Joe Wally
Герой этой картины, Чак Нолан, — сотрудник всемирно известной службы доставки «Federal Express». Чак — скрупулёзный практик и неисправимый педант. Жизнь Нолана, высокопоставленного инспектора международных отделений «FedEx» расписана по минутам. И этих драгоценных минут катастрофически не хватает ни на личную жизнь, ни на любимую женщину.
Однако, безжалостная судьба заставила Нолана иначе взглянуть на отпущенное ему время... Самолёт, на котором путешествует Чак, падает в океан. Инженер, единственный, кому посчастливилось остаться в живых, попадает на необитаемый остров. Здесь Нолану предстоит провести мучительно долгие годы в жестокой битве за выживание...
Ike Godsey
In 1964, John-Boy Walton is planning his wedding to Janet Gilchrist, the editor of a New York fashion magazine and the daughter of a diplomat. The two of them plan a small wedding and he invites the family and friends from Walton's Mountain to come to New York for the celebration. However, Janet's Aunt Flo has other ideas and begins to take over their wedding preparations. Added to the wedding plan stress, John-Boy is also trying to write an article about his Grandma, but decides that he needs to go home to escape the wedding preparations, as well as to reunite with his grandmother and fill in some gaps leaving Janet in New York trying to prevent her wedding from getting out of hand. But she too leaves the city and heads for Walton's Mountain to plan their wedding there.
Ike Godsey
The fourth Waltons reunion TV movie is set in the 1960s , with John-Boy still living in New York, trying to persuade his fiancée to marry him. Meanwhile, Ben and Cindy's daughter Virginia has died, and Cindy is finding life very lonely without her. She tells Ben that she would dearly love to adopt another baby, but Ben feels that it is not a good idea. Ben argues with his father about buying a new truck for their lumber company, but John keeps insisting that they can't afford it. Elsewhere, Erin now has three children and is separated from Paul. Her decision to start seeing another man causes some indignation among the other Walton family members. Ike and Corabeth become grandparents when Aimee has a daughter, while Elizabeth returns from Europe and reunites with Drew, her old beau.
Father Minnelli
Four male friends are reunited after not being in contact with each other for several years. However, the meeting place is Purgatory, the afterlife state of limbo between heaven and hell. In Purgatory, these friends reflect on their pasts while they were living. They especially focus on their years in Catholic School and their coming of age. This film talks a lot about sexual issues. One of the characters is an 18-year old sent to Vietnam who dies without ever losing his virginity and there is a middle-aged, homosexual alcoholic playwright who has still has problems dealing with his identity.
Ike Godsey
Most of the Waltons have split up in the days approaching Thanksgiving 1947. But most of the family begins to arrive at Walton's Mountain begging with John-Boy recovering from a case of writers block in New York followed by Jason now a struggling musician as well as John Walton whom tries to get everyone together for the special event for Elizabeth, while newlyweds Erin and Paul plan to move out of the Walton homestead.
Ike Godsey
Mary Ellen marries Jonesy but they don't exactly have a good start.
Ike Godsey
Erin Walton is considering marrying her boyfriend Paul but her old boyfriend Ashley, who left for the war and married someone else, lived through his wife's death and would like to get Erin back, but Paul is not going to give her up so easily. Also Mary Ellen's boyfriend Jonesy who's a veterinarian is trying to establish a practice but everybody doesn't think he is competent. And Ben who has been minding the lumber business while their father's with their ailing mother in Arizona is having some problems and everybody's worried that he's digging himself a hole that he might not get out of.
Gas Station Attendant
Wayne Newton stars as an accused thug hiding out at a camp for blind children.
Poor pretty Patty. An "average American girl," she goes on a quiet date with her boyfriend and ends up getting raped by three psychotic thugs. Too embarrassed to report it to the police and advised by her boyfriend to "forget the whole thing".
Jock McGee
A gang of career criminals plots the robbery of an armored car company's headquarters. Although the robbery itself goes off as planned, it's not long before the gang members are fighting among themselves over everybody's share of the loot and trying to avoid capture by the police, who are pouring all their resources into capturing the robbers. Based on a real-life 1950 Brinks Armored Car Co. robbery in Boston.
Two bunglers (Tom Ewell, Mickey Rooney) rob a bank and buy a racehorse, then try to rob another bank.
Planned kidnapping goes awry when gang leader falls for the victim.
Delivery Boy
Кэти Фергюсон ведет колонку в одной из газет Сан-Франциско. Однажды в редакцию газеты заходит лейтенант полиции Билл Дойл. Он видит Кэти, и… уже очень скоро они становятся мужем и женой. Кэти решает оставить работу и заняться домом, но ее не устраивает то, что у Билла нет никаких амбиций, и он не стремится получить повышение по службе. Кэти решает «продвинуть» мужа, даже если для этого понадобится совершить преступление…