Stefan Biebl


Director of Photography
At the center of the family story is 13-year-old titular protagonist Madison, for whom cycle racing means just everything! She gives her all to emulate her cool and successful cycle-pro father. But when the talented and ambitious young racer has to unwillingly swap saddles for a mountain bike, things go haywire.
Волшебное зеркало или двойные неприятности
Camera Supervisor
Фридо нашел волшебное зеркало, исполняющее мечты: из него появилась его идеальная копия. Двойник Фридо с удовольствием соглашается выполнять самые сложные задачи, а кроме этого, оказывается настолько умным, что добивается восторженных отзывов учителя и самых лучших оценок в школе. Фридо в восторге, но вскоре пробалтывается о чудесном двойнике своему другу Эмилю...
Salzburg - Gesamtkunstwerk im Herzen Europas
Additional Camera
Räuber Kneißl
Director of Photography
Even today, Mathias Kneißl (1875-1902) is considered a national hero in the collective memory of Bavaria. During his lifetime, he was the most wanted criminal in Bavaria and even Prince Regent Luitpold was reported daily on the hunt for the lawbreaker report. Again and again Kneißl's story has occupied the Bavarian artists: his life was retold in folk songs and murders, sung in ballads, filmed and treated in various plays. In his feature film version, the Bavarian filmmaker Marcus H. Rosenmüller relies on a rapid staging, opulent images and a moving love story.
Grave Decisions
Director of Photography
In this black comedy set in small-town Bavaria, 11-year-old Sebastian thinks you can never be too young to be a murderer. He's convinced that he killed his mother on the day he was born and is certain he's already been condemned to purgatory. Deciding he might be able to knock off a few years of his sentence by doing good deeds, Sebastian sets out to find a wife for his father Lorenz. When Lorenz and Sebastian's schoolteacher Veronika fall madly in love with each other, it seems the heavens must be smiling. There's just one hitch: Veronika is married.
Kümmel und Korn
Camera Operator
The two eleven year old farm boys Toni and Max are best friends, share everything with each other. But Max won't believe Toni is secretly engaged to the beautiful young Karin. But when Karin tells Toni that she'll be his wife - if he helps on his fathers farm and moults to a farmer - Toni understands the hint and gets down to work.
Additional Camera
В ходе научного эксперимента 12 обыкновенных людей добровольно становятся на две недели «заключенными» тюрьмы, в то время как 8 таких же добровольцев становятся надзирателями. Задача первых — соблюдать правила тюремного режима; задача вторых — поддерживать порядок. Но человеческая природа берет свое, и эксперимент выходит из-под контроля: под бесстрастными взглядами ученых надзиратели упиваются властью, унижая заключенных, и в тюрьме назревает бунт…