A guy is about to become the millionth citizen to buy a car in Rome. Frightened, he decides to remain pedestrian, and recalls several stories, with new car owners as protagonists. Episodic comedy.
Luca, a petrol dealer, marries a magazine dancer, Ippolita, a girl who likes to be courted by the many passing motorists. One day, the woman discovers that her husband has betrayed her with Adriana. Ippolita decides her revenge: she assures Luke that she will keep her duties as a wife only when she too has allowed herself similar distractions. Through a series of animated events, the two resume married life: but Luca will not be able to know if Ippolita was really unfaithful to him.
С 786 года н.э. начались походы викингов на Британию, где они захватывали земли и основывали свои королевства. После разгрома британцами королевства короля Харальда, его дети оказались разделены. Один сын был увезён оставшимися в живых викингами на родину, а другой подобран на поле боя и воспитан британской королевой Элис. Спустя 20 лет они встречаются — король викингов Эрон, возглавивший поход отмщения на Британию и Эрик, герцог Хэлфорд, назначенный командующим королевским флотом для отражения нашествия...
Pasquale Grifone, who lives in Naples with his family, receives in a dream the visit of Dante Alighieri. The poet suggests to the man, clouded by the fumes of alcohol, four numbers to play.