Lo Kwan-Hung

Рождение : 1919-09-29,

Смерть : 2009-03-08


The Eternal Love
Director of Photography
Tragedy strikes two pairs of lovers and a family, just three days after a happy marriage.
Neighbours All
Director of Photography
The film features a conflict between a young wife and her mother-in-law, depicting the lives of ordinary people and their profound problems.
The Dividing Wall
A 50's Chinese film that reflects the post-war society, expresses idealism and pleads to return to the homeland.
The Dividing Wall
Director of Photography
A 50's Chinese film that reflects the post-war society, expresses idealism and pleads to return to the homeland.
The Nanhai Fisherman's Song
The film tells the story of fishermen in a fishing village in the South China Sea, who have suffered from exploitation by Yan Jianping, the owner of the lucrative fish pens, who has driven down fish prices.