actor who had threatened Bertal. But parallels appear between the characters in the play and the actors who play them.
Drôle de noce
Mr and Mrs Barbezat,Concierges are to marry their only daughter to a butcher's boy. Both the in-laws and the groom have an obsession: come what may, they are keen on honoring their engagements: promises are made to be kept is their motto. And when, on the wedding day, the unfortunate parents cannot provide the newly weds with...the "Mérinos" mattress which is part of the bride's Trousseau ,they are desperate. The husband will spend the whole wedding festivities trying to keep his word.
We Are All Murderers
Le chauffeur (uncredited)
Originally titled Nous Sommes Tout des Assassins, We Are All Murderers was directed by Andre Cayette, a former lawyer who detested France's execution system. Charles Spaak's screenplay makes no attempt to launder the four principal characters (Marcel Mouloudji, Raymond Pellegrin, Antoinine Balpetre, Julien Verdeir): never mind the motivations, these are all hardened murderers. Still, the film condemns the sadistic ritual through which these four men are brought to the guillotine. In France, the policy is to never tell the condemned man when the execution will occur--and then to show up without warning and drag the victim kicking and screaming to his doom, without any opportunity to make peace with himself or his Maker. By the end of this harrowing film, the audience feels as dehumanized as the four "protagonists." We Are All Murderers was roundly roasted by the French law enforcement establishment, but it won a special jury prize at the 1952 Cannes Film Festival.
Золотая каска
L'inspecteur Juliani
Красавица Мари и плотник Жорж влюбляются в друг друга. Проблема в том, что Мари — женщина босса локальной банды. Теперь Жоржу предстоит вернуться к своему темному прошлому, от которого он хотел навсегда избавиться…
Young Love
Commissioner Constant
Catherine, 18, loved Jean, a young accountant, who loved her in return. And yet, one morning, two policemen find their dead bodies on a stretch of waste ground. The case is obvious: the two young people have killed themselves. But why? Chief Inspector Ernest Plonche, feeling upset, decides to investigate personally.
The Strange Madame X
uncle Léon
Irène is the unhappy wife of a wealthy publisher, Jacques Voisin-Larive, who cares about her no more than a beautiful piece of furniture. Her meeting with Étienne, a young cabinetmaker with whom she falls in love, turns her dismal existence upside down. Not wanting to reveal her condition to her lover, she pretends to be a modest maid, employed by the Voisin-Larive. At the end of a weekend spent with her lover, Irène discovers that she is pregnant. The fragile balance of their existence is suddenly broken. Taking the initiative, she reveals her affair to Jacques and tells him about her desire to divorce. But her husband has no intention of giving her back her freedom...
The king orders viscount Florestan to take mademoiselle de Solanges for his wife. But the viscount doesn't know the young lady at all. The latter decides to seduce her future husband by introducing herself to him with the name Veronique...
A provincial ingenue leaves her mother’s tobacco shop with dreams of a life in the Parisian theater, only to become entangled in relationships with a lecherous aristocrat, his starry-eyed nephew, and an old ham actor.
No More Vacation for the Good Lord
The irascible gentleman
Montmartre in the summertime. A group of street urchins idles outside while the other kids of the neighborhood are away on holiday.To keep the gang busy, Pivolo, their leader, has an idea : they are going to kidnap Aunt Faguet's doggy. Just for the fun of it. A few days pass after the crime is accomplished and one of them suddenly realizes that a reward is being offered by the aunt to anyone who would bring her her pet back. Mademoiselle Hélène, the kind-hearted social worker, does it for them and gives them the reward money, which is instantly exchanged for lollipops, nougat and merry-go-round and cinema tickets. So, why not continue? That's what they do, abducting several dogs, until they realize they are becoming ... too rich! They can't buy themselves luxurious gifts or else their parents are bound to suspect something. Instead, they decide to do good by helping poor people around them. One day, Pierrot, a member of the gang, gets run down by a cyclist and becomes blind.
Rendezvous in July
Monsieur Rabut
Hopes and love and ambitions and friendship in a group of young jazz-loving Parisians.
White Paws
A guest
An eccentric man endangers himself when he makes advances toward the girlfriend of a saloon keeper.
Between Eleven and Midnight
Le médecin légiste
Between eleven o’clock and midnight one evening, a notorious trafficker Jérôme Vidauban is shot whilst walking in a tunnel in Paris. The case is assigned to Inspector Carrel, who is Vidauban’s perfect double. Using his resemblance to the arch criminal, Carrel manages to infiltrate in Vidauban’s circle of acquaintances and contacts. He becomes embroiled in a bizarre web of intrigue and discovers no shortage of possible murder suspects, all of whom appear to be surprised to see him still alive.
История Манон Леско перенесена в первые послевоенные годы. Робер Дегриё, солдат армии французских повстанцев, встречает Манон, когда разъяренная толпа пытается линчевать девушку за сотрудничество с немцами. Робер берет несчастную под стражу до суда, но, очарованный её красотой, бежит вместе с ней в Париж. Добравшись до столицы, молодые люди оказываются под влиянием брата девушки, Леона Леско - мелкого мошенника и контрабандиста. Любящая деньги и роскошную жизнь Манон начинает изменять Дегриё с богатыми любовниками, поощряемая собственным братом, который стремится извлечь выгоду из авантюр сестры. Вскоре безнадежно влюбленный в красавицу Робер также становится на преступную стезю…
Антуан и Антуанетта
Le boucher
В пятницу вечером Антуан, типографский служащий, и Антуанетта, работница магазина на Елисейских полях, возращаются с работы домой. Антуанетта подвергается постоянным домогательствам одного торговца, кроме того пара постоянно испытывает материальные трудности. Всё это даёт им поводы для частых ссор. Но однажды их судьба делает резкий поворот: купленный Антуанеттой лотерейный билет оказывается выигрышным, и наконец сбывается мечта Антуана о покупке мотоцикла с коляской. За этим следует масса событий: потеря билета, его поиски, прогулка на лодке по озеру в Булонском лесу, игра в футбол в королевском парке…
Noah's Ark
Bitru is a carefree fellow who, one day, decides to buy a houseboat on the River Seine. He moves there and starts living surrounded by a circle of colorful friends. Among them, the daughter of an auto maker but also a group of scientists who have developed "Aqua Simplex", a device that could enable motorists to fill their tanks with... water ! Panic sets in in the automobile industry and Bitru is appointed his friends' middle man to represent them on the various car makers directors' boards.
Mystery Tour
Cafe owner (uncredited)
The basic premise: A retired bus driver fulfills his lifelong dream of providing an extended "voyage surprise" (the title is translated as "Mystery Tour") for unsuspecting vacationers. They soon realize, while riding in the old man's home-made bus, that he hasn't bothered to plan any kind of itinerary. As a result, they end up in completely preposterous situations, of course. Voyage surprise!
Doorman (uncredited)
Martine discovers, on the eve of her wedding, that her mother, whom she believed to be dead, leads an adventurous life. Pierre, her fiancé, unable to overcome his family's opposition to the revelation of this news, decides to kidnap Martine. The adventurer, who is not recognized by her daughter, agrees to leave France. The family of the young man will no longer put obstacles in the way of marriage.
Sky Battalion
Film in two eras.1st era: They are not angels. Chronicle of a Free French parachute training camp during the Second World War. 2nd era: Terre de France. A group of paratroopers landed in Brittany sabotages the German installations.
Мартин Руманьяк
Бланш Ферран - очаровательная блондинка, владелица магазина певчих птиц и светская львица - знакомится во время боксерского матча с Мартином Руманьяком - простым парнем, строительным подрядчиком. Их любовный роман вспыхивает как порох. Обуреваемый пожаром любви Мартин залезает в долги и вкладывает все свои деньги в постройку скромной виллы, будущего их совместного дома. Но семейный уют не для Бланш, которая привыкла к роскоши и флирту - она постоянно окружена поклонниками, список которых возглавляет консул Де Лабури. Сложившиеся обстоятельства доводят Мартина до безумной ревности, которая приводит бурный роман к печальному концу.
Back Streets of Paris
Madame Rose runs a seedy hotel in a suburb of Paris. Strong-minded but without the least moral scruple, she once killed her husband whose honesty was a hindrance to her business. Under a suspended sentence, she now indulges in smuggling. One day, Victor, one of her former accomplices hounded by the police, finds sanctuary with her. During a drinking spree, he has the bad idea to entrust to her a suitcase filled with bank notes, a loot with which Victor hopes to rebuild his life in South America. But Rose, lured by temptation, betrays Victor, who is arrested by the police. However, he manages to escape with only one thing in mind, to take revenge on Rose...
Ради маленького счастья
Paul Barge
After lovers fight, the boy leaves for the Riviera. On her way to rejoin him, the girl meets a distinguished but embittered novelist and decides to spend time comforting him.Which is not going to help when she returns to her boyfriend.
Барбизонское искушение
Портье издательства Мишель и сотрудница того же издательства Мартина очень любят друг друга и решают пожениться. Однажды после работы они вместе возвращаются домой и не подозревают, что всего через несколько часов их счастье окажется под угрозой. Ведь этим же вечером в маленькой загородной гостинице дяди Мартины появились два странных постояльца.
The Last Penny
Pierre risks being taken advantage of by an agency that sets up financial scams, he escapes thanks to Marcelle, the secretary of the director of the agency, who is a childhood friend. She does her best to keep the young man away from the scams of his boss. However, the director, in love with Marcelle and jealous of Pierre, succeeds in trapping and ruining him. Marcelle will then denounce him to the police, but before being arrested he will kill her.
The King of Dodgers
Mimile is a street singer and also a very inventive free rider. With his friend Georges, a musician in the same orchestra, they meet Arlette Sicleton and Lulu. Arlette is the sister of Sicleton, a sports event organizer and Lulu is the daughter of Ledoux, the supervisor in charge of tracking down free riders. After many misunderstandings, love will triumph.
Дамские тряпки
Janitor (uncredited)
Филипп Кларенс — известный парижский модельер, соблазнивший невесту друга. Но впервые в его жизни отношения с женщиной носят серьезный характер.
Vingt-quatre heures de perm'
Two friends, mobilized together and idle, send their photos to two young workers. The photos are inverted, resulting in a real sentimental imbroglio which finds its best conclusion in the context of the Théâtre aux Armées.
Сесиль мертва!
Monsieur Louis (uncredited)
Полгода без толку обивает пороги Сыскной полиции молодая парижанка Сесиль Пардон, встревоженная тем, что в квартире, где она обитает вдвоём с тетей-инвалидом, по ночам бывает кто-то посторонний. Не слишком доверяет словам Сесили и комиссар Мегрэ, хотя он не видит оснований считать девушку сумасшедшей. Однако убийство тёти и необъяснимое исчезновение самой Сесили заставляют комиссара вспомнить все подробности её рассказов и ближе познакомиться с историей семейства Пардонов.
La Rabouilleuse
1824 in Issoudun. A bourgeois, Rouget, lives as a husband and wife, La Rabouilleuse, who holds him in her power. The old man's nephew, ex-Colonel Philippe Bridau of the Imperial Guard, swears to hunt the intruder.
Pierre and Jean
Le garçon de la guinguette
Alice, an unhappy young woman in the household, is the mother of a little boy, Pierre. She falls in love with a young doctor and plans to run away with him and his son. Finally, not considering the right to deprive Pierre of his father, she gives up. Twenty years pass, Pierre has grown up, he suspects his little brother, Jean, of just being his half-brother. His suspicions gnaw at him, his mother confesses to him her past fault. Faced with this confession, Pierre will abandon the one who sacrificed her life for him.
The White Waltz
Bernard Lampré, a young composer, is engaged to Hélène Madelin, a gifted intern. Jealous of Professor d'Esperel, the great surgeon she proudly assists, Bernard, goes out and wanders in the rain all night long. He catches cold, falls ill and is sent to a sanitarium. There he meets again Jacqueline, a girl who studied music with him at the Conservatoire. Learning that she is dying, Bernard decides to play the comedy of love to soften her last moments.
The Wolf Farm
Bastien and Furet are a journalist and a photographer working together as a team on the newspaper 'L'Echo du Jour'. Just as they are about to go off on a weekend break with Micky, their boss's secretary, they are sent to a crime scene to report the murder of a Russian named 'le Moujik'.
The Wolf Farm
Bastien and Furet are a journalist and a photographer working together as a team on the newspaper 'L'Echo du Jour'. Just as they are about to go off on a weekend break with Micky, their boss's secretary, they are sent to a crime scene to report the murder of a Russian named 'le Moujik'.
My Love is Near You
The secretary (uncredited)
An opera singer is stricken with amnesia and, on the evening of a premiere (in his stage costume which is that of a tramp), he goes to wander with real tramps.
L'escalier sans fin
An untiring lady social worker, Émilienne, has as one of her charges a stableman who was wounded by his mistress. Unfortunately, Émilienne's young sister who was helping her at work decides to go away with the stableman.
Shop Girls of Paris
The struggles of a small business owner come to light in this film by director André Cayatte. The proprietor of a fabric shop, M. Baudu (Michel Simon) faces stiff competition when a department store moves in across the street, the first of its kind in 1860s Paris. On top of the stresses associated with the rival retailer, Baudu’s niece and two nephews take up residence with him after recently being orphaned. The niece, Denise Baudu (Blanchette Brunoy), sees the writing on the wall for her uncle’s business so she takes a job as a shop girl with his competitor and despite her success the decision does not register well with the family.
Love Marriage
Officer of the police station
Pierre, who is a Fine Arts student, and Denise, who is a chemistry student, work for a department store where, wearing wedding suits, they distribute flyers to passers-by. The store manager, Bernard, falls in love with Denise and arranges to take her to an inn not far from Paris, run by the handsome Robert. This one opens Denise's eyes who ends up returning to her home. After a fight between Pierre and Bernard, Denise ends up choosing to stay with Pierre.
The Blue Veil
In 1914, in the first months of World War I, Louise Jarraud loses her husband, killed on the front. Shortly after, she gives birth to a baby, who soon dies. Devastated by this double misfortune, Louise decides to dedicate her life to caring for the children of others. She becomes a nurse with several employers, giving her affection to little boys or girls. A widower and another man propose to her but she refuses twice determined as she is to live only for the children in her charge.
Twisted Mistress
Guy Carbonnel, a rich industrialist, has more eyes for rugby than for his wife Hélène. René Rivals, his long-time pal, takes advantage of it to court her but Guy is becoming suspicious so René has to find a way to deflect his friend's suspicion. He finally has an idea: he asks Lilian, a circus acrobat, to pose as his mistress. Lilian accepts and they embark on a series of eventful moments.
Убийца живет в доме №21
The waiter (uncredited)
На Монмартре совершено несколько преступлений, подписанных таинственным господином Дюраном. Благодаря информатору комиссар Ванчеслав "Ванс" Воробейчик узнает, что убийца живёт в пансионе, расположенном в доме №21 по улице Жюно. Полицейский, переодевшись пастором, поселяется там.
Threesome Romance
A buyer
From three successive marriages, Loys Erland had three very different boys: Charles, a convinced sportsman, Marcel, who runs a bank and Pierre, a young composer. All three meet, then reunite with the lovely Huguette. Everyone is courting. Charles seems favored, but Huguette ultimately slips away. The three brothers will thus see their mutual friendship and trust strengthened.
Незнакомцы в доме
Le gardien de prison (uncredited)
В доме систематически пьющего адвоката убивают парня. По обвинению в убийстве перед судом предстает юноша, влюбленный в дочь мэтра. Адвокат берется за защиту молодого человека и блистательно ее проводит…
Caprices tells the story of two young rich people. A famous actress poses as a poor florist, and a distinguished society man camouflages himself as forger and swindler. This game leads them to make close relations in a series of adventures.
L'âge d'or
Véra, a vivacious woman, and her alleged brother Boris, are both hired by the Dubelairs as their chambermaid and caretaker. But Dubelair has done bad business while his wife Juliette plays at the races and... loses ! So when it comes to paying their domestics wages, Dubelair gives them lottery tickets. Chance has it that one of them is winning...!
Pontcarral, Empire Colonel
A man in the crowd
For 15 years after Waterloo, a baron refuses to accept the defeat. He reluctantly marries one of 2 Bourbon sisters but lands up dueling with the wife's former lover. Finally he gets a chance to prove himself again in battle.
The Chain Breaker
Antoine Mouret, an authoritarian restaurateur, is the head of a large family where, for reasons of interest, people only marry cousins. But some have other plans, Marcus especially when he meets a passing circus girl.
Madame Sans-Gêne
Deals with the ordeals of a crude washerwoman in the chic court of Napoleon the First. Based on the play of the same name.
Pour le maillot jaune
The fat journalist
The romantic relationship between a sports journalist and a cyclist during the Tour de France.
L'hôtelier (uncredited)
"Menaces" deals with the months before WW2 in a hotel :t he fear of the impending war never leaves the guests of an hotel in Paris.
The Two Boys
The Count of Kerlor, to chastise his wife whom he believes to be unfaithful, entrusts his son to a couple of scoundrels. When he repents and wants to find the child, the carnies make their nephew sick. But the other little boy, in search of his comrade, is recognized by his reconciled parents.