Ical Tanjung

Ical Tanjung


Ical J. Tanjung or better known as Ical Tanjung is an indonesian cinematographer.


Ical Tanjung


Grave Torture
Telling about the punishment of the grave which occurred after a man was buried.
Grave Torture
Director of Photography
Telling about the punishment of the grave which occurred after a man was buried.
Заклятье: 13-й этаж
1984 год. Спасшись от последователей сатанинского культа, семейство Сувоно переехало из деревни в Джакарту и поселилось в социальном многоэтажном доме, одиноко стоящем на пустыре. Жизнь идёт своим чередом: Рини решает отдохнуть от заботы о младших братьях и поехать учиться, Тони пытается подружиться с местной красавицей, Бонди с друзьями находит недалеко от дома могильную плиту. В новостях говорят о надвигающемся мощном тайфуне, а в доме начинает твориться какая-то мистика, и вскоре происходит страшный несчастный случай.
Ад женщины
Director of Photography
Пережив нападение и попытку убийства, Майя решает уехать из города в деревню, где ей, как выясняется, достался по наследству дом. Местная община очень рада приезду девушки, ведь теперь они могут убить её, чтобы снять с деревни древнее проклятье.
Гундала: Сын молнии
Ещё ребенком Санчака потерял родителей — отец погиб, отстаивая права рабочих, а мать уехала на заработки и не вернулась — с тех пор мальчик выживал самостоятельно. Нелегкая жизнь на улице научила его не только эффективно махать ногами, а и думать в первую очередь о собственной безопасности, но когда волна насилия захлёстывает город, мужчине приходится встать на сторону униженных и оскорбленных. А поскольку в результате удара молнии наш герой получил свехспособности, врагам простого народа придётся несладко.
Гундала: Сын молнии
Director of Photography
Ещё ребенком Санчака потерял родителей — отец погиб, отстаивая права рабочих, а мать уехала на заработки и не вернулась — с тех пор мальчик выживал самостоятельно. Нелегкая жизнь на улице научила его не только эффективно махать ногами, а и думать в первую очередь о собственной безопасности, но когда волна насилия захлёстывает город, мужчине приходится встать на сторону униженных и оскорбленных. А поскольку в результате удара молнии наш герой получил свехспособности, врагам простого народа придётся несладко.
Ave Maryam
Director of Photography
A devoted nun who cares for her elder sisters must choose between upholding her vows or pursuing her forbidden feelings for a fascinating pastor.
Folklore: A Mother's Love
Director of Photography
A single mother and her young son discover a group of dirty and underfed children living in a mansion's attic. Upon saving them and returning them to their families, she has unknowingly snatched these children from their adopted mother - Wewe Gombel - and must now beware her vengeful wrath.
Отряд Фокстрот
Director of Photography
Через 10 лет после расставания группа индонезийских спецназовцев объединяется, чтобы побороть зловещую копорацию "Пиранья", захватившую власть над страной, и восстановить справедливость.
Слуги сатаны
Director of Photography
1981 год, Индонезия. Когда-то бывшая популярной певицей мать четырёх детей несколько лет назад слегла и доживает последние дни. Семья о ней заботится, но сводить концы с концами становится все труднее — в звукозаписывающей компании говорят, что записи больше не продаются, поэтому комиссионных нет, и семья продаёт всё, что может. Когда женщина умирает, то сразу после похорон отец семейства отправляет в город, чтобы договориться о продаже дома, а оставшиеся с бабушкой дети начинают видеть и слышать призраков. Вскоре старшая дочь узнаёт о матери нечто странное.
A Copy of My Mind
Director of Photography
The new romance between a beauty salon worker and a subtitle writer for pirated DVDs gets pulled into danger when they view a forbidden recording.
About a Woman
Director of Photography
A widow living alone develops an affectionate bond with young man hired by her children to assist her at home and offer her companionship.
Princess, Bajak Laut & Alien
Director of Photography
The first Indonesian child omnibus film who raise four stories about friendship, family, and courage.
The New Found
Director of Photography
A man with a childhood heartbreak needs to learn to unleash himself free of his past, for a woman who loves him. Through the small events during a man’s journey of life, through colors, textures, and shapes -- will he realize that their hearts are meant to be united?
Director of Photography
Elang, who lived in the flat, is often haunted by images of bizarre murders involving a killer with a rabbit costume. His efforts to solve the mystery and save the lives of the people he presumed in danger, has in turn trapped him in a downward spiral and he became a suspect himself. In proving his innocence, he will be forced to unveil a horrible and long-buried secret.
Something in the Way
Director of Photography
Ahmad, a porn obsessed taxi driver from Jakarta, falls for the beautiful young prostitute Kinar and struggles with sexual frustration and misguided piety.
Lovely Man
Director of Photography
A deeply religious young woman spends one powerful evening reconnecting with a long-lost parent, who now makes a living as a sex worker in Jakarta.
Kita Versus Korupsi
Director of Photography
"Kita versus Korupsi" is an Omnibus about fighting corruption in our daily life: in workplace, in our family, in school.
Serdadu Kumbang
Director of Photography
Serdadu Kumbang are Indonesian drama movie which was released on June 16, 2011 to be directed by Ari Sihasale starring Yudi Miftahudin and Ririn Ekawati.
Tanah Air Beta
Director of Photography
When East Timor is separated from Indonesia, two siblings are also separated. Merry, 10, lives with her mother, Tatiana, 29, at a refugee camp in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. Her older brother, Mauro, 12, lives with his uncle in East Timor. Tatiana teaches at a temporary school inside the camp that Merry also attends together with a new friend, Carlo Gomez. Both mother and daughter are longing to see their beloved Mauro again. One day, Tatiana is informed by a volunteer that there is a chance that she can see her son again.
Ratu Kostmopolitan
Director of Photography
Three women who lives in a boarding house in Jakarta has to deal with a group of thugs who wants them out of their humble abode.
Ruma Maida
Director of Photography
A scholar researches the historical significance of a house that serves as a free school in hopes of saving it from being demolished by a developer.
The Last Wolf
Director of Photography
Jarot and Ale are friends. They grow up together since childhood -- they have the same life story, but are different in character. With extra members Lukman, Sadat and Jago, they created the gang "Serigala Terakhir" a.k.a "Last Wolves". They dream to be the biggest mafia that they can be.
Kawin Kontrak Lagi
Director of Photography
Jody, who likes older women, joins forces with Kang Sono, a broker for "marriage by contract". The result is a comic sensation just like Kawin Kontrak (the prequel) that is funnier, more exciting and crazier. The Pakelonan village is ready to receive the "love warriors" from the big city. The girls are prettier, more skillful and more materialistic. Plus there is a "steamy" bonus from Teh Euis. But there are always obstacles to love. There is the fearsome Boss Maung who applies a military system to run his business. This makes one of the wife candidates, who is most expensive and beautiful, to run away, and seek protection from Teh Euis, who comes bringing a miracle.
Radit and Jani
Director of Photography
Radit and Jani is a happy couple with a very rock-and-roll way of living. Drugs, tattoos, lots of cigarettes, noise musics. Once upon a time, they got no money, and Radit and Jani have to work to get money.
Kawin Kontrak
Director of Photography
Three teenagers look for village girls to have temporary marriages or a "marriage by contract". They are well prepared with Cialis, Viagra, and even rubber bands. Jody, who likes older women, has a "marriage by contract" with Teh Euis, a pretty widow with one child. Dika, who likes it rough, has a "marriage by contract" with Rani who is tough at hitting mattresses when cleaning it, while Rama, who is very picky, is head over heels with Isa’s gentleness and natural beauty. But there is still a long way to go before their mission (to have sex) is accomplished. The sexy Teh Euis always comes up with ridiculous reasons at the "critical" moments while Rani’s feistiness hides a secret; and Isa’s gentleness is threatened by a wicked plan. It is a comic and sensual adventure and the three "heroes" find the feeling that has been behind their raging hormones: love.
Chants of Lotus
Bodyguard (Segment: Cerita Pulau)
This is an omnibus film, directed by 4 females and consists of 4 stories about women.
Chants of Lotus
Director of Photography
This is an omnibus film, directed by 4 females and consists of 4 stories about women.
Forever Love
Director of Photography
Aristha met his old lover Bara at the police station. Bara, who feels guilty because Aristha plunges into the world of drugs, trying desperately to pull Aristha of that world. Aristha very hurt because Bara suddenly disappear, struggling away from Bara, despite the increasingly dark life.
Director of Photography
Rachel is a tomboy girl whose childhood friend is Farel. Their friendship is tested when Farel falls in love with Luna, a feminine girl that makes Rachel wrecked by jealousy.
Looking for Love in 30 Days
Director of Photography
Keke, Gwen and Olin, best friends since high school, live together in Olin’s parent's house. One day they make a pact to find a boyfriend. Their first attempt fails so they make a bet on who would find the right partner within 30 days. In the process, their friendship deteriorates.