Kamil Kadeřábek


Vražedné pochybnosti
Camera Operator
Jak se naučit švédsky
Camera Operator
Muž s orlem a slepicí
Camera Operator
Camera Operator
Boty plné vody
Camera Operator
Three short stories ("Zelenáči 1945", "Silvestr 1948" and "Zimní vítr 1951") about members of the SNB units guarding the Šumava border in the post-war years. Ivo Toman had artistic supervision over the debutants. The theme of the third short story was made in 1959 for the film "Entry Forbidden" by František Vláčil, who was also starting at the time.
Мальчишки есть мальчишки
Camera Operator
Замечательная веселая комедия — абсолютно вольное переложение марктвеновского «Тома Сойера» на чешский лад. Соответственно, тут Тома зовут Томашеком, его друзей — Губерт («аналог» Гека) и Йожка (марктвеновский Джо Гарпер), а Бекки Тэтчер — Бланка. И дело происходит в Чехии в 1900 году.
Romance for a Crown
Camera Operator
A musical comedy about a date between boy and girl which started badly but continued very unexpectedly...
Night of Orange Fires
Camera Operator
Petr Rynes (Svatopluk Matyás) is celebrating his forty-fifth birthday in the company of his friends. He is happy with his wife, and his abilities at work have been rewarded with the medal For Outstanding Work. But a few short seconds are enough to change his life when he makes the ill-judged decision to take his car to bring a friend's wife to the celebration, and hits a pedestrian on the way. He has of course been drinking at the party and is consequently sentenced to sixteen months in prison. Being in jail is not an easy thing for a honorable communist. He soon gets into conflict with several violent inmates, who think they can break his spirit by violence.
Návrat pana Ryšánka
Camera Operator
The Matches of a Beautiful Dragoon
Camera Operator
In a suburban villa, a woman of means is murdered. Police Superintendent Zdychynec from the Prague Liben neighborhood reports the case to Police Councilman Vacátko, upon whose order an investigation is launched immediately. Zdychynec begins to suspect the wooer of his own daughter, a handsome dragoon named Rudi, of the crime. In Rudi's absence, Zdychynec searches his rented room in the apartment of the elegant Mrs Dragicová. All his findings - among others, sand left on Rudi's jackboots and a decent amount of money in his bedside table - convince the superintendent that he is following the right lead, especially when Rudi refuses to say where he was at the time of the murder.
Burglar and Umbrella
Camera Operator
In the morning twilight of Prague, the dead body of the safe-breaker Toufar is found floating on the river Vltava with a knife in his back. Police inspectors visit Toufar's lover, the prostitute Anna Kulatá (Jirina Bohdalová), nicknamed Umbrella, and it is apparent that the moment before she opened the door of her flat, someone fled through the window. Umbrella is summoned for examination to the head of the criminal police - Police Councilman Vacátko Jaroslav Marvan, but although shocked by the photograph of the dead man, she does not confess to anything. Before Toufar, Umbrella lived with the safe-breaker Penicka (Radoslav Brzobohatý), who loved her very much and made her quit her street trade. But when he was sentenced to three years' imprisonment, Umbrella began to live with the brute Toufar, who chased her to street again. In the case of the murder, Penicka is therefore the prime suspect.
Camera Operator
Julián odpadlík
Camera Operator
The Best Woman in My Life
Camera Operator
Ordinary man making his dirty actions in the small town and his coming to the right side.
Hrdina má strach
Camera Operator
Honza Vavrinec (Rudolf Hrusínský) works in the investment department of a large office. One day he gets involved in the case of an unjustly convicted worker who mistakenly considers him a parliamentary deputy. Honza as a "deputy" interferes in the case and helps the worker. Encouraged by the success and possibly also out of love for the beautiful secretary Svatava (Blanka Bohdanová), the then shy and fearful Honza stands up for the chief of the department, Hofmánek (Ladislav Pesek), who has been removed from his position.
Příběh dušičkový
Camera Operator
Mykoin PH 510
Camera Operator
Camera Operator
Camera Operator
Černá sobota
Camera Operator
Потерянная фотография
Assistant Camera
Вашек не помнил изображенного на фотографии советского танкиста, участвующего в освобождении Праги от немцев в мае 1945 года. Но парнишка давно мечтал найти танкиста и вернуть ему фотографию. Чтобы попасть в Советский Союз, Вашек принял участие в конкурсе «Знаешь ли ты страны своих друзей», победитель которого получал путевку в Артек.
První a poslední
Assistant Camera
Удивительное воскресенье
Assistant Camera
Рано утром 28 июня 1957 года пражские пионеры провожали своих соотечественников в Москву на открытие VI Всемирного фестиваля молодёжи. Среди пионеров был и школьник Пепичек. Случайно Пепичек оказался пассажиром ТУ-104. Обнаружив «зайца», команда самолёта решила доставить мальчика в Прагу вечерним рейсом. В Москве, чтобы не тратить драгоценного времени, Пепичек отправился гулять по праздничным улицам и площадям. Сколько интересного увидел он здесь!
Вратарь живет на нашей улице
Assistant Camera
Герои фильма — заядлые любители хоккея — забросили учёбу, и некоторые из членов команды начали получать двойки. Узнав об этом, родители запретили ребятам ходить на каток. Пришлось серьёзно взяться за занятия. Успехи в школе совпали со спортивным триумфом хоккеистов на очередном состязании.
Пепик и косолапый Брумло
Assistant Camera
О том, как пионеры Чехословакии подарили своим гостям — вьетнамским пионерам — забавного медвежонка Брумло, а те в свою очередь прислали в Пражский зоосад маленького слонёнка. Взаимные подарки содействовали укреплению дружбы между ребятами этих стран.
Vintage Car
Assistant Camera
По следам врага
Assistant Camera
Сюжет фильма, который разворачивается по большей части в обстановке торгового порта, рассказывает о враждебной деятельности иностранных разведок. С ними борются сотрудники силовых структур, а вместе с ними — сотрудники порта.
Konec strašidel
Assistant Camera
The Poacher's Foster Daughter or Noble Millionaire
Assistant Camera