Gyles MacDonald
The horny farmer McDonald has his wicked way with a goat. Life returns to normal for the family, until the goat gives birth! The mutant off spring, called Billy, is tormented by the Farmer's sons, only the daughter feels any pity for him. It isn't long before Billy, who keeps growing bigger, plans revenge..
Фильм повествует о жизни и преступной деятельности близнецов Рональда и Реджинальда, более известных как "братья Крэй" — бандитов, орудовавших в 1960-x годах в Лондоне.
Извечное противостояние добра и зла: сумасшедший, но обаятельный злодей Джокер — смертельная угроза для города Готэма. Бескомпромиссный и загадочный Бэтмен — его последняя надежда на спасение. Только герой-спаситель не желает раскрывать своё подлинное имя, и не только из скромности... Но настойчивая журналистка полна решимости узнать, кому жители Готэма обязаны всем...
Hard Hat
Сын высокопоставленного нациста в наше время оказывается распорядителем многомиллионного фонда. Деньги оставлены ему отцом, который под конец жизни раскаялся в своих грехах и настоял на том, чтобы сын с несколькими товарищами направил миллионы на благие дела. Но совершенно ясно, что у этого начинания оказалось много врагов. Главный герой оказывается в ловушке.
Трон погибшего короля Руритании должен занять принц Рудольф, живущий в Лондоне. Чтобы обезопасить наследника престола по дороге на родину, для принца находят двойника — извозчика Сида.
Mr. McCress
Молодая сирота Кейси (Джоди Фостер) и хитрый мошенник (Лео МакКерн) настроены найти клад. Но сначала они должены обхитрить владелецу усадьбы Кенделшу...
Duke Turnbeau (David Soul) has come to England, in the 1930s, as a way to improve his fortunes. For some reason, he believes that his larcenous ways will bring him prosperity in the country which at one time or another has had rulership over a large portion of the globe. While there, he meets Rosie McCratchit (Pamela McMyler), a lovely Irish gal who could do with some improvement in her fortunes as well. Together, they have a series of legal, quasi-legal and definitely illegal adventures, including Duke's cow-roping and Rosie's response to the mud-wrestling challenge of the Amazon Lady, as well as an attempted armored-car robbery.
Helicopter pilots help children to track down cattle rustlers.
The Carpenter
Действие картины развивается в средневековой Англии на постоялом дворе. В этом фильме режиссер сыграл роль Чосера, который является одним из слушателей четырех новелл, рассказанных путниками. Все новеллы картины пропитаны духом сладострастья и эротики, простотой нравов и юмором средневековой Англии.
Heart Attack Victim (uncredited)
A young policeman and a small-time crook are both involved with the same girl.
First Murderer
Роман Полански поставил противоречивую версию классической пьесы Шекспира о шотландском дворянине, которого погубило желание занять королевский трон. Это первый фильм режиссера после убийства его жены Шэрон Тэйт семьей Мэнсона. Насыщенный графическим насилием «Макбет» можно понять, как попытку изгнать демонов из собственной реальной жизни. В любом случае, возможно, это и не лучшая экранизация Шекспира, но определенно самое вдохновенное воссоздание холодного варварского духа тех времен. Грубость и кровавая жестокость на экране не самоцель или безответственность, а продуманная интерпретация, которая в меньшей степени поддается передаче обычными театральными приемами и техникой.
В один прекрасный вечер на пороге дома 221Б по Бэйкер-стрит появляется прекрасная бельгийка Габриэль Валладон и умоляет Холмса найти её пропавшего мужа. Хотя таинственный брат Майкрофт предупреждал Холмса не браться за это дело, Шерлок не отступает, и след приводит его в Шотландию, на берега знаменитого озера Лох-Несс, где Холмс и Ватсон лицом к лицу сталкиваются с легендарным чудищем...
Cafe Owner
Moon (Michael Latimer) is a mercenary who joins forces with two crooked cops in an attempt to steal 90 million dollars in gold from an Arab country decimated by political chaos. Sex, violence and mayhem accompany the group of double-crossing heavies who covet the purloined loot. A bevy of females willingly submit to seduction, and a sadistic homosexual murderer trails Moon and his malevolent gang for the gold in this compelling crime drama.
The wealthy playboy son of an assassinated South American diplomat discovers that his father was murdered on orders of the corrupt president of the country- a man who was his father's friend and who, in fact, his father had helped put into power. He returns from living a jet-set life in Europe to lead a revolution against the government, only to find out that things aren't quite as black and white as he'd assumed.
Из своих владений в Африке возвращаются два брата. В результате наложенного заклятия один из братьев превратился в монстра-убийцу, и его содержат взаперти в замке. Чтобы сбежать из заточения, он притворяется мертвым, и его случайно хоронят...
Mr. Gutteridge
The young inventors Dick and Jenny Brewster, build their own 'Hoverbug' and hope to win the race which has been organised for home-made Hovercraft, but their arch rivals, Charlie and Sydney, bend the rules by enlisting professional help and by employing devious means to sabotage the Hoverbug.
Book Person: Machiavelli's 'The Prince' (uncredited)
Мир будущего, в котором все письменные издания безжалостно уничтожаются специальным отрядом пожарных-огнеметчиков, а интерес к книгам и их хранение преследуются по закону. Сержант Гай Монтэг слепо выполняет приказы по уничтожению литературы, но встреча с юной Клариссой заставляет его переосмыслить свою жизнь. Он становится инакомыслящим — отщепенцем в тоталитарном обществе, читающем только комиксы.
Poker Player
Barney Lincoln is a rambling gambling man who scores sensational wins at poker and chemin de fer because he has succeeded in marking the original plates for the backs of all the playing cards manufactured in a plant in Geneva and used in all the gambling joints in Europe. In his gambling depredation, Barney is spotted by Angel McGinnis, the daughter of a Scotland Yard Inspector 'Manny' McGinnis on the lookout for a man to do a job. The inspector enlists Barney's help in playing poker with a shady London character whom Scotland Yard wants to force to financial ruin.
Норман - вполне счастливый продавец газет, но его дедушка (премьер-министр) хочет поручить ему "более ответственную работу". Несколько звонков, и Норман становится начинающим репортером в приморском городе Tinmouth... Фарс о коррупции в верхних и нижних эшелонах власти.
John Vichelski
What appears to be a cut-and-dried case of murder of an aging one time showgirl on Hampstead Heath by her lover is complicated by several factors, including a far more respectable paramour, and her insistence that a great inheritance was due her that nobody can verify.
When a woman begins to investigate her husband's mysterious death in a plane accident she discovers the involvement of a woman known simply as Diana.
Сотрудник муниципалитета, влюбившись в дочь владельца крупной автомобильной фирмы, пересаживается на старенький, но заслуженный «бентли» по имени «Быстрая леди». Обучиться вождению за короткий срок ему помогает приятель, продавец машин, а также возлюбленная; ворчит и противодействует - её отец.
The story of three children who find themselves with a friendly monster that grows at an alarming rate.
When Richard Logan, the partner in a safe making firm, is found unconscious, on an old deserted bomb site, he finds that he has no recollection of the last three weeks. Then he discovers that the private detective, hired by his wife, has been found murdered, and a safe that his firm installed in a large country house, has been cleverly opened, and the contents are missing. So with the help of his wife, he sets out to uncover the truth.
Tourist Guide
A French reporter working on a steamy story about the secret strip joints found in London's Soho district becomes involved in the lives of the owner and star of a famous club.
Able Seaman - Lookout on 'Suffolk' (uncredited)
В 1941 году линкор «Бисмарк», гордость немецкого флота, был спущен на воду и отправился в свой первый боевой поход. Спустя несколько дней он настиг и уничтожил мощный английский крейсер «Худ» со всем его экипажем. Уинстон Черчилль отдал приказ командующему военно-морскими операциями капитану Джонатану Шепарду найти «Бисмарка» и потопить его любой ценой.
Drunken Sailor
Edinburgh surgeon Dr. Robert Knox requires cadavers for his research into the functioning of the human body; local ne'er-do-wells Burke and Hare find ways to provide him with fresh specimens...
Sgt. Kasper
An American airbase in Canada provokes resentment from the nearby residents after fallout from nuclear experiments at the base are blamed for a recent spate of disappearances. A captain from the airbase is assigned to investigate, and begins to suspect that an elderly British scientist who lives near the base and conducts research in the field of mind over matter knows more than he is letting on..
Petty thief Willie Frith steals a suitcase full of bank notes, only to find out that they have been given all the same serial number. But this is only the start of his troubles, now he has to find a way of changing the notes, so he can impress the barmaid of his local pub.
Pte. Thomas
Tunis, 1943. Battle-weary troops of Company C have orders to occupy a derelict Tunisian farmhouse. They are to establish an artillery observation post, reporting on enemy movements before the imminent offensive to liberate Tunis. However German infantrymen discover their operations. The ensuing battle for control of this small piece of land will decide who controls Tunis but more critically, the victors in the battle of democracy versus fascism.
The Major
Humphrey assigns a "watchdog" to keep an eye on his wife Rose, whom he thinks is a thief. She isn't - but the watchdog is.
Профессор Куотермасс получает известие о метеоритном дожде, прошедшем над отдалённым районом Англии. Приехав туда вместе с коллегой Маршем, Куотермасс обнаруживает в глуши большой и хорошо охраняющийся научный комплекс, а позже находит и один из метеоритов. Когда Марш оказывается ранен выделившимся из метеорита веществом, со стороны комплекса приезжают вооружённые люди и безо всяких объяснений забирают Марша с собой. После этого Куотермасс решает разузнать, чем именно занимаются работающие в этом месте учёные.
When Johnny Matlock whisks away a cold war secret from under the noses of Berlin's top secret agents, his every move is followed when he returns to England. His girlfriend Paula is kidnapped but her handbag is discovered at the scene of the crime by the aristocratic private eye, Duke Martin. Inside it he discovers the secret formula that the agents are searching for and tracks down her sister Paula. As Johnny grows frantic for the safe return of his girlfriend, Duke Martin plays a deadly game of double bluff with the enemy agents.
An American is visiting Britain and finds himself in possession of a briefcase full of secret documents that the spies of many different countries seem determined to get.
A money-to-burn and girl-chasing Texas oilman, and a sensitive, dignified entomologist find themselves in charge of a brood of wild kids whose parents, both famous explorers, are reported lost while on an African safari.
Barney Wilson
Special investigator Duke Martin is in London to investigate the authenticity of a rare postage stamp called the Barbados Overplate. Someone is willing to commit murder to get his or her hands on the stamp, which puts a crimp in Duke's efforts to romance every beautiful woman he meets.
Peter Reynolds stars as Rex Banner, a newspaperman who makes it his life's mission to track down a vicious gang of thieves. When his informant winds up dead, Rex finds himself framed for murder.
Charlie Mead's Mate
Big screen spin off from the BBC TV series The Grove Family, ostensibly the first British soap opera. Bob Grove, a builder has problems with the council, over building supplies that he needs to complete a job on a local housing estate. Under pressure to finish the job, his son gets them from a local crook. When the council find out, they call in the police, so the Grove family get together, to clear themselves, in time for the grand opening.
Bennett, short henchman
A Thames River barge operator finds a mysterious package dropped by smugglers.
Robert Ayres plays a moody author with a suicide complex. Ayres' melancholia plays right into the hands of a gang of thieves. For a lofty fee, they convince the author to confess to their crimes and then kill himself. Yes, you're way ahead of us: Ayres has a change of heart and decides that he loves life. Delayed Action was produced by Robert Baker and Monty Berman, the men behind the popular 1960s TV adventure series The Saint.
Coffee Stallkeeper
A young woman is framed for the murder of a wealthy man who met his death at the hands of his heirs.
During autumn of 1944, an RAF Hudson carrying a VIP passenger in possession of highly secret information is shot down and ditches in the North Sea. Fighting the elements and trying to keep up morale, the occupants of the aircraft's dinghy talk about their lives awaiting the rescue they hope will come. The film's title reflects the motto of the RAF's Air Sea Rescue Service, one of whose high speed launches battles against its own mechanical problems, enemy action, time and the weather to locate and rescue the downed crew and the vital secret papers they carry.
An American realtor living in England is dissatisfied with what he believes to be his humdrum life. One weekend while his wife is out of town, he gives a ride to a woman he sees stranded on the road. One thing leads to another, and he soon finds himself enmeshed in a plot involving a diamond robbery, gangsters and murder.
Carter, boxing fan
A U.S. sailor (Scott Brady) docks in London and in three days tries to save his brother from the gallows.
The son of a college professor who turns to a life of crime after killing a pedestrian in an automobile accident.
The British inmates of a POW camp think they have an informer among them after several escape attempts fail. One of the prisoners constructs a dummy which they christen "Albert" and use at roll call in order to foil the German guards.
Ted Birston
Suave private investigator Norman Conquest intercepts a secret message and meets a beautiful but foreign blonde lady in room 605 of the Park Plaza hotel. But when Conquest wakes up in the room the next morning he is lying next to a dead body. With the mysterious blonde nowhere to be seen, Conquest soon becomes the police s number one suspect with Inspector Williams following his every move. In order to clear his name, Conquest enlists the help of Pixie Everard (Joy Shelton), but the going gets rough when he discovers that the murder is connected to a stash of stolen diamonds. As gun-happy gangs of communists and Nazi sympathizers turn up the heat, Conquest has to solve the murder whilst staying one step ahead of both the gangs and the police.
American Sergeant
Steve MacKendrick resigns from the US Army after causing the needless death of a fellow officer. Wanting to serve in the war, he enlists as a Canadian in the British 1st Parachute Brigade. He proves himself exceptionally skilled for a recruit, arousing the suspicion of his commanding officer who starts an investigation. He redeems himself during combat. The film was titled "Paratrooper" in the US.
A jeweller is killed in a gang robbery leaving the daughter as the only witness. When the police can't build a case against him she decides to go undercover to infiltrate the home of the killer's brother. Slowly she is drawn into the world of the rival gangs.
A Polish boy runs away from his unkind foster mother in Edinburgh and finds a new home in a lakeside village for orphans of all nations, after encountering trouble through his innocent implication in a robbery.
Trumpeter (Uncredited)
Наступает время для традиционного пробега старинных автомобилей из Лондона в Брайтон, а Алан МакКим и Амброуз Клеверхауз, похоже, не остановятся в своих попытках доказать превосходство друг над другом, несмотря на их дружбу.
'The Mae McCleod' Captain
An adventurer investigates the theft of a formula for hardened steel, assisted by his girlfriend.
A British comedy about a struggling artist and his wife living on a houseboat. To raise money she pawns him! His new family takes a liking to him particularly the daughter! The wife tries to redeem her husband but finds she has lost the pawn ticket. In a short matter of time, the whole incident becomes a national sensation. Eventually, the husband arrives back at the houseboat just in time to prevent the wife from leaving him.
Jersey Sailor
A British Sanitary Engineer, goes on holiday with a set of plans for a new secret weapon which he has mistaken for his new plumbing invention. Everyone is hunting for him, including the Russians. The Russians find him and offer him a job in the Kremlin doing research (on plumbing he believes). He accepts, arrives in Russia and falls in love with Tania, a secret agent. And then discovers the true nature of the plans he is carrying...
Private eye Edward Mercer travels to Venice to locate a man due a reward for his aid in the war. Shortly after arriving, he becomes the prime suspect in the murder of his local contact. In his quest to clear his name, Mercer uncovers a conspiracy. Even the local magistrate seems to be working against him, and Mercer begins to suspect the man he came to find is behind it all.
Joey Long
When police inspector Gerald Blake wants to infiltrate a London stolen-goods gang, he does a thorough job of it. First, he robs a jewelry store, gets caught and is sentenced to prison. Then he teams up with gang-member Joey to make their escape. Once in the gang, Blake identifies the boss, Larry, and most of the other thieves, but not the "inside man." As a big fur job looms closer, the detective's task is complicated by the playful but seductive advances of Judy, a dazzling blonde who happens also to be the jealous Larry's girl friend.
Chubby Price
A model’s scheme to murder a millionaire with the intention of inheriting his fortune is uncovered by a police constable.
Lefty Brown
The former wife of a criminal moves to a coastal town and takes over the running of a bar known as The Quiet Woman. She becomes outraged when she discovers the previous owner had allowed local smugglers to use it as a base. She soon has become romantically involved with one of the smugglers, which causes enormous problems when a customs officer turns up, followed closely by her former husband.
American Soldier (uncredited)
A young woman, Judith Moray, deserts her prospective fiance, the nice doctor Alan Kearn, for an old flame, the dashing but roguish former wing commander Bill Glennan. Glennan makes her pregnant and marries her, but leaves her on the morning after the wedding when he learns that her father can't offer him financial support. Two years later she - having been told that Glennan is dead - has married Kearn and borne him a son. But then Glennan suddenly reappears and begins to blackmail her.
While casing a bank he intends to rob, gangster Leo discovers one of the clerks, Antonio, is his exact double. He kidnaps Antonio and robs the bank, posing as Antonio. But Leo hadn't accounted for the involvement of Antonio's wife, Dorothy.
Joe the Burglar explains how he goes about his job for the benefit of the audience, providing a lesson in how to avoid being broken into.
Male Billet Sergeant (uncredited)
Западная послевоенная Германия восстанавливается при поддержке союзнических войск. Бывшие любовники Анри Рошар - капитан французский армии и девушка Кэтрин Гэйтс - лейтенант армии США только что выяснили отношения и решили больше не встречаться. Но начальству до этого нет дела, полковник дает этой рассорившейся парочке поручение добраться в один дальний городок и найти скрывающегося нацистского ученого. Герои отправляются в путь. Им предстоит проехать немало километров на трофейном мотоцикле с коляской, ввязаться в вереницу приключений, вновь понять, что они любят друг друга и в итоге оформить брак в местной канцелярии и церкви. Но на этом история не заканчивается. Анри решает покинуть родные края и уехать вместе с молодой женой в США, но военная бюрократия ставит барьеры на их пути...
American Sailor Promoting Book
A British psychiatrist devises a devilish revenge plot against his wife's lover.
Jim Kennedy
Elderly crook Harry Denton, when challenged to prove he is "not past it," decides to kidnap Sheila Farlane, the 16 year old daughter of a famous actor. When Harry loses his nerve, Sheila won't let him give up.
Customers at the Melody Club are burgled while attending the the club. A detective investigates.
Crook (uncredited)
A young woman leaves her backwards hometown to go to London to find a runaway suitor. What she doesn't know is that she has inherited a strange ability; if she's in the vicinity of a machine for more than fifteen minutes, it stops working.
A detective gets involved with a wealthy socialite who can't seem to stop hiccuping.
A man and his wife take to their house some men they rescue from a road crash and then find they have picked up some dangerous criminals.
Reporter (uncredited)
A confirmed bachelor and a woman who claims to hate men get together and find romance.
Spies pursue a stolen diary aboard the Orient Express.
Взросля дочь богача — мисс Блендиш, была похищена с целью выкупа и попала в руки банды под руководством престарелой преступницы Ма Гриссон. Вначале все пошло по плану, но потом события приняли неожиданный оборот…
Comic adventures of an 11-year-old boy and his neighborhood pals.
Design for Loving is a 1962 British comedy film directed by Godfrey Grayson and starring June Thorburn, Pete Murray and Soraya Rafat. Its plot concerns a beatnik who becomes a top fashion model. It is also known by the alternative title Fashion for Loving.