Tony Merle
Tony Merle is an Indonesian musician and film music director. Alongside friends Bemby Gusti and Aghi Narottama, he is a part of Rooftopsound, a group of people who compose, arrange and produce original music for commercial, film and TV. He is also the guitarist of the band 'The Brandals'. And with his wife Aimee Saras, the duo group 'The Spouse' is formed.
Telling about the punishment of the grave which occurred after a man was buried.
After Gepeng's indiscipline, Srimulat's life in the capital suddenly turned upside down. The story of love, career and generations of legendary comedians continues!
Riani, a teenager who is forced to reveal her hidden powers when several mysterious cases occur and turn the city into chaos.
Music Producer
Based on real events, four professional bank robbers and ATM machine breakers from Russia go on rampage in Bali. The Balinese police force are in hot pursuit to catch the robbers.
Based on real events, four professional bank robbers and ATM machine breakers from Russia go on rampage in Bali. The Balinese police force are in hot pursuit to catch the robbers.
Music Director
After the death of his father, Roy moved to Serang with his mother. He is different from most boys and that makes him liked by lots of girls in his school.
Детектив расследует смерть своего отца и отправляется за подсказкой на отдаленный тропический остров, где узнает, что он был лидером группы наемных убийц. Теперь за ней охотятся его враги, и ей приходится объединиться с мошенниками, которых тренировал её отец, - четырьмя отставными убийцами, которым не повезло и которые жаждут вернуться в игру.
Alana doesn’t understand why she is always influenced by anger. But she has always been trying to fight it. As she reaches adulthood, Alana discover the truth about her origin: she’s not an ordinary human being. She may be the gift for humanity and become its protector as SRI ASIH. Or a destruction, if she can’t control her anger.
Short on cash and a place to live, a woman agrees to let an old upper-class couple takes care of her and her unborn child, not knowing they have a more sinister plan that involves their only son.
1984 год. Спасшись от последователей сатанинского культа, семейство Сувоно переехало из деревни в Джакарту и поселилось в социальном многоэтажном доме, одиноко стоящем на пустыре. Жизнь идёт своим чередом: Рини решает отдохнуть от заботы о младших братьях и поехать учиться, Тони пытается подружиться с местной красавицей, Бонди с друзьями находит недалеко от дома могильную плиту. В новостях говорят о надвигающемся мощном тайфуне, а в доме начинает твориться какая-то мистика, и вскоре происходит страшный несчастный случай.
The Bu Broto Inn in Yogya is managed by Pak Broto and Bu Broto and their children; Pur, Sri, and Tarjo. This successful and warm-looking lodging hides problems and conflicts. Pur, the eldest, could not escape the shadow of the sorrowful death of her future husband. Sri, dreams of becoming a band singer, which is currently hindered by the responsibilities given by Bu Broto at the Inn. Meanwhile, Tarjo is very difficult to find his college motivation. All these pent-up conflicts exploded during the scandal. Broto Family members should be able to solve this problem together according to their Inn motto: Family is Home.
Founded by the power couple, Ali and Sofia Khan, The Light is a training center that claims to be a self-betterment organization, focused on helping youths take charge of their life for a brighter future. But when three best friends join this organization, they soon realize that dark shadows lurk behind The Light and must find a way to escape.
Music Producer
When staff salaries get stolen at his school, a reluctant new teacher sets out to recoup the money and soon discovers the joys of teaching.
When staff salaries get stolen at his school, a reluctant new teacher sets out to recoup the money and soon discovers the joys of teaching.
Music Director
When staff salaries get stolen at his school, a reluctant new teacher sets out to recoup the money and soon discovers the joys of teaching.
Music Director
7 Anak Garuda face conflict in the absence of their mentor in Europe as they struggle to work through their differences to make this expensive trip their most memorable one.
Пережив нападение и попытку убийства, Майя решает уехать из города в деревню, где ей, как выясняется, достался по наследству дом. Местная община очень рада приезду девушки, ведь теперь они могут убить её, чтобы снять с деревни древнее проклятье.
Music Director
Ещё ребенком Санчака потерял родителей — отец погиб, отстаивая права рабочих, а мать уехала на заработки и не вернулась — с тех пор мальчик выживал самостоятельно. Нелегкая жизнь на улице научила его не только эффективно махать ногами, а и думать в первую очередь о собственной безопасности, но когда волна насилия захлёстывает город, мужчине приходится встать на сторону униженных и оскорбленных. А поскольку в результате удара молнии наш герой получил свехспособности, врагам простого народа придётся несладко.
Music Director
Aya, a journalist, is in the process of observing a murder case. The dead body is found in a dream forest. But this murder is not just an ordinary murder. There is a mist of mystery in it. The case drags her further and further into horror
Music Producer
An old diary containing dark secrets found by Naya, a novelist who has out of ideas for 3 years. This book is a good material for her latest novel, but something unexpected starts to happen.
Music Director
An old diary containing dark secrets found by Naya, a novelist who has out of ideas for 3 years. This book is a good material for her latest novel, but something unexpected starts to happen.
Music Director
A single mother and her young son discover a group of dirty and underfed children living in a mansion's attic. Upon saving them and returning them to their families, she has unknowingly snatched these children from their adopted mother - Wewe Gombel - and must now beware her vengeful wrath.
Music Producer
Uki or familiarly called Kokoh chooses to resign from his office to set up a laundry business. At the beginning, he has to deal with his employees who have various ridiculous personalities: Tiur, a receptionist who is very ignorant, Kendi and Deden who always make troubles at the ironing table .. However, Kokoh's biggest challenge is unexpected competition from Agustina, who suddenly sets up a laundry business right in front of her kiosk. Now, Kokoh must choose between business or the seed of love that slowly begins to grow.
Music Producer
Three siblings and their mother discover delights — and downsides — of sudden wealth when their father dies and his secret fortune is revealed.
Music Director
Three siblings and their mother discover delights — and downsides — of sudden wealth when their father dies and his secret fortune is revealed.
Music Director
After moving to a village in the forest, a young woman seeks to connect with her late father through a sacred well — but it houses a pernicious spirit.
After the bizarre death of their father, two siblings must uncover the root cause of their mother's sudden paranormal terror to save her.
Music Director
A successful lawyer attempts to connect with her teen daughter on an island vacation, where the phone signal is weak and the tension is strong.
Music Producer
1981 год, Индонезия. Когда-то бывшая популярной певицей мать четырёх детей несколько лет назад слегла и доживает последние дни. Семья о ней заботится, но сводить концы с концами становится все труднее — в звукозаписывающей компании говорят, что записи больше не продаются, поэтому комиссионных нет, и семья продаёт всё, что может. Когда женщина умирает, то сразу после похорон отец семейства отправляет в город, чтобы договориться о продаже дома, а оставшиеся с бабушкой дети начинают видеть и слышать призраков. Вскоре старшая дочь узнаёт о матери нечто странное.
1981 год, Индонезия. Когда-то бывшая популярной певицей мать четырёх детей несколько лет назад слегла и доживает последние дни. Семья о ней заботится, но сводить концы с концами становится все труднее — в звукозаписывающей компании говорят, что записи больше не продаются, поэтому комиссионных нет, и семья продаёт всё, что может. Когда женщина умирает, то сразу после похорон отец семейства отправляет в город, чтобы договориться о продаже дома, а оставшиеся с бабушкой дети начинают видеть и слышать призраков. Вскоре старшая дочь узнаёт о матери нечто странное.
Music Producer
Toni, Aghi, Bubu, and Saras get the task of making essays. They create a free school for street children but they chose to earn money than learn.
Music Producer
In this biopic, Christian Rahadi – aka Chrisye – overcomes early failures, family strife and anxiety to become one of Indonesia's legendary musicians.
DVD Seller
The new romance between a beauty salon worker and a subtitle writer for pirated DVDs gets pulled into danger when they view a forbidden recording.
A lost and disillusioned film director finds himself stuck in creative limbo. A way out presents itself in the form of a peculiar film project.