Alessandro Valenti


Post Producer
Fornovo, Parma. A grandson trying to communicate with his grandfather, who passed away. A Ouija board to assist him. A situation from which it seems difficult to get out.
Экранизация одноименного романа Альберто Моравиа. Рим, наши дни. Мариаграция Арденго и ее дети Микеле и Карла остаются без средств к существованию. Жадный до денег любовник Мариаграции Лео разрабатывает план с целью отнять у семьи последнюю собственность - чердак на котором они живут. Микеле пытается помешать планам Лео, но когда его попытки терпят крах, за дело берется юная Карла.
The Ark of Disperata
At Disperata, a small town in Southern Italy, the melancholy mayor Filippo Pisanelli feels terribly unfit for his role. Only a love of poetry and his passion for the literature lessons he gives to prison inmates admit a chink of light into his general state of depression. In jail he meets Pati, a small-time criminal from his own town. Pati and his brother Angiolino were dreaming of becoming the mafia bosses of Capo di Leuca, but the encounter with art changes everything and an unusual friendship between the three men will lead them to make courageous choices.