Bojana Zečević


Drama about youth violence, society impact on an individual and exploring sexuality.
I am Already Everything I Want to Have
The boy is new to the city. Daniel doesn't know what to do with himself. He visits his sister, he visits friends. Noise begins to emerge: how to say no to yourself?
The Margins
On the point of leaving the country, Dragor, a petty thief, by chance meets Gastos, a notorious criminal and former Secret Service…
Главного героя фильма всю жизнь мучает мысль о его происхождении, многие годы собирает он по крупицам воспоминания очевидцев о страшном рождественском дне 1942 года, когда соседи из мусульманского села Османовичи напали на сербское село Юговичи. Они согнали жителей в церковь и заживо сожгли, только его, новорожденного мальчика, оставили в живых и отдали на воспитание в ту мусульманскую семью, которая и убила всех…
Package Deal
A three-part omnibus. First story: A young couple agrees to pretend to be in love with each other. Second story: After deciding to leave his band, a young bassist shows up for an audition for a drummer. There he meets a man who offers him money to kill his wife. Third story: Two successful robbers go through a hard time when one of them starts to pay to much more attention to his guitar playing skills than the job.