Marc Thelosen


A journey at high altitude seen through the eyes of three mysteriously connected hikers. After their coincidental meeting we follow these three on their personal odysseys. The levels of concentration they exhibit in trying to avoid mistakes makes their experience of the overwhelming landscape even more intense.
Драматическая реконструкция событий, произошедших в 2007 году в нидерландском городе Гронинген, когда на секс-вечеринках гостям, накачанным наркотиками, вкалывали кровь ВИЧ-инфицированных.
Finity Calling
An endless void stretches out behind the windows of a large room. Only windows, no doors. It’s empty except for five people sitting at a table that seats six. Their withered bodies adorned with lush fabrics and jewelry, they spend eternity playing with their food. A charged silence fills the air. Any violation of the strict social rules is immediately suppressed by the others. When the fragile equilibrium in the group is finally broken by the boy’s constant pestering, things start spiraling out of control. His mother tries her best to protect both him and herself from the consequences but playing this double role comes at a high price.
Овечий герой
Около 10 лет назад кинорежиссер Тон ван Зантвоорт познакомился со Стейном, идеалистом с веселой, расслабленной натурой. Стейн - один из последних оставшихся голландских пастухов, работающих традиционным способом. Мы видим пастуха, его овец и трех его верных собак, которые пересекают природные заповедники и сельскохозяйственные угодья, чтобы стадо могло пасти землю экологически чистым способом. Но в наши дни мало что осталось от романтики и мира, который мы связываем с многовековой традицией овцеводства. Тендеры все труднее приобретать - конкуренция со стороны крупных компаний, дешевых восточноевропейских пастухов и интеллектуальных машин.
The Gap
Man is a cubical shaped figure who rectifies all bumps and humps in order to keep his desolate world flat. His confrontation with a little red ball, that loves to create gigantic holes, messes up his ideal of a perfect straight world.
To Stay Alive: A Method
Iggy Pop reads and recites Michel Houellebecq’s manifesto. The documentary features real people from Houellebecq’s life with the text based on their life stories.
Boys on Film 14: Worlds Collide
Worlds collide in more ways than one in this stunning collection. Confidence is violated, classes clash and desire is concealed, yet love still triumphs regardless of the consequences.Boys On Film 14: Worlds Collide features nine new, powerful, and dramatic short films: Lee Haven Jones's "Want It" starring Jamie Cutler and Alan Turkington; Sophy Holland and Alicya Eyo's "Brace" starring Jake Graf and Harry Rundle; Mauro Mueller's "A World For Raúl" starring Alexandré Barceló and Adrián Alonso; Dennis Shinners's "Barrio Boy" starring Dennis Garcia and Dan Leonard; Darwin Serink's "Aban + Khorshid" starring Mojean Aria and Bobby Naderi; Jan-Dirk Bouw's "I ♥ Hooligans"; Christopher Bradley's "The Violation" starring Slade Pearce, Elaine Hendrix, and Shayne Topp; Rafael Aidar's "The Package" starring Jefferson Brito and Victor Monteiro; and Søren Green's "An Afternoon" starring Ulrik Windfeldt-Schmidt and Jacob Ottensten.
I ♥ Hooligans
A football hooligan feels unconditional love for his club. However, being gay, he has to hide his identity in order to survive in this world that is so precious to him.
The Boy is Gone
A young boy pursues his dream of being a pilot and becomes instrumental to a nation's nightmare.
The World as a Collection
An obsessive collector (Erik Fens) creates his own scrapbook world. The film presents analyses of the collecting impulse based on Freudian theorie and Buddhism.