Ferdinand Grandrieux


Несмотря на ночь
Музыкант Ленц покидает Англию и отправляется на поиски своей возлюбленной Мадлен, исчезнувшей в Париже при таинственных обстоятельствах. Встреча с медсестрой Элен, оплакивающей смерть сына, и компанией, снимающей снафф-муви, становится для Ленца началом болезненных отношений, полных скорби, страсти, ревности, саморазрушения… и освобождения.
It May Be That Beauty Has Strengthened Our Resolve - Masao Adachi
The first in a planned series of films about radical filmmakers by film critic Nicole Brenez and filmmaker Philippe Grandrieux, It May Be That Beauty Has Strengthened Our Resolve is a portrait of Masao Adachi, who emerged during the Japanese New Wave of the 1960s as a screenwriter for Nagisa Oshima and Koji Wakamatsu, and directed a series of avant-garde films that grafted radical politics to the sexploitation genre. A 1971 visit to a Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) training camp while on the way back from Cannes resulted in Adachi's most infamous film, the agit-prop documentary Red Army/PFLP: Declaration of World War, which he co-directed with Wakamatsu. Soon after, Adachi joined a splinter cell of the Japanese Red Army in Lebanon, where he stayed from 1974 until he was deported to Japan in 1997 to serve time for passport violations.