Carlos Lima


Of Two Minds
Follows the story of the challenging relationship between Billie and her younger schizophrenic sister, Elizabeth Baby. After their mother dies, Billie takes responsibility by moving Baby in with her family, including her husband, their teenage son and young daughter. At first, Baby and the family work to adjust to their new living arrangement. However, after a disturbing incident involving her son and Baby, it becomes clear to Billie that she and her family are not equipped to handle Baby's illness, ultimately forcing her to make the difficult decision to do what's best for her sister and her family.
The Bling Ring
At the center of one of Hollywood's most notorious burglary rings in 2009 was a group of average, middle-class teens from a quiet suburb. This is the behind-the-scenes story of how Nick, a shy, awkward boy, lured by the promise of popularity and acceptance, found himself following his glamorous, charismatic best friend Rachel into breaking into celebrities' houses and robbing them of millions of dollars in clothes and jewelry.
Citizen Jane
Art Direction
Jane Alexander's idyllic life in San Francisco is shattered when her beloved, elderly aunt is brutally murdered. But when her fiancé, Tom O'Donnell, becomes the main suspect, Jane must put aside her grief to aid the police before the chance at justice is lost forever.
Любовь находит дом
Production Design
Белинда каждый раз попадает в круговорот жизненных испытаний, которые не менее трудные, чем предыдущие. Однажды она делает неожиданный выбор в трудную минуту…
Глубинная бомба
Art Direction
Подводная лодка «Монтана», несущая на борту двадцать четыре баллистические ракеты с ядерным зарядом и оснащённая суперсовременной системой «Стелс», захвачена террористами. Первая цель террористов — Вашингтон и получение выкупа в один миллиард долларов. Далее — Лондон, Рим, Париж. Для подтверждения серьёзности своих намерений террористы готовы уничтожить любую цель. И первые жертвы уже есть — это команда подводной лодки и военный корабль НАТО. На поединок с «Монтаной» выходит другая подводная лодка, «Флорида», но шансы на победу у неё невелики, ведь благодаря системе «Стелс» «Монтана» невидима для радаров и практически неуязвима. Вот только вопреки уверенности террористов, кое-кто из команды подлодки остался жив и готов преподнести им неприятный сюрприз…
All I Want for Christmas
Art Direction
Tis the season for making dreams true. If everything goes according to plan for one young boy, he just may be sharing this Christmas with a new dad. Ever since her husband died, Sarah Armstrong has divided her time between working at a community center and caring for her nine-year-old son, Jesse. When Jesse wins the All I Want for Christmas contest sponsored by a toy company, his wish comes as no surprise to find a new dad. Just in time for the holidays, All I Want for Christmas is a surprise romantic treat for anyone who believes in the magic of love, friendship, and family.