Caroline Lee


Месть от кутюр
Fashionable Relative
Гламурная женщина возвращается в родной город, откуда уехала еще ребенком после обвинения в убийстве. Жители городка сначала не принимают ее, но постепенно она завоевывает расположение местных дам благодаря остроумию и умению кроить безупречные наряды.
When the Wind Changes
The once full, fresh waters of Lake Denial are rapidly receding leaving bogan residents Jack, Kevin and Blandy with an uphill battle in keeping their charter boat business afloat - literally. But when a supernatural event alters Jack and Kevin's ability to function, just getting by becomes a whole new problem. A comedy that sorts out the sinkers from the swimmers.
Dogs in Space
The place is Melbourne, Australia 1978. The punk phenomenon is sweeping the country and Dogs In Space, a punk group, are part of it. In a squat, in a dodgy suburb, live a ragtag collection of outcasts and don't-wanna-be's who survive on a diet of old TV space films, drugs and good music. And the satellite SKYLAB could crash through their roof at any moment...