Стамбул, 17-век, времена правления молодого султана Мурада IV. Два друга, Хезарфен Ахмет Челеби и Хасан Лагари Челеби одержимы идеей летать. Хасан строит ракеты, наращивая их мощность и надеясь долететь до луны, полагая, что до нее не так уж и далеко. Ахмет же одержим иным планом – летать подобно птицам. Используя попавшие к нему в руки бумаги Леонардо да Винчи, он строит балансирный планер. А их друг, журналист и летописец Эвлия Челеби записывает все это в свои хроники, благодаря которым имена этих людей сохранились до наших дней. Но на дворе все-таки 17-й век..
The film tells the tale of a man who gets involved in smuggling. Hasan works as a steward on a ship. During their trip to Marseilles, he makes a deal with an Armenian man to smuggle goods into İstanbul. He brings the goods with his friend Yakup to İstanbul without being caught at customs. Several times, he calls furrier Nubar who is to receive the goods, yet he cannot reach him. This worries Hasan and Yakup who want to deliver the goods without being caught. Unable to contact Nubar, Hasan goes to the shop of the other partner, Leon. He learns that Nubar has been arrested after a tip off was made. Leon is also afraid and tells Hasan to take the goods back. Wanting to get the job done, Hasan will make the deal he wants with Leon. (Meltem İşler Sevindi)
Topal Kadir
Ahmet Bedevi, also known as Tarzan of Manisa, was born in 1900 in Baghdad to become a soldier, fighting in the War of Independence and honored with a medal. He returned to a ruined and destroyed Manisa in 1923. Bedevi started working at the Municipality as a fireman and a gardener. He became the pioneer and symbol of planting activities. Because of the soft climate of the area, he first wore a vest and trousers and then he started wandering about in the town in his shorts. The people of Manisa saw his resemblance to Tarzan because of his clothes, and always cherished him with love. Tarzan of Manisa lived in the mount Spilylus, ignoring all his individual needs but working for a greener environment. He died on 31st May, 1963. However, he has never been forgotten by the locals; on the contrary, he was immortalized for the things he did for Manisa and people followed his example.
A child witnesses a murder. He is chased by the murderer to an empty building. The child tries to reach help by telephone.
Kadir, a retired gangster finds a troubled young woman on the road and takes her home for help. Soon they fall in love, but her past endangers their future.
Two master thieves try to outdo each other to be the sole owner of the loot.
Arap Celal (voice)
Событие происходит в Египте в 19 веке. Семьи Теллиоглу и Сефероглу ведут ожесточенную борьбу друг с другом за Зеленую долину, самое ценное место Александрии. Правительственные чиновники не могут решить, кто принадлежит долине. Семьи Теллиоглу и Сефероглу ведут ожесточенную борьбу, чтобы захватить Лейлу , дочь Давер-бея, величайшего государственного служащего Александрии, чтобы захватить Зеленую долину. Дейвер Бей решает отдать Лейлу Сеферогуллари. В этом случае Теллиогуллари Шабан , слуга дома для большой торпеды, известен как Тосун-паша, самый замечательный и внушительный паша Каирского дворца. Шабан Теллиоглу, замаскированный под Тосуна Пашу, действовал как близкий друг старшего сына Лютфю Лютфю
İlhan Hemşeri (voice)
Atilla the Hun, Tarkan its power in order to bring the sword to the floor at the pursuit of the enemy's appointed.
Sema leaves from her husband in the case of suspicion. Then, Sema tries to get free from her suspicion. Does she achieve and turn back her husband?
Foto Muhabiri
Whilst on a picnic a teacher and her young student accidentally stumble across a murder victim and unwittingly become the target of the murderer.
Baki Tamer (voice)
Depiction of the life of the legendary Muslim Serdar of Malatya, Battal Gazi.
Nermin is a factory owner's daughter whose car broke and Orhan, a poor factory worker who also writes music, fixed it.They fall in love with each other but her family does not allow this relationship.
Two close friends spend their lives stealing. The mafia unites against them.
Faik Coşkun and Osman Han (voice)
A blind panhandler girl as an idealist dreamer joins three cronies in a supper, after which the cronies decide to rob a rich man's villa to collect enough money for her to recover from blindness. But they'd never guessed what would happen when her eyes see the daylight.
Yusuf Sezer (voice)
Tarkan Versus the Vikings, Turkey’s answer to the Italian sword and sandal films, is more fun than the proverbial barrel of monkeys and just as crazed. Everything in this movie is energetic, outsized, colorful and wacky, from Tarkan’s mighty moustache to the Vikings’ red and blue fuzzy underoos. Tarkan doesn’t just walk around, like Hercules - he runs, he leaps, he literally bounces from place to place. The gigantic melees capture the frenetic flavor of old Errol Flynn movies, but up the ante of sex and violence to please ‘70s moviegoers. It’s like Conan the Barbarian done on $10,000 and amphetamines. - CSB
Bahri Kaplan (voice)
Doktor (voice)
A young girl's adventures in Paris, where she visits after befriending a rich boy.
Lütfü Engin (voice)
A photographer who is a well known criminal gets his hands full when an old flame reporter starts throwing him in the headlines.
There is a tense love between Gelincik and Ali, who grow up together. Ali, who can't stand the coming and going of Gelincik, is about to leave the cergi, and he falls into prison because of Gelincik's slander.
A man tracks down the thugs that killed his son and family.