Leonard Tee


Fly By Night
Unfolding the life of a taxi driver that uses his services as a front for extortion rackets and other criminal activities. When his hot-headed younger brother's impulsive behaviour lead the cops and triad to their doorstep. As the eldest, he stops at nothing to protect them all.
You Mean The World To Me
Sunny has returned to Penang to shoot his new film about his family, without their knowledge. However he has run out of money and is struggling to shoot an essential scene. His sister, Hoon, comes by the film studio and discovers that he is shooting a warts and all film about their family. In the confrontation that follows, Sunny has an epiphany that illuminates and changes his perspective of his past.
After her father goes missing, a young girl slowly becomes entirely possessed by grief. It seems as if an outside force has taken control of her emotions.
Madame Butterfly
Production Manager
Free interpretation of the myth. Tsai Ming-liang propels a woman neglected by her lover in the mob of the bus station of Kuala Lumpur.
У каждого свое кино
В него вошли 34 киноновеллы всемирно известных режиссеров из 25 стран и 5 континентов. Каждый попытался создать свое неповторимое кино. Все эти мини-фильмы, продолжительностью 3—4 минуты, в той или иной степени связаны общей темой: кино в современном мире
It's a Dream
To celebrate its 60th anniversary, the Cannes Film Festival invited around thirty filmmakers to create three-minute short films to compose the collective film Chacun son cinema. Tsai Ming-liang proposed a twinned piece with his feature Goodbye, Dragon Inn, an exploration of the movie theater as a public space and collective experience. Shortly after, Tsai put on this new version of the piece, twenty minutes longer, which was presented at the Venice Biennale.
Не хочу спать одна
Light Seller
На бездомного китайца Сяо-кан напали и ограбили. На помощь ему приходят рабочие из Бангладеш, которые берут его к себе домой. Один из рабочих ухаживает за ним и укладывает спать рядом с собой. Сяо -кан знакомится с официанткой Чи, и её охватывает страсть к юноше. Молодой человек не может выбрать между Раван и Чи, а также начальницей Чи. Попытка обрести возлюбленного и спать с ним вместе, гладить его тело и получать любовные ласки в ответ — вот то простое и человеческое, к чему с комическим упорством стремятся молчаливые герои…