Bernard Déchet


Mother. Daughter. Killer.
Director of Photography
The kidnapping and murder of a young woman on France’s Mediterranean coast reawakens horrors of the past. Three years ago, criminologist Ariane’s cousin was killed and her mother, homicide inspector Sandra, was suspected to be involved in the case. When Sandra’s former boss invites her to help out on the new case, mother and daughter, who had a visceral falling-out over Elodie’s murder, have to join forces.
Преступление в Мартига
Director of Photography
Элизабет Ричард заместитель прокурора и Пол Янсак командир жандармской бригады снова ведут расследование в это время в Мартиге. Тело Пьера Сен-Флорана находится на пляже, в костюме для дайвинга. Вскрытие направляет двух следователей к преступлению, за которое подозреваемых не упускают! Семья, друзья, знакомые, тайна остаются нетронутыми, а другие преступления подождут... Провинциальное расследование, где прелюбодеяние, семейная злоба и невысказанные никогда не за горами.
Stavisky, l'escroc du siècle
Director of Photography
The story of the rise of Alexander Stravisky, a brilliant and seductive crook, in Paris of the roaring twenties. But unchecked greed and corruption does not go unpunished. The political decadence he feeds off will also cause his downfall.
Преступление в Эге-Морте
Director of Photography
Людовик Пессак, молодой адвокат в возрасте тридцати лет, убит в своем кабинете. За расследование отвечают заместитель генерального прокурора Элизабет Ричард и командующий жандармерии Пол Янсак. Совершено второе преступление. Николя Монфор, агент по недвижимости, найден мёртвым в бассейне виллы, череп разбит. Это создаёт волнения в Эга-Морта. Элизабет и Пол не верят в совпадение. Между тем, Пол Янсак вспомнил случай произошедший два года назад, нераскрытое изнасилование Клементины Гарсия. Затем новые анализы ДНК подчеркивают профиль двух жертв как подозреваемых. Элизабет Ричард и Пол Янсак должны будут разгадать преступление, которое окажется намного более сложным, чем оно может представится сразу...
The tramp of the Somme
Director of Photography
The unidentified body of a homeless man was found on a dune of the Somme. Fatally shot shotgun ... shot in the back. Pure accident? Homicide concealed? Intentional killing otherwise called "murder"? The local Gendarmerie Brigade is in charge of the case, under the direction of the Substitute Aurore Debac. To investigate the death of Vagabond of the Somme Bay, Dawn relies on the persistence of Staff of the Gendarmerie, non-standard methods, BEAUJOUR Paul, newly arrived, who knows nothing about codes region ...
Преступление в Лозере
Director of Photography
Тело местного влиятельного фермера с ножом в сердце найдено в пещере Ларзак. Улики указывают на молодого пастуха Жюльена Казаня, у которого с жертвой были напряженные отношения, и недавно между ними произошла публичная ссора. Отпечатки на орудии преступления точно принадлежат ему, но у него есть алиби, подтвержденное свидетелем…
Преступление в Авероне
Director of Photography
Убит человек в восточном Лагиоле, в Авероне, провинция Обрак. За расследование отвечает молодая Элизабет Ричард заместитель прокурора Родеза. Она должна иметь дело с враждебностью офицера жандармерии, продвигаемой силой его руки и не в восторге от подчинения женщины. Элизабет должна, прежде всего, разгадать путаницу предков и прорвать трудные тайны семей, чтобы разоблачить преступника.
La guerre du Royal Palace
Director of Photography
Between September 1940 and August 1944, luxury hotels are requisitioned by the Germans as staff headquarters, giving the hotels' employees a ringside seat of the enemy's secrets and activities. Such is the case with Royal Palace, run by Maxime and Solange Verdier, in which the Abwerth, the German counter-intelligence service, establishes its HQ.
The Two-Sided Mirror
Director of Photography
Alice is a happily married woman with Christophe, who loves her deeply despite suffering facial deformation. His life changes dramatically following a cosmetic operation, but also that of her husband, a man becomes extremely jealous and possessive.
Rencontre avec un tueur
Director of Photography
Man & Wife, Cop & Crook
Director of Photography
Marion is a high-powered cop. Luc is a gentleman thief. He thinks she's a lawyer, she thinks he's in real estate. They're married, with two kids, and are each blissfully ignorant of each other's double life.
La vie à une
Director of Photography
When she asks for a divorce, Elisa knows she's losing everything that made her daily life during ten years of marriage. The worst is that she may lose her children, claimed by her husband. She had only few months to rebuild. Find a job. Prove to the judge she can hold her family... A rebuilding that leads her to push her own limits, to put herself in danger, to learn how to trust people again and to discover a new herself... and, eventually, to fall in love again.
Dans la tête du tueur
Director of Photography
Jean-Francois Abgrall, today the head of a private detective agency, was just a simple provincial gendarme back in 1989 when he was assigned to investigate a murder on a beach. Instead, his investigation put him on the trial of one of France's most terrifying serial killers, Francis Heaulme, who for eight years wandered the country committing some of the most brutal murders in the annals of modern crime. This is the true story of that manhunt, a tale of terror, suspense and determination.
Трое волхвов
Director of Photography
Отправившись на поиски младенца Иисуса, чтобыпринести ему Святые Дары, трое царственных волхвов Мельхиор, Бальтазар и Гаспар совершенно неожиданно для себя переместились во времени на два тысячелетия. Отдавшись на волю Провидения, они после всевозможных передряг и злоключений оказываются в современном Париже.
The Slammer
Director of Photography
This French prison drama focuses on a penitentiary inmate known as the Mute, who either cannot or will not speak, even though he can apparently hear well enough. When the Mute's cellmate escapes, both the Warden and the Chief Guard try to get him to tell what he knows about the disappearance -- the Guard through violence, the Warden by transferring him to a new cell with four other prisoners and cutting off TV privileges to the inmates until the Mute spills the beans. One of the Mute's new roommates is a white collar criminal who has just landed in prison and is not dealing well with the pressures of life behind bars, but his skills with computers make him a very usefully ally among the prisoners. Meanwhile, Flic, a self-important police detective, is investigating the escape of the Mute's cellmate and is not happy with the low level of cooperation among the prison's population.
Une histoire d'amour à la con
Director of Photography
The love story of Pascal and Hélène who meet at Françoise's birthday party and the love story of Gérard, Pascal's confidant, and Françoise who invited Pascal and Hélène to her birthday party.
Porté disparu
Director of Photography
Twenty years after his disappearance and while everyone believes him dead, Jacques returns home incognito under the name Laurent Dupas. He finds his wife Hélène, who has remarried Eric, a bank manager. They all look happy. But behind this idyllic family picture lies a mystery.
Director of Photography
An anthology movie comprising four weird stories. Like the Twilight Zone movie but strictly played for laughs. There’s a bit of everything, car explosions, french debauchery, serial-killers, crazy broads, silly humor and naughty language…
Every Man for Yourself
Director of Photography
Georges Flavier, once renowned Parisian hairdresser, lives alone since the death of his son and the departure of his wife. One night, he saves a stranger from drowning in the Canal Saint-Martin.
Le sixième doigt
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
В фильме показан своеобразный мир-перевёртыш. Сам фильм состоит из нескольких новелл, описывающих основные страхи людей.
Дитя крови
Director of Photography
Дрессировщица Янка была оплодотворена древним паразитом, покинувшим тело африканской пантеры. Дитя внутри утробы требовало человеческой крови для своего развития, вынуждая женщину совершать дикие убийства.
Dancing in the Dust
Director of Photography
The chief of an African village, who is called 'Demi Dieu' because after God he is the owner of all the things, already has five wives. But as this is not enough he decides to find himself a sixth wife so that he has one for every day of the week except on Sunday when he uses to relax.
Adam et Ève
Director of Photography
Movie producer Léon Blachurpe is about to produce a big budget movie about Adam and Eve. In order to get the money, he agrees to hire ex movie star La Maldiva to play the lead part, but she's old and ugly, so the scenes are actually shot with the stunt woman !
Le c... de Marilyne
Camera Operator
Marilyne, a young French girl, is studying in Paris, where she lives a quiet and peaceful life in the company of Herve, a young faculty member. Her life is altered by the behavior of her mother Paula, a woman immersed in vice and corruption, dominated by an easy disposition to love the young people who come to her. Arrangement that leads her to feel a deep passion for her daughter's boyfriend, thus breaking the tranquility of the two young people.