Executive Producer
When Maria thinks she's at the bottom of the barrel, she discovers that this barrel has a double bottom: no job, no money, no worthy accomplishment and now a dying mother begging her to do something with her life. before his death! She has no other choice but to get back in hand and find a career ... But what can she do with a 7-year-old BAC in communication and no work experience? Believe it or not, she can become a substitute in a high school! Thus, Maria, 30, as responsible and stable as a 14-year-old teenager, returns to high school in the role of the one to whom she threw pieces of erasers: the replacement. Too jaded teachers, rebellious teenagers, intimidated or not sufficiently denounced, she will be confronted with the reality of teachers and young people today and, who knows, may discover a vocation.
Executive Producer
Neglected by his father, William, a star college hockey player, also suffered harassment from his coach and some teammates. By chance of a visit to Sainte-Justine hospital, the young man, whose morale and motivation are at its lowest, meets ten-year-old Daniel, awaiting a kidney transplant. Their passion for the Habs unites them instantly and William tries, by all means, to give him hope in the face of the disease.
Executive Producer
У главного героя непростая судьба, ведь его мать - ведьма, поэтому жить в родной деревушке ему совсем не просто...
Как спастись от неминуемой гибели, если ты изгой и у тебя совсем нет друзей?
Это правдивая история о людях, о взаимоотношениях с жизнью и смертью и приключениях, которых в жизни главного героя хватает сполна
Executive Producer
CQ2 (seek you too) is the story of an teenager, with an uncertain future, who canalises her lust for life in the study of contemporary dance.